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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4356980 No.4356980 [Reply] [Original]

I hate engineering students. I hate how they constantly identify as engineers even though the programs consistently have tremendous dropout rates. I hate how they bitch and complain how professors don't teach instead of just buying a tutor or looking shit up on khanacademy. I hate how they think that a 5-7 page paper comparing 2 essays is enough to worry about.

And most of all, I hate how they still think they're going to be engineers if they can't make it 1 fucking semester without dropping a class like chemistry. You niggers only had to get a 50 to pass fucking calc.

Why do so many people want to be engineers?

>> No.4356983


>Hurr because we can build the shiny planes and buildings like legos when we were le little kids sillehg.

>> No.4356982
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>> No.4356988

I want a job.

>> No.4356989

Whats the matter? You jelly of my degree in MSC in Engineering Physics?

>> No.4356997

I am jelling, but I'm hating on these babby's first design class types.

>> No.4357008

you are not a man until you have passed all of the calculus courses

>> No.4357011

EE student here.
It seems like the type you describe generally go for Mech/Civil degrees because
>herp derp i wanna make stuff but haaate math
>hurr make coarse easier noa!

>> No.4357033
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I'm the stereotypical herpderp tonystarkin' carfixin' ironmansuitin' mech student douchebag.

Except I can actually pass calc, because seriously if you can't do math you will never contribute anything of value to this world.

>> No.4357166

I picked civil because it had the most regular, non-goofball students. I could not stand the Gooks and Curry-Niggers in electrical.

>> No.4357180

>I could not stand the smart people in electrical


>> No.4357187
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>That face when he was riding curves up until all the alcoholic freshman dropped out and he was suddenly on the bottom

>> No.4357210

>that feel when math major and have to take courses that engineers are required to take

stupid fucking faggots never shut the fuck up

>> No.4357213

>implying the calculus courses are difficult

>> No.4357223

This, I had no prior exposure to calc so I had some growing pains in calc 1 but now that I have all the tools they might as well call my calc classes carnival appreciation.

>> No.4357253

>a science

>> No.4357268

>in the same class as mathematicians


>> No.4357280

>referring to engineering majors and math majors as "engineers" and "mathematicians"

You're 19, stfu.

>> No.4357293

i really don't care about engineers, but sometimes they really piss me off. I shared some first year maths lectures with them. It was really distracting listening to them suck each others dicks under the lecture theatre seats. Keep that shit in the engineering workshop,

>> No.4357302
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>that feel when calc 1 and 2 is actually fucking easy
>that feel when everyone in this thread actually finds it difficult

>> No.4357308

i hear you. I once went into my colleges engineering faculity, the entire place stank of stale semen. I desperately needed to pee as well, so i went into thier toilets. Big mistake. There were about 5 engineers there, having some kind of 'fluid mechanics conference' . I could hear them fucking inside the stalls. I quickly peed in the sink and then ran out, nauseated.

>> No.4357309
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OP, what are you, a filthy liberal arts major or something? We hate you too.