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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 53 KB, 600x800, 1324870037167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4385605 No.4385605 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: get a girlfriend

listen, /sci/

here is what you have to do

go up to her, tell her she looks like an interesting person and you would like to know her

go out a couple of times, keep contact, gradually enter her life, don't force anything, if it doesn't work, move on

after a minimum of 3 months start being more than friends. actually care about her, but don't give everything away

let go of your insecurities (no benefit whatsoever, only loss. They like a man that is confident, all of them.) and:
just. do. it.
you'll thank me one day
or keep regretting not doing it.

It is up to you.

>> No.4385621
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What do I have to do when "going out"?


>> No.4385627

>after a minimum of 3 months

I lol'd.

>> No.4385634

Girlfriends are useless and annoying, fuckbuddies and one night stands are infinitely superior.

Also saged and reported for not science or mathematics. I hope you get banned, shitting up this board with /b/ shit.

>> No.4385647

>hey, you seem pretty interesting, I'd like to get to know you, what's that you're reading there?
>1. None of your business
>2. Awkwardly: Oh uh, just [book] (get away from me please this is weird)
>3. Just [book]. (Conversation continues and she's nice enough to seem interested but then avoid me every day thereafter).

This is what happens when you're ugly like me OP.

>> No.4385655
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But i only want to have sex. I dont want a girlfriend. I dont have time/money for a girlfriend.

>> No.4385656

We are not /v/, we don't want gf.

We want to be immortal asexual scientific cyborgs colonizing the universe and conquering time and space with the power of knowledge.

If there is anything standing in our way, it needs to be conquered. That includes reproductive urges.

We seek to be Gods.

>> No.4385661

>implying I didn't just slam my girlfriend

>> No.4385681


>> No.4385684


I give a fuck about sex. I want someone to love.

>> No.4385686
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>mfw some what good advice

>> No.4385689
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>If there is anything standing in our way, it needs to be conquered. That includes reproductive urges.

> conquering reproductive urges
>instead of conquering bunch of wimminz

you got fucked up by your own logic

>> No.4385691
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>I give a fuck about sex.

>> No.4385693



>> No.4385704

But microcosm and macrocosm already loves you, sciborg! They are asking for your attention, why did you friendzone them ? ;_:

>> No.4385729
File: 26 KB, 348x500, 000000200457-bar_refaeli-fullsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an "almost nsfw, but the mods can't actually do anything about it thread."

>> No.4385732
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>> No.4385736
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>> No.4385742
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>> No.4385743

I would have redirected you to /s/, but these women are neither sexy nor beautiful.

>> No.4385745
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>> No.4385747
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hurr durr so edgy XD

>> No.4385748

Not edgy, I just don't have low standards like you.

>> No.4385751
File: 49 KB, 610x797, 000000207796-bar_refaeli-fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, that's awesome! This is the first time someone's told me I have low standards.

>> No.4385756

Maybe because it's the first time that you spam proof of your low standards.

>> No.4385759

This is what /sci/ wants.
Not your weak-minded creatures with big chests.

>> No.4385760
File: 46 KB, 600x582, 3ae1b152ea083a302cd7c88587f00e2d1055a5b9..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I've dumped refaeli before

>> No.4385764
File: 60 KB, 634x416, 1287661237266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda run out of borderline nsfw pics...

>> No.4385771

Why do you do this?

>> No.4385800
File: 75 KB, 556x800, 000000282139-bar_refaeli-fullsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes females attractive /sci/?

>> No.4385807
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To make you mad.

>> No.4385887

ITT: Op's guide to the friendzone.

>> No.4385914

>I... uh... thanks..?

/sci/ would find a way

>> No.4385941

I love it most people on /sci/ think in order to do maths and physics they have to be autistic savants who have no time for women. But, look at Richard Feynman, complete player, Carl Sagan fucked like a boss, even Ben Franklin was banging everyone. Moral of the story get laid it doesn't affect your ability to figure out the universe.

>> No.4385958

>Richard Feynman
>Carl Sagan fucked
>Ben Franklin

Three people who's mental and romantic prowess is exaggerated. Except for Ben Franklin, he fucked a lot of bitches.

>> No.4385961

>>after a minimum of 3 months

>I lol'd.

I lol'd.

>> No.4385965

>>>after a minimum of 3 months

>>I lol'd.

>I lol'd.

I lol'd

>> No.4385969

Meh, for Carl Sagan you have valid argument. Richard on the other hand......No.

>> No.4385973
File: 146 KB, 477x354, tumblr_ltgc4mGjPD1qepzvro1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what?! why not?!

>> No.4385977

>>>>after a minimum of 3 months

>>>I lol'd.

>>I lol'd.

>I lol'd

i didnt

>> No.4385980

Scientists is ne thing. The one who is singing his name on the highest ranking studies is another. In a lot of parts science/academia is about glamor. The real ageeks however don't get laid, no confidence, no nothing.

>> No.4385990

>dat feel when your brain is full of fuck
I actually stared at the screen for a minute thinking these posts had the same number.

>> No.4386003
File: 22 KB, 261x323, 1292825145535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you are mentally retarded.

>> No.4386021


Feynman is just a happy bed time story normalfags tell themselves to think they'll achieve some great scientific discovery, and aspies tell themselves to think they can mack on bitches.

Both positions are delusional, Feynman wasn't even that great, physics is easy. Bitches are easy. Deal with it faggots.

>> No.4386029

>physics is easy

Then you should be able to easily solved all those unsolved problems in physics. Come on, it should be easy for you.

>> No.4386031
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>> No.4386050
File: 21 KB, 400x300, prince of not mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever helps you sleep at night. You'll never be famous. I will live at least another 80 years and will never hear your name. It's better to accept the truth and go from there. Instead Feynman worshipers delude themselves into thinking they can be big shot scientists who get mad pussy. Again, whatever helps you sleep as night

>> No.4386056

Schrödinger came up with his famous equation between two fucks with his girlfriend in the Alps.

>> No.4386061

This advice is terrible. Most beta post of the day

>> No.4386064

fuck this fucking cancer. Fuck you OP.

>> No.4386065
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Look at you. You completely got me. You must be some kind of genius right? Yeah, because everybody who likes feynman really cares about beign famous and all that stuff that he considered bullshit.

>> No.4386070
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>> No.4386071
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Right, its me who is mad.

>> No.4386073
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>> No.4386080

>I love it most people on /sci/ think in order to do maths and physics they have to be autistic savants who have no time for women

No one is claiming that. All we're saying is we don't want to be a slave to our dicks like normalfags.


Yeah, keep bringing up that name whenever sex is brought up. There are a lot more brilliant men who isn't like Feynman than there are.

>> No.4386127

Slaves to our dicks? Wow, what about having a relationship, falling in love? Slaves to our dicks, I think the only thing your a slave too is your own sense of insecurity and inability to show emotion. Believe it or not you can talk to a girl and get in a relationship with her because you want to connect. I fail to see the logical connection between repression of basic human emotions, to a level of heightened intellectualism and reasoning.

>> No.4386159

>Believe it or not you can talk to a girl and get in a relationship with her because you want to connect

Yes, but why would you want to? You could have more meaningful conversations with cleverbot.

>> No.4386167
File: 112 KB, 536x478, 1327677445438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4386595

The thin that's annoying me most about this post is that this board is for people to discuss science and maths, not for you to have a go at them about it

>> No.4386615

perfect friend zone advice, OP

also not science

m00t, add spoiler tags

>> No.4386636


i already have a gf
tell me how to get rid of her in a nice way