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4349234 No.4349234 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going for nuclear physics. I study countless hours a day, including homework. I get typically 4-5 hours of sleep because of this. I have very, very few friends, I'm always tired and stressing about something. My old friends are going for bullshit degrees (i.e. communications, history) and it looks like they're having the time of their lives. I WANT to go for this, because I want to work in this field. If any of you have math/high science degrees and had it rough in college, please tell me this is worth it in the end. I don't mean to bitch, but just to hear it will get better would be really nice right now.

>> No.4349239
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ishiggy diggy

>> No.4349245

Did I say physics? Sorry, that's what I'm studying at the moment. I'm going for nuclear ENGINEERING.

>> No.4349247

Yeah it's worth it, but (and pardon the cliche) only if you really want it.
Math major here. Full time student with a full time job. Sleep? What the fuck is sleep?

>> No.4349249

>4-5 hours of sleep
>browse 4chan

perhaps you would do work faster with more sleep. unless you're taking like 7 classes.

>> No.4349257


I'm here just to ask this, I was on to work on my thermodynamics hw, black bodies.


Yeah, tell me about it. I hope so man.

>> No.4349265

At first I thought my parents would be mad because they'd think I wasn't a physicist. But then I invited them to watch me work and they soon realised having sex for money really is just physics!

>> No.4349277

Do you find nuclear physics more interesting than friends?

Do you find that you'll enjoy nuclear physics more than typical college shit?

If yes, you'll make friends who are also interested in your field. Stay the fuck away from the competitive crazies though. It does not hurt to get new experience with things outside nuclear physics, but you should never desire something that would make you stray from your true desire.

You have some strong willpower, OP. I vowed to study, when i was 18, physics. Didn't work out and I studied very little until I was 22. I didn't get my shit together until I entered grad school. It was a good school but I was very behind in my class compared to my classmates. Survive!

>> No.4349280

>>I study countless hours a day, including homework. I get typically 4-5 hours of sleep because of this. I have very, very few friends, I'm always tired and stressing about something.

Well then you're actually learning things.

Grad student here. It may seem like you aren't learning anything at all, at times, but remember, you'll start learning the REALLY COOL stuff in grad school.

To understand the really cool stuff you need to understand the not so cool stuff.

I'm a grad student and I'm doing FUCKING COOL STUFF!

>>I WANT to go for this, because I want to work in this field.
If this is the case, then Do it FAGGOT!

>>it looks like they're having the time of their lives
When you graduate, you'll probably see posts on their facebooks about trouble finding jobs, "I had a really shitty day working at macdonalds today," or even better "THE BABY KEEPS WAKING ME UP AT NIGHT!" I motherfucking guarantee it.

>> No.4349287

Oh so you're that post from earlier eh? You're taking mechanical engineering right?

>> No.4349288
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Yes. In fact, I feel like they betrayed me. They started out with worth-while majors, and it got "too hard" aka they didn't put time into it, and dropped like flies. And yes, I couldn't imagine myself sitting through 3 years of economic classes. That's exactly what I needed to hear. I will!

>> No.4349291


Yeah, it's me. But no, I'm a Nukey. We take a shitload of ME classes.

>> No.4349297


You saying this makes me want the 5 year highschool reunion to come A LOT faster. xD Haha I really hope so. My dad is an electrical engineer and he said the same thing.

>> No.4349299

This is why studying in a foreign city/country is a good idea - you don't have to bother with your family, friends, neighbours and all that shit holding you back.

Your education will suffer because of it. Harsh, but it's true. And ultimately that's why you go to uni - to fucking learn, not to hear about your friends drunken ramblings about some stupid slut.

>> No.4349301

I feel your pain OP I was studying chemistry and really wanted to do it. Then I got a girlfriend and had lots of sex. Then I was like fuck it and have switched to a simple business degree and just want to make money.

>> No.4349304

>make money


>> No.4349317


You know what's even worse? The college I attend is literally a 6 minute drive. With my parents and everyone I knew around me, it feels like an inescapable hell.


