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4374072 No.4374072 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ interested amateur here :) ,

Awhile ago in the news there was all of that talk about neutrino's possibly travelling faster than the speed of light - whats happening with that now?

Also, i watched a BBC documentry about "The Hunt for the Higgs" - any news on that too?

Many thanks,
Curious anon.

>> No.4374085
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I guess i'll info dump or something for you guys whilst I wait

>> No.4374092
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>> No.4374096
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>> No.4374101
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>> No.4374103
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>> No.4374108
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>> No.4374110

Almost certainly wrong, because they failed to account for relativistic effects on the clocks on the GPS satellites they were using.

Not officially disproven, and they're still saying it needs independent confirmation, but it's pretty open and shut.

>> No.4374113

> Also, i watched a BBC documentry about "The Hunt for the Higgs" - any news on that too?

Search google for atlas cms spike 124-126

>> No.4374122
File: 305 KB, 1600x1131, 1275822520381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought there were two other places in the world they could test it (the neutrino's I mean....and I think one's in Japan?)

>> No.4374128
File: 394 KB, 1730x1428, edu_1263922325788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did (google it), is that not what they found / were discussing in the BBC documentary?

Or has the search narrowed even more?

>> No.4374133
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>> No.4374137

There is no new news.


>> No.4374144
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Really? :(

>> No.4374154


Science takes time. Trying to rushing science just leads to bullshit.

It will be at least a good 5 years (min) before we have more concrete info on the possibility of FTL neutrinos, or higgs shit.

>> No.4374160
File: 347 KB, 996x3019, 1320399187560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most people seem to say that the "higgs shit" will be confirmed true or false by the end of this year though?

>> No.4374168

What kind of fuckhead made that graph? Maersk Group is not even on that.

>> No.4374176

>Dem assets

So the banks own practically everything and have their hands in everyones pockets and that's not even exaggerating.


>> No.4374192

That is what we tell the public to shut you the fuck up. It is the "best case senario", which has very little chance of actually happeneing.

Yall are like impatient kids.

>> No.4374201

All of the press coverage has been about 3 or 4 sigma events. To put it in perspective the coin flips at the superbowl have shown a 3 sigma signal.

>> No.4374207

The bank is the pocket.
You give your money to the pocket.
The pocket keeps it safe, or invests it.
And you pull it out of the pocket to use it.

>> No.4374230


Every house with a mortgage belongs to a bank until it's fully paid off.

>> No.4374640

hick detected