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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 281 KB, 490x639, JohnvonNeumann-LosAlamos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4372510 No.4372510 [Reply] [Original]

By the age of six, he could exchange jokes in Classical Greek, memorize telephone directories on sight, and display prodigious mental calculation abilities. As a 6 year old, he would astonish onlookers by instantly dividing two 8-digit numbers in his head, producing the answers to a decimal point. By the age of 8, he had attained mastery in calculus.

>> No.4372514


Known for all this shit.

/sci/, why are you worshiping Sagan and not Neumann?

>> No.4372522

Because everyone here is a fucking idiot including you

>> No.4372524


Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them; the former are effortless faggots.

- Shakespear

>> No.4372532


Sir, I am a logician, particle physicist, chemist, biologist, psychologist, and electrical engineer. I have published over 9000 peer-reviewed articles and created oxygen and math.


>> No.4372536

because neumann didn't care to do anything other than maths. that makes him worthy of worship to some people, but not to others and especially me.

also, we don't worship sagan; we worship feynmann and jacob barnett

>> No.4372537

And obviously enough he was jewish.

>> No.4372546

Why should I worship an autistic savant? At least Sagan is somebody you could smoke a doobie with.

>> No.4372553

By the age of 19 he had dropped out of college twice, by 21 he-

oh wait that's me

>> No.4372559


Hey, me too! I'm 22 now, thinking about going in for round 3 but I think I'm just going to drop out again.

>> No.4372561


holy shit are you me?

>that feel when you ace all the tests but you end up dropping the classes because you're too lazy to do the bullshit assignments

>> No.4373112

>because neumann didn't care to do anything other than maths
>a Hungarian-American mathematician and polymath who made major contributions to a vast number of fields,[1] including set theory, functional analysis, quantum mechanics, ergodic theory, geometry, fluid dynamics, economics, linear programming, game theory, computer science, numerical analysis, hydrodynamics, and statistics, as well as many other mathematical fields

All he did was math, yo

>> No.4373123

Von Neumann studied and made a ton of stuff, including the motherfucking hydrogen bomb. You clearly have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, which means you're either a kid or a troll. Since you mentioned jacob barnett, I can safely conclude that it's the latter, thank god.

>> No.4373375

>That feel when you're a lazy idiot who thinks he is entitled because he was born smart but will never actually succeed

>> No.4373395

>implying he was born with the knowledge of calculus.

It's too late for us here on 4chan to do this kind of stuff, but we can always do great at our current level.

>> No.4373416


>Von Neumann, Einstein, Ulam, Teller, Newton, etc. were the finest minds man has seen.

>> No.4373435

are you implying that that's not all math?

>set theory
>functional analysis
>quantum mechanics
>ergodic theory
>fluid dynamics
>linear programming
>game theory
>computer science
>numerical analysis

he studied the math that dealt with the hydrogen bomb. he did not personally manufacture it, and may have had an insignificant role in managing the project. your projection is invalid

>> No.4373501


>> No.4374055

>implying the math isn't what really matters