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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3 KB, 210x230, 1321811057496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4371158 No.4371158 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Nobel prize winner says that black people are less intelligent than white people
>mfw, to this day, the Nobel Prize was still not taken away from him


How can we stop racism in science?

>> No.4371163

>taking awards away from people for anything less than plagiarism
no. go away

>> No.4371165

With evidence. Provide some that will contradict his.

>> No.4371170

>With evidence.

hurr, let's argue about it, derp

>> No.4371171
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>justifying scientific racism
>20 fucking 12


>> No.4371179

i think darwin? said that if you show the skulls of a negro and a white man to an antrhopologist, he will conclude that they are different species..

TL;DR anthropology is not a science

>> No.4371191
File: 67 KB, 552x730, rome africa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4371201

>Get photo of the pyramids or an islamic castle
Africa, 4000 years ago
>Get photo of homeless person in Rome
Rome, today

Your picture is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.4371204

There isn't much racism in science, in my experience. It is probably one of the /least/ racist communities out there. No one is perfect, but it is a meritocracy. If someone does good science than there is no way to deny them that.

>> No.4371205


>> No.4371209

that doesn't even make any sense. the pyramids are in north Africa.

>> No.4371210

North Africa is still Africa.
And the picture specifies Africa.

>> No.4371211

really? now you are just looking for flaws that arnt there, everyone knows that black-africa is sub Sahara Africa.

>> No.4371213

>Europe 14,000 years ago
>(mud shelters)
>Europe 4,000 years ago
>(mud shelters)

lol white people are retards, can't invent anything in 10,000 years

>> No.4371214

So, black people are in general less intelligent due to their history and their current place in society. They get sligthly lower level of education due to these reasons.

That's is a scientifically provable fact. Why do people get called racist?

Even if blacks are or aren't genetically predisposed(is this true?) to have lower IQ it's just a fact and nothing else.

Where's the problem? Use the fucking scientific method to see if something is true or not?!

>> No.4371221

nobel prizes always seem fishy to me, obama nobel for peace really?
maybe they won't revoke his title because... he's right?

>> No.4371228


peace prize =/= physics, chemistry, and medicine/physiology prizes

>> No.4371237


>Africa 200,000 years ago
>(mud shelters)
>Africa now
>(mud shelters)

lol niggers are retards, can't invent anything in 200,000 years

>> No.4371238

>stop racism

>stop numbers

mathmaticians shouldn't descriminate

all numbers are equal


>> No.4371241

>implying your ancestors invented anything in that time either

>> No.4371243
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>> No.4371245

The man being racist does nothing to belittle his scientific achievements.

You can't take it away because he holds extremist views.

>> No.4371247

Not to add fuel to the fire but some cold hard facts we have to look at could be the following; africa's peoples had little to do with the renaissance and its revolution on the world, it's peoples have contributed less than Europeans to the global pool of knowledge.

Although the same could be said about asians, Asia has quickly caught up with the world through industrialization, and its people have begun to contribute for quiite some time now.

If we base intelligence on the way we live our lives then it can probably be drawn to the conclusion that secluded peoples are less intelligent. Just because they live in huts and tribal communities doesn't mean that they aren't surviving in the world in their own way, they just don't find obsession with dissecting the universe as the Europeans did.

>> No.4371248
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>> No.4371249
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Or, you know, we can stop ignoring scientific studies and realize that maybe, just maybe, they are genetically different then us, and just so happen to have a average IQ bordering what the rest of the world considered mentally handicapped.

Wait nevermind, ignore me, that would be racist.

>> No.4371250
File: 90 KB, 870x678, 1329283663011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ill be leaving now, everyone seems to have left because they are afraid to be labeled racist.

>> No.4371252

in after
oh boy here we go.

>> No.4371253

>Europe 204,000 years ago
>fuck all, mud and rocks
>Europe 4,000 years ago
>fuck all, mud and rocks

Europeans can't do anything in 200,000 years.

>sub-Saharan Africa 2,000 years ago
>fuck all, mud and rocks
>sub-Saharan Africa today
>vast cities, modern infrastructure

Black people are like a thousand times smarter than white people, lol.

