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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4353822 No.4353822 [Reply] [Original]

>think science is fun
>hate math

Anyone else here?

>> No.4353828

certain topics anyway, yep

>> No.4353826

Actually, lots of scientists aren't especially great mathematicians.

>> No.4353832

Math is nice.

>> No.4353831
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>> No.4353844

Math sucks donkey cock.

>> No.4353853

A mathematician friend of Einstein's convinced him to explore elliptic space during his formulation of relativity; and he tutored Einstein on the subject.

>> No.4353856

well. math is fucking retarded. it was cool with numbers but den they added letters.

>> No.4353866

People in science who do math (even if it's just stats) are professional writers.

People in science who don't do math are shitty fanfiction.com writers.

Which explains the current state of /sci/

>> No.4353871

but science can't exist without the help of math
so how can you science without math?

>> No.4353874


These are not mutually incompatible. It may want to do the donkey a favor out of the kindness of its calculus-infested heart.

>> No.4353892

you can always study social sciences

>> No.4353899
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Agreed I prefer Science

>> No.4353901

ITT high schoolers who can't do precalculus or trigonometry

>> No.4353908

The only science I enjoy is chemistry.

>> No.4353930

>Thinks math is fun.
>Hates science.
Anyone else?

>> No.4353937

>think science and math are fun
>hate pseudo-sciences (e.g. biology)

Anyone else here?

>> No.4353942

Is it worse than a pseudo-science in your opinion?

>> No.4353941



you keep using that word...

>> No.4353955

> Thinks science is fun.
> Thinks math is fun.
Anyone else here?

>> No.4353978


Want to enjoy a life filled with starvation, incurable infectious diseases and a lifespan of 35 years?

Say no to biology.

>> No.4353982

Math is kinda like language, you may have to use it but not everyone wants to study it.

>> No.4353983

Fucking strawmen, how do they work?

Religion also was beneficial to many people, giving them a feeling of security, but fucking nonetheless it is NOT SCIENCE.

>> No.4353987


Wasn't really a strawman. More of a false cause.

>> No.4354057


I agree, I was somewhat overzealous. My apologies.

Perhaps you need to adjust your definition of biology to include its daughter subjects, pharmacology, genetic engineering, microbiology and biochemistry?

Maybe my attempt to enlighten you is futile, but I feel that you've made a generalisation if you see taxonomy and ecology as the only example of scientific contributions that biology has made to the wellbeing of mankind.

>> No.4354058


Sorry, you have the wrong guy. I was gigging you, except by which fallacy you called him on. Furthermore, if I corrected you, he would still be wrong, regardless.

No need for discussion.

>> No.4354059

>discussing biology vs hard science

The assburger is strong within this one.

>> No.4354085

No. I like math and think chemistry is fun.

>> No.4354095

I was the opposite. I loved math and theoretical science and thought the laboratory work was tedious. But then the upper division physics labs got really fun.

>> No.4354195

>Implying science involves math
Only if you do physics or something that incorporates a lot of physics (eg engineering, physical chemistry, etc). Everything else (nearly all of chemistry and biology) barely has any math at all.

God only knows how the idea that science requires heavy use of math got started.

>> No.4354198


What the fuck are you on?

I use unit analysis constantly in chemistry.

>> No.4354199


reported for religious trolling

>> No.4354208

>unit analysis
>counting as math

Please, even social psychology majors use more difficult math than that.

>> No.4354882

In general I'm not a math fan, but I like it when I'm applying it to physics and/or chem. As long as I have something interesting to apply it to, math is fine.

>> No.4354891

You can always be an organic chemist. They avoid math.

>> No.4354919

Dimensional analysis is algebra on a free commutative group with a large number of generators. Shut your whore mouth.

>> No.4354946

Why would you do math when you have programming?

>> No.4354975

Read up Lockhart's Lament, op.

>> No.4354989

Most people don't hate math because they can't compute it, they hate it because they don't understand the concepts, it's too abstract.

>> No.4355464

On the contrary, I find math and science to be equally enjoyable.

>> No.4355484

I've been meaning to read Lockhart's Lament, but I can't be bothered.

