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4348465 No.4348465 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I'm trying to wrap my around around this shit.

So basically, the universe didn't "explode" but was at one point infinitesimally small and then rapidly expanded everywhere and in all directions so that not only did it reach outwards but it also expanded within itself at every point and then all the "stuff" got carried off in these expanding bubbles of space (which were occurring at every point) and got farther and farther away and then started to give off their heat and cool and form matter and then this matter got further away, riding the expanding space and forming light elements and then the elements begin to fuse to heavier elements for a very short amount of time (like minutes or something? Or maybe seconds) before they can't and then somehow matter overtakes antimatter and then stars and galaxies begin to take shape (galaxies were from like, quasars or something that cooled?) and then the early stars go supernova and form heavy elements and then (JUST A REMINDER, SPACE IS STILL EXPANDING AT EVERY POINT) new stars form and we start getting more rocky planets from these heavier elements forming and then collisions happen until the fires of birth of planets stop and in one place in particular in one barred-spiral galaxy two planets collide and make a moon and then on the first planet that now has a moon life starts to arise...

>> No.4348466

...and then mistakes happen in the genetic coding for reproduction but they weren't really mistakes because they helped things stay alive actually and then this went on for a while and then big scaly things formed and started to rule the planet but then they died out in an asteroid impact and then smaller creatures survived and then had genetic "mistakes" themselves and then this went on for a while and then a species that could understand this shit came to be and so they did try to understand this shit and then some guy who was still trying to understand this shit wrote on a decrepit website about his feeble attempts to understand this shit?

>> No.4348477

> but was at one point infinitesimally small
Not exactly. The universe was at one point unimaginably dense, and what we call the visible universe was once very small.

But the universe itself could easily be infinite in volume. The big bang was the sudden expansion of space, and it has no center.

>> No.4348479

Ever heard of a comma? How about a period?
Are you on amphetamines?

>> No.4348486

Our cosmological horizon is just a Planck length's worth of expanded energy in a higher dimensional space. Holy fuck.

>> No.4348490

You missed the part where the universe became transparent to radiation as it cooled, forming the cosmic microwave background that we can see today. Maybe it's not super-important that it be included, but the CMB is a big deal in the history of science.

But yeah, pretty much.

>> No.4348515




>> No.4348529

Then "wow, it's fucking nothing".

Same damn thing.

>> No.4348562
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