>> No.4371256

Probably because they don't take away nobel prizes for saying empirically true things.

>"The study also found that the average IQ for African Americans was
lower than those for Latino, White, Asian, and Jewish Americans (85, 89, 103,
106, and 113, respectively; Herrnstein & Murray, 1994, pp. 273–278)."


>"[the] mean ethnic group
differences in intelligence test scores: Jewish (mean IQ = 113), East Asian (106), White (100), Hispanic (90), South Asian
(87), African American (85), and sub-Saharan African (70)."


>> No.4371258

ITT: stormfront

>> No.4371260
File: 5 KB, 208x156, 1309211852330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How original, it's like your the first person to blindly accuse everyone of being racist simply for discussing the possibility of scientific differences between races.

Would you like a cookie?

>> No.4371265

>being racist

lol. what's next? your gonna tell me how women are less intelligent then men?

>> No.4371275

I could, but you're obviously trolling. I don't want a thread about science if it's not going to be conducive to actual scientific debate.

Reported, enjoy your ban.

>> No.4371276


I like how they deal with testing bias by spewing decades old results for a page.

Truly legit.

>> No.4371281

There seems to be this disturbing attitude that not being racist/sexist and being politically correct is more important than scientific truth. If the scientific evidence showed x was smarter than y what the hell gives you the right to claim that's wrong or bad.

>> No.4371282

>decades old results
>decades old results
>decades old results
>decades old results

Think about what you just said for a second.

>> No.4371284

so determining how the gene works that make white people resistant to diabetes so that better medication for black people who don't have the gene can be made isn't science? becasue apparent ly its racist to say that gene even exists. so racist = science.

>> No.4371285

>his opinion is different to mine
>he must be a troll!

stay classy faggot

>> No.4371286

I guess also that blacks and asians can now safely ingest milk, saying the gene for lactase production as an adult is mainly found in whites is racist! And Kenyans no longer have better adapted leg muscles for fast sprinting.

>> No.4371287

>white people
>resistant to diabetes

>apparent ly

post invalidated. gb2 /b/

>> No.4371288

im just gonna put it out there but africa in my opinion was better under colonial rule

>> No.4371291

So now its sexist to say men are naturally taller and stronger than women and that women tend to have slightly better immune systems? Science does not bend to suit your pathetic beliefs.

>> No.4371292

ill just take that ti mean you cant find actual fault in the post.

>> No.4371294

I did. IQ tests have been horribly biased for many years. Backing up your point with inaccurate results is silly.

>> No.4371296


>> No.4371305


Please show me an example of a biased question on an iq test. I wish to see a written question that is somehow designed to stump black people but not Asians or white people.

>> No.4371306

Ya'll are posting in a troll thread.

Everyone that has studied this stuff knows that the IQ gap exists in every country and every socieconomic group. The fact that identifying the truth is "raycis" in our society is extremely disheartening.

>> No.4371309

im black in south africa. and this is true.

back then you knew you were a slave becasue you are black. you got a job and food and shit. and it sucked but it was passable. we used to work for the same white family for 100 years and were cared for, if one of us were sick they would buy medicine for us. but now, we were promised our own land, but when the time came the government took the land from the whites and gave it to blacks not even from around here, now we had to work for a black man who didn't care for us for shit and who completely destroyed the farm, so we left becasue we couldn't support ourselfs and went to a town to live in shitty government housing when we used to have a nice house on a farm.

being free from whites is only good if you have enough connections to powerful people.

>> No.4371311


If Iq tests are biased toward the white people that designed them, why do asians score higher?

>> No.4371317



>> No.4371328

>superior to the Homo Sapiens

Go back to stormfront, worthless fuck.

>> No.4371333

>taking away prizes because they speak the truth

>> No.4371337
File: 233 KB, 600x300, Zimbabwe_$100_trillion_2009_Obverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no offense but african politicians and statesmen are too corrupt and don't care about their people.
look at zimbabwe today. it is hard to imagine that once that country was called Rhodesia, and used to be one of the most prosperous nations in africa.

sure, it had inequality in a sense that many black people did not vote (voting was based on how much property you had i think?)
but after mugabe came and replaced ian smith, zimbabwe became one of the poorest countries in the world. pic related

also i recommend watching the movie "mugabe and the white african"
it basically tells a similar story to yours man. how black people who worked for white farmers loved their job. (some even had family graveyards on the owner's land). but after the land reforms, black politicians took the land from whites and people who worked on the farm got kicked out


>> No.4371359


They were, in many ways. Except breeding, which eventually made us the dominant species.