Give me the basic gist of it?

>> No.4355492


You obviously don't like science, you like having things handed to you.

>> No.4355496

How can you hate math, really?
It's by far the only thing besides your language(native or not) that you'll really use in you every day. I'm not even good at math, but I fucking love it. It's the best thing I have ever learnt in school.

>> No.4355513

maths education is dry and repetitive, kids need to explore on their own, kids don't like being given formulas with little explanation and being expected to punch in/substitute numbers

>> No.4356424

Math or in my case 'Maths' is certainly the subject I least enjoy doing work for. Sure it can be satisfying when you get a question right, but I don't really like how its just question after question thrown at you where in most real life scenarios you wouldnt be handed such questions. I prefer more applied things, I suppose physics is the sweet spot of theory and mathematical content

>> No.4356944

Hate is a very strong word, but I can certainly say it's not my favourite subject. For me though, it depends quite much on the mood whether I like it or not.

>> No.4356950

That's because you're in 7th grade and just comparing your generic "science class" where you get to mix colors in tubes with algebra II.

>> No.4356958

Math can be fun. It can also be tedious/annoying/frustrating as fuck. I understand its importance overall, but it's hard for me to care unless I can see its direct applications.

>> No.4356962

You can't think science is fun if you hate maths. You're the sort of person who says "omfg were made frmo stars omghhhhh mind=blown". You don't like science at all.

>> No.4356978

Maths has the ability to make you feel very stupid when you fail to grasp concepts. Stick with it though, and it's the most satisfying, rewarding, and even relaxing subject out there.

>> No.4356985



>> No.4356993


>> No.4357025

Yes, you can. They're not the same. Science is usually applied maths, unless OP's counting biology and god forbid psychology too.

>> No.4357035

science - math = fuck off

>> No.4357045

>science - math = biology

>> No.4357049

This is a reasonable thread, there's no need for that. If you wanna take out your angsty rage,

>> No.4357051

These guys know what's up.

>> No.4357066


The use of mathematics in biology is becoming increasingly important. The idea that Biology simply guesses the answer or uses models that don't involve strictly scientific principles are old hat.

Article related.


>> No.4357079

That's fine; I don't have a problem with Biology at all. My point was merely that it involves less maths than physics and chemistry (though I never really studied chem, so feel free to correct me on that one)

>> No.4357087

I think it's mainly the way that Math is learnt/taught. You have to hammer in the knowledge by doing loads of examples. It's hard work. Learning science is more relaxing.

>> No.4357152

Opposite, i can only tolerate physics.

Im certain you dislike mathematics only because you fail at it.

>> No.4357170

>hammer in the knowledge

Thats the problem. People who like math understand the concept like they were born to do it.

>> No.4357194


What, so when everyone else was in class practicing questions for an hour on the rule they'd just learnt, you just sat there for an hour?

>> No.4357220

During my junior year i skipped ap calc and moved bc. I got a private tutor since i was the only one in my class. It was funny watching kids struggle with multi parabolic volume intergrals.

>> No.4357230
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>Mfw do all of precalc, trig, and calc in a week.

>> No.4357239

HS math moves so slow you can sleep through it and ace it.

>> No.4357255

math = counting

ITT: people who can't count

>> No.4357456

>social sciences

Basically any scientific result at the edges of our knowledge requires stats to measure whether the measurements are clean and the results are significant enough to write a paper about. If I had to go back and get more education, I'd focus on statistics. Like calculus, it can be applied to almost every field of study.

>> No.4357476

Science is the language, math is the alphabet.

How's that for a metaphor?

>> No.4357660

>think math is fun
>hate science

Story of my life.

>> No.4357672

The opposite is true for me.

Science isn't fun
Math is.

You can be a good mathematician without being a good scientist. You can't be a good scientist without being a good mathematician though.
We're talking about real sciences here by the way.

>> No.4357687

Earlier this week, my professor asked me to solve a particularly difficult problem in front of the class. I did it all without any problems, but I was stumped for like 20 second when I was supposed to substract -9 from -8. I literally stared at it like a retard, until I realised I can factor it to -(9 + 8).

