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4347177 No.4347177 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry to say it because 10 year old trolls and all but I'm in need of your help. I suck balls at "english" and "words". I'm a man of few words when it comes to answering explanation type questions or writing in general. It takes me a very long time to put a post, response or email together and it's a pain in the dick that has the potential to harm my career prospects. I'm not a fan of waffling for the sake of adding waffle, I try to make concise points but academically it's never agreed with me. It's not that I'm stupid but writing is just very weak for me.

Can anyone offer me some help and advice?

>> No.4347187 [DELETED] 

You are retarded. That's it. You are unworthy of joining the elite ranks of SCIENTISTS.
Go back to the jungle and live with the monkeys who are more intelligent than you.

>> No.4347186

Use a thesaurus, pussy.

>> No.4347249

The best thing that you could do to improve your writing/vocabulary is to just read as much as possible, preferably some decent sci-fi (especially if you're a STEM major), alternatively you could try reading some proper literature.

Don't use a thesaurus.

>> No.4347254


I would recommend 'hard' literature, especially things you disagree with because it forces you to think of counter arguments while reading.

>> No.4347265

Just read /sci/ for a few hours a day, thats how my vocabulary got so 300k starting any job I want.

>> No.4347277


I don't understand how hard literature expands your reading capabilities more than paperbacks.

>> No.4347288


How does one classify a work of literature as 'hard'?

>> No.4347293

Books about biology will never be considered hard.

>> No.4347300


Books about engineering will also never be hard (unless surrounded by naked men)

>> No.4347306

I can read fine and I know what words mean., I just have problems putting my brain onto paper. I'll bash something out but then I'm compelled to constantly correct it until I feel it's lean and perfect. Alcohol can help a little because it makes me not give a fuck but then I'm balancing on a beam on literary genius and drunken nonsense. Like it or not you're somewhat close to my peers so /lit/ can go shove some dickens up its dickhole.

Ask me to write about a subject and you'll be very lucky to get two A4 pages out of me. Admittedly I'm not a fan of literature and haven't found myself consumed by a novel.

>> No.4347315


So you're saying you don't know many words, yet you like to read?

>> No.4347323

No, that's not at all what I'm saying. Can't you read?

>> No.4347337
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>Can't you read?

>> No.4347339
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>> No.4347368
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>> No.4347427

Try writing essays. Practice makes perfect.
Also, read "Quietly flows the Don".

>> No.4347464

>>4347427 Also, read "Quietly flows the Don".

Googled. There is a movie. Can I watch the movie?

>> No.4347518

Read lots, write lots. Many universities have writing clinics too.

It's not a science paper, and I think the paradigm it comes from is actually a dead-end, but this paper is the epitome of succint writing. Aim for this level of precision and consision: http://www.felsefedersligi.com/FileUpload/op30412/File/e.gettier_isjustifiedtruebeliefknowledge.pdf

>> No.4347529

This. great readers are great writers.
This is also a good point.
Generally it's of a higher quality writing and has a better vocab. Also, it's usually older and has stood the test of time. But the definition is arbitrary. Reading anything is good.
the "classics". Hemingway and Vergil and Whitman and such.

>> No.4347602

>Googled. There is a movie. Can I watch the movie?
It's just not the same. Read first than watch a movie.