By the way, don't you think it's a bit prejudiced to assume I am a white nationalist, when an Asian could also claim to be superior to an African because of their Neanderthal DNA?

>> No.4371366

>neanderthal DNA

what the fuck is it with the neanderthal dna? i hear that shit all the time but nobody explains HOW it makes one race superior to another..

that's like saying that dogs from america are superior to dogs from UK because dogs from UK bred with some other dog? i hope it makes sense

>> No.4371379


Every race, except Africans (nigga's) have neanderthal DNA. This is a benefit, because Neanderthals have increased cranial capacity, are more robust than homo sapiens, and because they are more adapted to cold (which is important when you want to leave Africa into colder areas).

>> No.4371380

diversity is good. it gave us more genes to play with to see which ones work better.

>> No.4371384

>diversity is good.

why are you against black diversity then?

>> No.4371386

>Blacks have superior fitness to whites and asians
That's not racist
>Blacks are generally less intelligent than whites and Asians
That's racccccccccccist

Liberals general

Also sickle cell doesn't exist, that's racist too

>> No.4371389

wat? i don't deny that in 2000 years black-white-aision-eskimos will be the master race. but we have better ways to do it now with genetic engineering. and in the short term it will be very bad.

>> No.4371408 [DELETED] 


>> No.4371430

>suggest taking away someone's Nobel prize for hypothesising something with which you disagree.

You are everything that I despise.

>> No.4371438

that's not how science works, libtard. You don't disregard evidence just because it's not politically correct

>> No.4371452


i mean, it wont matter if he is a phedofilic autistic child fucking murderer who traps people in a simulated nightmare until they kill themselves saw stile to the rithm of "fuck me silly" by Flandfish while broadcasting it to their loved ones who are being eaten by nazy jew christian new world order lithiolites in a ritual to summon saten to bring the myans back to end the world. if he made a theory of quantum gravity, he is getting a Nobel prose dammit.

>> No.4371456


oops, forgot to mention that OP appears to have no justification for his disagreement at all either. it just gets better and better.

>> No.4371458

>justifying scientific racism as long as it is a "hypothesis"

You are everything wrong with this world.

>> No.4371459

Prove intelligence is linked to socioeconomic status or possibly culture.

>> No.4371461

Intelligence is largely a genetic trait. If twins are separated at birth and one lives with a rich doctor and the other grows up in the inner-city, they should still have the same IQ. And on average, the IQ of a child is the average between the parents.

So intelligence is mostly an inheritable trait. Just like things like color of skin, shape of nose, texture of hair, etc. Why is it so wrong to admit to inherent genetic differences between different populations (in this case, races) on some occasions but not others.

Obviously it's because saying blacks are, on average, less intelligent is going to upset people. That doesn't make it wrong though.

>> No.4371463

your knowledge of histroy is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.4371468

>implying the pyramids were built by niggers

>> No.4371472
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>> No.4371473


>implying scientific racism is wrong

no, you are everything wrong in this world

>> No.4371475
File: 318 KB, 1311x3150, this guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do white people keep using facts and statistics? Fuck them.

>> No.4371479
File: 39 KB, 444x180, niggerscannotinternet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking white people inventing science and technology.

>> No.4371485

I think the problem here is that there is 4 times as many white people as there are black people. Which cause distortions in the statistics, depending on how you look at them.

>> No.4371497

>still believing in delusional equality garbage

Certain groups of people are stronger, faster, more resistant to disease, taller, shorter, or yes even SMARTER. It's just a fact of life.

Saying a certain group of people are smarter than another is as racist as me noticing that blacks pretty much always win the olympic races or that Asians are shorter on average.

PC bullshit is destroying science. If facts end where another person's feelings begin then we might as well abandon science altogether and just believe fairy tales that "God created us all equal".