My professor just laughed. She's a physicist and has this happen very often.

Why does this happen? How can anyone good at math absolutely suck at basic arithmetics?

>> No.4357706

This is normal.
You forget things you don't use often.

>> No.4357738


This confusion may come from the fact that 'minus' can be used as a unitary operator (sign inversion) as well as a binary operator (not sure whether these are the correct terms), as in (-9)-(-8).

>> No.4357749

>think science is fun
>want to be engineer
>math is not easy
>can not be engineer

>> No.4357882

I find maths very taxing mentally. I've been interested in a lot of different subjects that are more in the difficult bracket, like Chemistry, Biology, Geography and Physics. The concepts fall right in to place, and most of the energy for me goes in to compartmentalizing everything into memory so I don't forget the details.

But maths is consistently different altogether. I find it incredibly mentally taxing when doing maths, and always feel pretty tired afterwards.

I think my problem is that at all times I like to be aware of where all the "units" are going and exactly how the operations I'm performing on them are sending them they're going.

Once you start getting in to more complicated operations, thinking like that doesn't help.

I.E Moles catch me out, even though I can use the equations I need for my Chemistry exams without batting an eyelid.

So yeah, I find physics interesting, but the maths would kill me. I could probably do it at a very slow pace but it'd consistently fry my brain.

>> No.4357910

>subtract -9 from -8
>-8 minus -9
> -8 - -9
> -8 + 9
= 1

> -(9 + 8)
> -(17)
> -17

I'm confuse

>> No.4357926

i dont hate math, i think its very important, but it also bores the shit out of me because i dont understand it. but i'm glad other people are interested in it because it is so vital to our understanding of the universe and mathmagicians are busting out new and exciting advancements in the fields of theoretical physics all the time, some of which can even be tested for eventually.

>> No.4358018

What you are typing is actually
-1 * (stuff)

>> No.4358027

That was accounted for...

>> No.4358033

anyone who calls biology a "pseudo-science" needs to just seriously shoot themselves.

>> No.4358049


distribute the -1

>> No.4358052

-9 + -8

>> No.4358056
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OP, people like you are the reason one of my good friends is taking geology, instead of a real science course like physics or chemistry.

His teacher also teaches that God created the earth.

If you don't like logic puzzles (what math is) then why do you seek to find answers to the worlds logic?
Oh wait, its because you aren't imaginative enough for anything creative, and not smart enough to do a real career.

>> No.4358285

Is it possible for someone who isn't naturally great at math to learn the skill?

Can one learn to understand maths?

>> No.4358577

It's indeed possible to learn math if you don't get it. Math gets fun and easy once you remember the rules, but learning the rules isn't just memorization, they all reinforce and connect to each other. Just check out khanacademy or academicearth.org to start learning math and work your way up from scratch.

>> No.4358755

Yeah, it doesn't work for me.
I like creating things, im a creative person.
That's why i like science, but im terrible with math, and there is no fix for that.

I've tried for many years now, and it's some kind of disability, mental block or whatever.

I had a hard time learning to write properly in elementary school, and learning new things take much longer for me than they do for most people. Low intelligence, but on the other hand i have a certain eye for details, and when i really like something, i can devote all my time to it. That's the reason i can still get an occasional A in college anyway, because i like what im doing so much.

>> No.4358774


>not professor or instructor


>> No.4358904

Let me guess, you like biology?

>> No.4358926

Why does this myth persist?
PROTIP: at some point in their career, 99.99% of mathematicians gave up because they "just didn't have the knack for it."
Perhaps the only exceptions are people like Gauss and Euler?
Regardless, all of us have to fucking work hard and slave to understand some things. I'm tired of this bullshit myth
>"hurr durr he just sees it differently than I do."
"Maybe that's because I spent about 40 hours this weekend staring at it, numbnuts."

>> No.4359095
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Wait. Hold on... how the fuck is geology not a real science?

>> No.4359105

>naturally great at math
>Implying anyone is born understanding mathematics
>Implying some people don't need to learn mathematics

>> No.4360508

bump for confuse