You gave up your dream to have sex? I've given up everything I use to enjoy to pursue my dream. Priorities, I guess.

>> No.4349318

I'd rather run my own business. I've been running an online business successfully for years. Picking business is an easy way to get out of university.

>> No.4349322

Well it's more complex than that the girl I met is perfect and our relationship has been loonnnng. I went up to my early twenties without ever having anything to do with women. Then I land a model gf.
So yeh my life was turned up side down and thats how I dropped a ridiculously hard subject.

>> No.4349323

You don't need a degree to run a business. What's your online business? If you aren't a legal business and just re-sell shit on ebay, it doesn't count.

>> No.4349325

your exam results should make it worth it. study the fuck into everything get great results, every fucker will want to be your friend...

>> No.4349333

hahah, look at this loser with family and friends all up in his business. I have no friends. Don't do shit but school and work. And after that, I still have time to learn about non school-related things.

>> No.4349340

>that feel when you get an A

Oh God that feel.

>> No.4349344

Oh god don't give me the advice my career councilor gave me. I need a degree to exit the university system otherwise i have to pay the debt back for nothing.
I also need it because once i'm done i'm emigrating.
The worst thing I could do in my situation is not complete any degree.

>> No.4349346

Having NO friends whatsoever is even worse. You alienate yourself from society, which WILL get back at you sooner or later.

Having friends is great, as long as they're not holding you back. It seems that OP's friends do exactly that.

>> No.4349347

It's a legal online business but I'm not telling you it. It is the only way I can make money in my country because unemployment is rampant in my region.

>> No.4349364

Why won't you tell us what it is?
And I don't think you understand what legal means. Is it registered? Is it incorporated? LLC? Reselling some bullshit, playing cards, or using a pyramid scheme is not a business.

>> No.4349363


I won't be next year. I'm at a branch campus. I started in highschool and took classes during the summer, so luckily I'll be gone this summer/next year. I have one good friend that doesn't hold me back, but we're both introverts, so the only time I see him is Thursdays when he comes over for a little bit to study calculus.

>> No.4349372


*That feeling when you just fucking pass. Fixed. Getting an A would be the equivalent of snorting mountains of cocaine and hitting the lottery, all the while finding out some hot chick is mad in love with you.

>> No.4349377

My old girlfriends father was telling me about how he went through his engineering courses and number of people in the class would keep dropping each year. It's incredible how now that I think about it there is no reason for the classes to be so densely packaged together unless specifically designed to weed people out. Another engineer that I met said with a huge grin on his face make sure you get into good study groups they make all the difference. Both of these people idk if they had it rough in college or not but I can tell you this, they really do have it good now. Engineers are some of the happiest people on the planet. Nuclear is a great field if you can get in, I know a couple that are better and I even know how to make you smarter, be more energized off of those few hours you do sleep and much more. I'll tell you of you email me personally. I prefer having an advantage over the normal population. You I feel ok with giving away some secrets.

>> No.4349384


PLEASE, SECRETS AWAY. I'd love to hear them. It's hard to get into study groups right now, because I live off campus, so the one's who live on campus form their own little niches.

>> No.4349391

Well, it's supposed to be hard. What's the point of having 5x more engineers if they can't change a lightbulb because their course was so stupidly easy?

Also, the thing you're talking about is polyphasic sleep fuckery, or something else? While polyphasic is all cool, it's hardly suited for uni

>> No.4349393

Why are you implying so much shit about my business. Gtfo troll.

>> No.4349401

I didn't imply anything. I asked a question that you refused to answer. I don't think that you understand what "imply" or "troll" mean.

Have fun being an online matchmaker in Turkey.

>> No.4349405

>I didn't imply anything. I asked a question that you refused to answer. I don't think that you understand what "imply" or "troll" mean.

>Have fun being an online matchmaker in Turkey.

You implied my business was not legit. Does your autism limit you? That needn't be so anon. You can work slave wages as an engineer for someone like me;)

>> No.4349414

You just put my post in greentext; what's your point? And I did not imply this. I merely suspected it. I inquired at first and then stated examples of both legitimate and non-legitimate businesses to clarify what I meant by "legal."