>> No.4371499
File: 124 KB, 1058x1314, 1325606655973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please post those links about indian/white teachers speaking out about what it's like to teach black kids?

>> No.4371503


If Negroids were smart they would actually evolve as a species instead of attacking everyone else.

>If Negroids were smart
Oh wait...

>> No.4371506


Agreed. Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. Feelings and opinions shouldn't get in the way of science.

>> No.4371512

There are Nobel laureates who argued in favour of creationism, telepathy and omeopathy.
It's not all that shocking.

>> No.4371514

wow /sci/ im impressed. i never thought that you, of all boards, would be racist.

you might as well be /new/ 2.0, you bunch of bigoted faggots.
go outside and meet some black people and tell me they are "inferior" or less intelligent. you will most likely get beaten up so fuck all of you

>> No.4371518


>unable to disprove the facts posted here
>calls us fascist

by the way, those niggers I met are the reason I'm racist.

>> No.4371520
File: 19 KB, 245x251, 1270649924479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4371527

>those niggers I met are the reason I'm racist.


i was never racist before because i grew up in a white neighborhood, but after i went to uni i became racist as fuck. its wierd that people who are not racist are either retarded or never lived/communicated with black people

>> No.4371532

>implying they were built by a homogeneous white society

While I AM a racist, this entire "whites built the pyramids" argument is pure dumbassery.

>> No.4371534

Much of /sci/ doesn't bother participating in these threads because they are tiresome. This isn't representative.

>> No.4371536
File: 90 KB, 355x599, The great debate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James Watson
>woman should have the right to abort her unborn child if tests could determine it would be homosexual.
>argued in favour of genetic screening and engineering on the basis that "stupidity" could one day be cured.
>claimed that beauty could be genetically manufactured, saying: "People say it would be terrible if we made all girls pretty. I think it would great."

All of that from one article plus his comments on africa in general, I see where he's going with this.

Anyway I wonder why no one ever talks about the Timbuktu Manuscripts, great zimbabewe towers, the walls of benin or the benin empire itself?

There were clear signs of intelligence of sophisticated thought that could have grown to something of a sub-par 1st world economy/power. But because of the colonial europe all of that "possibility" got swept under the rug for a while maybe even permanently.

Of course had africa did manage to keep up in progress I think the promotion of slavery would have lasted a bit longer. So who knows if that was ultimately for the best.


>Dr Watson told The Sunday Times that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours –

Or maybe because it's a politically corrupt society/government and giving money to it helps promote that process.

>> No.4371537
File: 7 KB, 251x251, cosansa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White race
>rapidly disappearing due to demographic attrition


>> No.4371538


>Or maybe because it's a politically corrupt society/government and giving money to it helps promote that process.

I'll go with his idea. Seems more simpler and plausible.

>> No.4371539

I never implied any of that, retard. Pyramids were built by arabs

>> No.4371542


If we follow that logic, a bacterium is superior to a high eukaryote because it is able to reproduce faster. It isn't.

>> No.4371543


>ancient egyptians


>> No.4371545

>existing as an ethnic group ca. 4000 years ago

>> No.4371550

>not white

lol no.

>> No.4371553

Fine. if you want to be pedantic, let me change that to "people who lived in the arid regions of northern africa and the middle east"

that is, not sub-saharan blacks

>> No.4371560

Egyptians were semites afaik which were basically arabs+jews

so yeah, he is not wrong when he says that pyramids were built by arabs. semites were proto-arabs and proto-jews, bit i want to warn you that im not very knowledgeable on this subject

>> No.4371565

Why exactly OP? If something can be proven, it doesn't matter what the fuck all the feminists and whatnot say? If I can prove you are a retarded asshole, I am going to call you a retarded asshole. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, or tell science to "hurr stop being mean".

>> No.4371568
File: 163 KB, 1280x1024, not evolve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of nobel laureates, how many of those are black again and in which fields?

>> No.4371570


>> No.4371577

His prize shouldn't be taken away.

But you also shouldn't cherry-pick one nobel prize winner who will say what you want to hear on a topic that has nothing to do with his expertise, when dozens of other nobel prize winners who are equally or more expert on the topic will disagree with him.

