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4374445 No.4374445 [Reply] [Original]

I've got something of a chemistry/medical question. Here's the abridged version:

>have sore feet
>must soak them as part of treatment
>have been using bucket
>bucket is too narrow, very uncomfortable, not wide enough for both feet at once; very inefficient
>found pan
>pan is perfect size and depth
>however, pan has been used to store used motor oil during oil changes

I spent the last half hour scrubbing this thing clean with nearly every cleaning product in this house, but I'm still not sure. Is it safe to soak my feet in this thing?

Pic is random and probably not related.

>> No.4374457
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Bumping with relevant walls.

>> No.4374461

If you wash it out with methelated spirits and turpentine that should dissolve and remove any remaining oil

>> No.4374507

you will kill your feet because there is a mix of hard cleaning products in it now.

Anyway motor oil in itself isn't dangerous I think, it's the additives that matter.

>> No.4374518

Do you think rubbing alcohol would work? Its the closest thing that I have. Besides, I'm inexperienced with them, and even though I'm finding links saying those substances have been used as antiseptics, I'm also finding links saying they're toxic. Understandably, I'm skeptical.

More food for thought: I will be adding lots of bath salts to the mix, namely Epsom salt. I know that oil floats in salt water, so maybe this would help me skim it out?

>> No.4374523

Rinse and dry the pan. Place on stove and fill with boiling water. Boil for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, allow to cool until water has settled and look on surface of water for oil film. Don't see one? Then while watching carefully drip one drop of liquid soap into water. See any change? If not, you're good to go.

>> No.4374537


They're toxic if you drink them, but otherwise it's fine. I use turpentine to wash oil-based paint off my hands.

And I believe rubbing alcohol is methylated spirits anyway. Any alcohol will do, really.

>> No.4374538

The pan is made of plastic. Boiling it on the stove top is a no go. I could add a few pots of pre-boiled water to it...

>> No.4374553

If it's plastic, it's probably fine with just a good wash with dishwashing detergent. When you said "pan" I assumed it was steel.

>> No.4374564

Oh my apologies. I guess that probably would have been worth mentioning in the OP.

The internet confirms you. Sorry for doubting.

I'm going to clean it one more time with rubbing alcohol, then rinse it with a couple pots of boiled water just to be on the safe side. Thanks for the input everyone. You were by far the most helpful board.