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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4388268 No.4388268 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/, I've never been here and I was looking for a place to put this thread. It relates to psychology/biology in regards to behavioural symptoms with solitary confinement.

Imagine if a baby was born, lets say she is 1 year old. She has learnt some cognitive skills, she can stand, she can say mamma and dadda but that's it. Now imagine you stealing that baby and keeping it in solitary confinement for at least 10 years.

You're in complete control of what she can learn, what she can think, what she can think is right and wrong. Imagine the possibilities. She has received not one bit of information about the media, she knows nothing of the outside world. You could make her think giving you a blowjob every day is the morally right thing to do! This is like stockholm syndrome but the difference is she never knew anything different before being captured.

Of course this would be rape, kidnapping, enslavement and 50 other things. But wow, does anyone imagine the possiblities of this? Are the books/research on this?

pic extremely related

>> No.4388270

Written like a true pedophile rapist OP.