>> No.4371578

>nothing to do with his expertise
>DNA and genetics
>nothing to do with his expertise


>> No.4371580

I rage so god damn hard every time I see that video.

>> No.4371585

is that even real?

>> No.4371588


>> No.4371590

>implying he studies intelligence

>> No.4371594

>he could have called it a "white hole"
>it all comes down to culture

i almost punched my screen. goddamn I MAD

>> No.4371595
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>> No.4371601

>when dozens of other nobel prize winners who are equally or more expert on the topic will disagree with him.
Pretty much this. Appeals to authority wouldn't support this guy even if we accepted them as valid.

>> No.4371604

but he has a point. why are black holes called "black" and not white?

>> No.4371607

Scientists call it a black hole because light cannot escape. He in response calls it a white hole because he's a racist.

Why are these people allowed to breath?

>> No.4371610


>> No.4371611

>Why is it dark in the room when there is no light, and not white?

>> No.4371614


>> No.4371621

The "black sheep" example was retarded too. Sheep are almost always white, and once in a while there's a black one (recessive genes), and so they're the odd one out, which is what "black sheep" means. It's got fuck-all to do with race.

>> No.4371624

I hope for your own sake you are trolling.

>> No.4371625
File: 144 KB, 838x982, 1290310133631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, are you me? Or are you like so many others like me?

>> No.4371626

Because there remains a large group of people who wish to disenfranchise and demonize ethnic minorities, and aren't interested in truth in the slightest.

If no one gave a shit about race, we could all be more honest about this. But if I hear a guy talking about how people of African descent are "inferior" or some shit, I'm absolutely justified by evidence to believe that he's just a racist, rather than just trying to find the truth. I would try to verify, sure, but if I had to bet on it, chances are great that he's not being an impartial seeker of truth.

>> No.4371629

Not even trolling. But why did you think I was?

>> No.4371631

The problem is black people are not going to get fair and equal treatment by society no matter whether they're adopted and their parents are white, no matter what schools we put them into, no matter how much money we spend to teach them.

Outside the classroom they will still be given unfair and unequal treatment by society. It's literally impossible to determine their level of intelligence based on test scores that don't take into account how they interact with others outside school, how they're belittled by most members of society, how they're culture naturally distrusts 'white' institutions.

To actually determine their IQ you would need to raise white and black children on the far side of the moon with no interaction with anyone but each other and that will simply never happen.

>> No.4371637

>hurr durr we are all equal
>its the society's fault that jamal killed that kid for drug money

kill yourself

>> No.4371640
File: 332 KB, 477x480, 1293200424388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I grew up in a pretty poor neighborhood
>mfw my first childhood friends were black
>mfw I was close with them and their family
>mfw most people would could consider me racist simply because I accept the fact that they are on average less intelligent, despite the fact that I have no problem with them on a person-to-person basis

>> No.4371641

So you claim social factors mean nothing in people's behavior?

Kill yourself.

>> No.4371642

Why is it we are so afraid all of a sudden to be different, or to tell someone they are different? This is not only with skin colour or other factors, but just look at the modern feminists and the way they promote gender equality in every god damn aspect possible. Criticizing corporations for making boy toys or girl toys, and criticizing people for telling that some people are smart and some are stupid.

What happened?

>> No.4371647

A special brand of insanity that simultaneously praises diversity while seeking to destroy it.

>> No.4371648

>mfw black friday is racist


>> No.4371649


Niggers are mistreated BECAUSE they are stupid and aggressive, not the other way around, you creationist mentally ill retard.

>> No.4371650

Sure, it's not like it has anything to do with the history of account and using black ink to denote positive balances and red ink for negative. "In the black" is a good thing.

>> No.4371652

While it's true that black people are on average less intelligent, do you see that it is problematic to assume any given black person is less intelligent, or that these differences in intelligence can be attributed to genetics? If you grew up in a poor neighborhood and you're white, chances are you're less intelligent. I can't say that for certain though, and therefore I must refrain from being prejudiced.

>> No.4371655


>> No.4371656

Social factors exist due to biological differences.

