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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4355192 No.4355192 [Reply] [Original]

Classicist here. I'm basically the physics major of the social sciences.

The way I see it, hard sciences = study of calculations whereas social sciences = study of interpretation. But it doesn't come down to these two being at odds with each other.

Take a look at these charts I am posting.

The first shows the GRE stats for language and math, and the second shows intelligence in general. I hope that for now on, we can use these as a gauge to separate the pieces of shit from the gems.

>> No.4355197
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(second chart)

>> No.4355213

You put music theory there twice in the first graph, I'm assuming the high math one was meant to be theory

>> No.4355214 [DELETED] 

Can we get a sticky in here?

>> No.4355220
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>> No.4355225

verbal =/= language.

Do you mean understanding of languages? Then how come computer programming so low?

>> No.4355229


Translate the bible into C.

>> No.4355234

probably because computer programming is code, not an understanding of language which will help with the verbal part of the GRE

>> No.4355236

>mfw physical education is low everything good in life

ive always been prejudice of sports teachers, especially the males

>> No.4355239

>Why are astronomy and astrophysics separate.
Modern astronomy and astrophysics are synonyms.

>> No.4355240

Not so on-topic, but I need to fucking know.

What is biomedical engineering? I keep seeing that term pop up all over /sci/ and whenever I ask, people just tell me it's even worse than civil eng.

>> No.4355241

Programming is in a need to be higher.

>> No.4355242

Thread should be stickied. Could filter out a lot of the shit on /sci/.

>> No.4355255

obviously not since one has a higher focus on physics.

>> No.4355258

trollaura broealis

>> No.4355259

"creative wriging", lol

Professional athletes (tennis players, particularly) demonstrate an extreme amount of intelligence

Mind explaining your rational basis for using the GRE as a reliable indicator of intelligence by major? Aren't the binary categories of verbal/mathematical highly arbitrary and biased?

>> No.4355263

>just breaking apart the word
As a gad student i can tell you the words are used interchangeably in the field.

>> No.4355267

lol, i didn't know tennis was a major.

OHHh tell me you better suggestions to measure intelligence...

>> No.4355272

Since when did intelligence become accurately calculable

>> No.4355274

OP can you expand on the methods you used for these graphs?

>> No.4355276


I'm not the classicist. But you should know better than to organize a vastly complex array of fields in the context of two organizational categories, and then somehow call your data meaningful.

And... tennis is an example of physical education.

>> No.4355273

University of Phoenix?

>> No.4355277

>since faggots first debated on 4chan.

>> No.4355280

It should be changed to knowledge, not intelligence. However high intelligence usually correlates to high amounts of knowledge.

>> No.4355281

professional tennis players don't have p.e. degrees, haha sorry bro

>> No.4355284


>> No.4355291

And correct me if I'm wrong, but classics shouldn't really fall into the 'high math' category, should they? This chart is silly.

>> No.4355292


I understand that. You're not helping your case.

>> No.4355295
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brb, non-shitting this thread

>> No.4355300

Found source:

>> No.4355301

>computer programming

>Implying that's an actual major

>> No.4355307
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i don't see calculus on there

>> No.4355308


he's still WRONG

even if he has a BLOG

>> No.4355313

wtf is music history doing above theology?

>> No.4355317

what the fuck is that gay chart?

>> No.4355332

>classical language more intelligent than astrophysics
da fuq?

>> No.4355336

typical sophomoric /sci/, derping around derpily.

>> No.4355342 [DELETED] 
File: 1.84 MB, 2048x1638, sci_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4355349

lol hahahahahalollloy rofl

>> No.4355352 [DELETED] 
File: 1.85 MB, 2048x1638, sci_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4355357


Do you not see classical analysis and ODE?

>confirmed for pleb who doesn't actually know what calc is

>> No.4355359

So, if one were to believe that these figures accurately reflect intelligence, then it would mean that people who major in Russian are on about the same tier as nuclear physicists. History of Science and Classical Language majors would be more intelligent than astrophysicists, any other kind of specialized physics, any computer programmers, any chemists and any biologists...


Did you ever take statistics, OP? In other words, have you considered the numerous confounding factors at play here that make it unwise to try to correlate GREs to intellect? This is just silly. Even if you're very bright, if you do not pursue a scientific field of study, then you can't really compare your achievements/work-related thoughts to scientists. Accordingly, this why I myself do not at all presume to be a genius in the same way that Picasso was, even though I could outdo him handily at my field of study.

If you're intelligent in some capacity, you just know because you have already proven it somehow; there is no need for pissing contests to confirm it. Hierarchy/seniority in the sciences is measured in achievements, not exams and statistics that try to make tiered classes. The tendency to try to group up "your" field of study as the best/better than some others indicates someone trying to hide behind the achievements of others, and claim superiority just for studying the same thing that they did. Which is simply an underhanded appeal to authority.

>> No.4355362
File: 1.85 MB, 2048x1638, sci_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4355364

u must be super mad that some social sciences are ranked higher than you are. but i understand. it's kinda world-shattering.

>> No.4355375


life... has changed.

>> No.4355378

>"Creative Wriging"
>High Verbal

>> No.4355387


>mfw I am a neuroscientist/philosopher

>> No.4355401

Getting a B.A. in Mechanical Engineering, graduating this May. Going this Summer to LSU for Petroleum Engineering as my Masters.

How fucked am I?

>> No.4355410



>> No.4355418

>fucked cuz gas is nearly empty for earth. you should have chose biotech engineering and figured out fungus-to-petrol formula.

>> No.4355421

>not 100% math

seems legit

>> No.4355427

the fuck is this graph?

>people keep posting their graphs with no information whatsoever as to why do they think it's right
>i could draw my own on paint and idiots would believe it

>> No.4355440

Observational astronomy, collecting data etc.; and theoretical astrophysics, which is the study of the physics of the universe.

>> No.4355540

someone has too much time on their hands

>> No.4355569

Wait, I major in biology.... yet..

I have taken Orgo, Gen Chem, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Immunology, physics, molecular biology, genetics, microbiology and physical chemistry....

mfw when I am the chart.

>> No.4355590

You're at the biology major, unless for example you happened to major in immunology, in which case you'd be at the immunology major instead. It's not rocket science.

>> No.4355612

What the fuck does verbal mean?

>> No.4355634


It's all a trick. He's Keyzer Soze, or possibly there is no Keyzer Soze.

>> No.4355640

At what university is it possible to major in physical education? What kind of person would major in phys ed and then take the GRE? Am I missing something here?

>> No.4355650

My university calls it "Fitness and Nutrition Sciences" or some similar bullshit.

>> No.4355663

Weird, I always thought nutrition could be a legitimate field of study

>> No.4356378