I also don't have autism and I'm not an engineer. And I doubt that you employ any.

>> No.4349415


Why do matchmakers in Turkey need engineers?

>> No.4349420

You sound a little upset that someone is successful. If your boyfriend broke up with you go to >/adv/.
Leave this board for intelligent people.

>> No.4349424

No it's safer than polyphasic sleep and a lot less far out there. However it's more expensive the results however are very damn good. I'll tell you but only op and give me your email address first, not going to make a dummy email if no response. O btw I will inquiry to double check to see of op so anyone else faking probably won't work.

>> No.4349426

How did you know that my boyfriend broke up with me? You must really be a fantastic matchmaker. Would you help me find my true love, oh Sultan Matchmaker of Turkey.

>> No.4349430

>How did you know that my boyfriend broke up with me?
I knew it.

>> No.4349438

OP here.

Just made it. Nukey777@hotmail.com

I'm so creative.

>> No.4349439

There's an e-mail field.

>> No.4349448

Oh yes. I'm too tired. I have class in 5 hours anyway.

>> No.4349449

There's a lot of overlap in the engineering fields. I'm a graduate in environmental engineering and take classes in mechanical and chemical engineering. However, there's quite a bit of overlap in the pure sciences as well depending on your research.

>> No.4350053

>...old friends are going for bullshit degrees (i.e. communications, history) ...

People with bull shit degrees.

Les Moonves - CBS TV - Spanish
Jeff zucker - NBC TV - History
Paul Lee - ABC Entertainment Group - Portuguese/Russian
Roger Faxon- EMI Music - International Relations
Michael Bay - Director - English/Film
Michael Mann - Director - English
Samuel Ku - AG Adriano Goldschmied - Economics
Bob Iger - Disney/ABC - Film/Television
Brady Dougan - Credit Suisse - Economics
Howard Stringer - Sony - History

>> No.4350082


Economics is not a bullshit degree.

I'm sorry if /sci/ led you to believe this malarkey, but it's a very worthwhile degree and most economics majors take excessive mathematics classes Practically all of the economic majors I know have almost the same level of math credits that I do and I'm a mathematics major.

>> No.4350253

You mean that random people in the film/entertainment industry have degrees related to these fields?

>> No.4350306
File: 18 KB, 581x399, 298871_267643169925698_229739107049438_911984_1838831036_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you have us, your personal anons.
You have the luck of being able to do something you like to do. What do they have? Seriously, there are tons of people out there loving things the way you do, you'll find them. But right now keep on working hard. Seriously, you would really like to be like them? Come on, they will probably want to be like you are, if they don't know, they will when they understand that they don't know who they are. You do anon, you a fucking engineer. You make science. Be proud of yourself.

>> No.4350340

I have no idea what university you're at but there's no chance in hell that any econ major would have the same level of math that I do, and I'm a math grad student.

>> No.4350362
File: 9 KB, 184x184, umadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be frank, op, no it isn't worth it. not even close.

there is no finish line with what you're studying. you are busting your ass just for the privilege to bust your ass later on. sure you will make decent cash, but who gives a shit? during the work week you will be too tired to make use of your "free time" (aka eat dinner, exercise so you don't get obese, watch the news, fall asleep). Your weekends will be spent dreading the upcoming work week and trying your best to get laid. When you do eventually find a girl you will then have absolutely 0 time to yourself. You will work at work and work at home. After a few years of this, if you are clever enough, you will have the realization that you are a slave. Now you will disregard this message and continue reading to avoid any uncomfortable truths.

>> No.4350366


Most econ programs only require calculus 1-3 for the major.

>> No.4350433

Electrical Engineer, specializing in Biomedical Engineering and Robotics, also taking classes in Quantum Mechanics/Nano Technology and Nuclear Physics here.

Do you really think anyone gives a shit about what you said? If he WANTS to get into Nuclear Engineering, it is his wish and that will make him happy. Everyone is different and there's more to life then average person's everyday occurances.
Also, u mad u failed and can't get your shit together? U mad your not smart enough? U mad?