You faggot leftists worship this mythical idea of "society" that is responsible for everything bad and that you can just engineer it by lying to people enough.

>> No.4371658

In YOUR OPINION prejudice is wrong. In YOUR OPINION racism is bad.

Your morals are not absolute.

>> No.4371661


Racism is good.

Racism is good.

Racism is good.

>> No.4371657

If you mistreat someone on the basis of skin color rather than their actual personal behavior, you're a fucking racist. And fuck you if you do this. I wouldn't want anyone assuming things like that about me just because of my skin color.

>> No.4371665

Don't pretend that it doesn't go both ways. There are great studies about how you can make kids to better or worse on tests just by splitting them into groups and telling them that they're in the "gifted" or "remedial" group.

>> No.4371668

So, you'd be fine with not being hired because you're not the right color, despite your excellent resume, references, skills and behavior?

>> No.4371675

racism is not bad. many people are racist. its an evolutionary trait NOT to trust people who look different, because usually it brought sickness or some other horrible shit.

anyway, racism is not bad and can't really be destroyed, even though many leftists believe that you can destroy racism by increasing diversity. Discrimination IS bad because you limit somebody's rights based on things that they were born with.

racism - good
discrimination - bad

i would bet 100 dollars that everyone here is racist BUT would never discriminate based on color of skin.
i do however discriminate based on gender, but it is based on my personal experience with women

>> No.4371682

I don't think you're using the same meaning for "racism" that most people do. Though I think you're right that racism is mainly derived from an inherent distrust of out-groups.

There was lots of racism against the Chinese in California when they were migrant workers. Lots of terrible stuff. But you don't often hear people claiming the Chinese are subhuman today (anymore).

>> No.4371683

>its an evolutionary trait NOT to trust people who look different, because usually it brought sickness or some other horrible shit.

[gifuckingnormous citation needed]

>> No.4371690

lol@ reported
>im jewish

>> No.4371692

This pretty much.

>> No.4371695

>While it's true that black people are on average less intelligent, do you see that it is problematic to assume any given black person is less intelligent, or that these differences in intelligence can be attributed to genetics?
To assume that someone is less intelligent (than you) based simply on skin color is racism. However, what I do, and I do it equally to every race, is assess their intelligence based on a multitude of factors. If I see a black person in a suit and tie with glasses, next to a white guy with baggy pants a sports jersey and a backward baseball cap, I'm going to assume that the black guy is more intelligent. On the flipside though, if I see a black guy and a white guy both wearing the basic "gangsta" garb (baggy pants, sports jersey and a backward baseball cap or doo-rag), I'm going to assume the white guy is more intelligent because his skin is an indicator of his genetics and studies show that whites have a higher average intelligence. I'm still going to assume that they both have an intelligence below average, but the black guy I would place at around 85 where I would place the white guy at about 90 or 95. Because intelligence has been empirically shown to have a substantial genetic factor, and I see no problem in using the available evidence to ascertain a more accurate probable situation.

>If you grew up in a poor neighborhood and you're white, chances are you're less intelligent. I can't say that for certain though, and therefore I must refrain from being prejudiced.
You'd be wrong anyway, and not just because I happen to be above average intelligence, but because upbringing has some, but little correlation with intelligence. And you would indeed be unjustly prejudiced to assume that, especially because it isn't backed by solid evidence.

>> No.4371698

You sound very rational and reasonable.

Be careful where you let it show. Most people aren't so sane.

>> No.4371699


Exactly what is your definition of racism then? Recognizing different phenotypes in a species?

If so I'll agree
not being blind - good
discrimination - bad

If not, please explain.

>> No.4371709

Successful troll is successful.

>> No.4371716


Saying that blacks are, on average, less intelligent is not racist if it's true. Meeting a black person and thinking "he must be less intelligent because he is black" is racist. Taking skin colour into account when assessing someone we don't know is no more or less discriminatory than taking their clothes, posture, speech etc. into account.

>> No.4371720

Are you retarded? Are you seriously suggesting that this guy's work on DNA is any less true or significant just because he also happens to have evidence or reason to believe that black people are likely to be less intelligent? That's absurd.