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4343343 No.4343343 [Reply] [Original]

No-rigor tier majors:

I'll start, political science

>> No.4343358


>> No.4343362

women studies

not sure if troll or if biology really is no rigor

>> No.4343366


>> No.4343372
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> mfw I couldn't understand the word 'rigor', until I realised its American for 'rigour'.

>> No.4343377

ITT: non-geniuses believe they can understand rigor

>> No.4343388


I am doing element argument proofs in set theory. My last proof should be cited by wikipedia as an example of rigor.

No-rigor tier: Anything having to do with fashion or design.

>> No.4343392

>babby's first proof

>> No.4343395

1. Engineering

>> No.4343399


>> No.4343401


>> No.4343404


srsly, these fags think they have rigor while all they are doing is philosophy and mental masturbation

>> No.4343407

Chemistry ofc

>> No.4343409
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>Put two most rigorous majors in the no-rigor tier thread.

>> No.4343411



Most valuable mah-fuckin' major you can get, also the one least likely to get you a job.

Three cheers for starving for your principles.

>> No.4343415

actually mathematics are not rigourous, just true.
No false demonstration has ever been validated, ever.

>> No.4343418

Whoever calls mathematics rigorous, has to call philosophy and religion rigorous too. All of them are based on belief and only belief, without being related to reality.

>> No.4343419


My roommate is a history major about to apply to graduate school. He plans to be a professional student for as long as possible, and then either teach or work at a museum. Starving for interest ftw. Also, he is constantly writing giant papers. I would much rather dig into some real analysis.

>> No.4343421


1. Extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate: "the rigorous testing of consumer products".
2. (of a rule, system, etc.) Strictly applied or adhered to.

Does this most sound like math, philosophy, or religion to you?


>> No.4343426

>1. Extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate: "the rigorous testing of consumer products".
Math is not accurate. Like religion it requires belief in unfalsifiable axioms.
And there's no "testing" in math.
>2. (of a rule, system, etc.) Strictly applied or adhered to
Sound much like religion. Tell me the godfags don't strictly adhere to their rituals.

>> No.4343427
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>> No.4343438


Mathematics: Resolving the truth or falsity of conjectures by mathematical proof. Ie, establishing truth by rigorous deduction.

Philosophy: There is no truth, everyone has their own opinion and there is no standardized or widely accepted philosophy. There is no method of determining the validity of statements, there is nothing that involves rigor.

Religion: Make shit up to feel better about the insignificance of life. No rigorous method of proof or disproof

Just to recap. Math: Rigorous methods of proof and disproof. Philosophy/Religion <spoiler> They're the same </spoiler>: No method of proof or disproof of statements. No rigor required in any aspect. Just say what you want and if it sounds like OK bullshit then people will kind of buy in.

>> No.4343445

Who are you to define truth or the acceptable methods of gainng insight into truth? Only because your system of beliefs tells you it is "truth", it isn't always truth in reality. Only a genius like me can resolve complex conflicts like these on meta-levels, but your inferior mind will never grasp it.

>> No.4343456

>arguing like a religion fag

Sure thing, bro. Your holy mathematics is all that matters and other religions are infidels. You probably don't even see the irony of your post.

>> No.4343472

>implying I said philosophy and religion aren't valid areas of study.
>implying I said rigor is needed to be a worthwhile study or to be believable.

Sorry, you are correct. The rigorous methods of proof in philosophy and religion do make it just as rigorous as mathematics. I stand corrected.

>> No.4343482

Aren't you contradicting yourself? You defined rigor in terms that apply to math, religion and philosophy and now you want to distinguish them by rigor? Sound like troll logic to me.

>> No.4343485


You fucker can't even properly define rigor. Go back to your holy church of math and pray to the shrine of "proofs".

>> No.4343488
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>> No.4343497
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Extreme rigor: Physics, Math

High Rigor: Electrical engineering, chemistry,

Medium Rigor: Most other engineering, computer science

Low Rigor: Biology, geology, etc

No Rigor: Humanities such as polical science, religous studies, philosophy, sociology, etc


>> No.4343501


Also no rigor tier: Trolling

thread related.

>> No.4343515

>not rigorous


>> No.4343516

Why do you nerds insist on arguing over things like this? It's no wonder you all are basement dwellers.

Geological Engineering major here. Definitely not the most rigorous Engineering degree, but I still have to put a lot of work and thought into it. Is it less important than a math degree, physics degree, or another type of engineering? No. Everything has it's place and use in the world.

Though honestly, I don't know why Math majors are so stuck up. They go through 4 years of tough study and then usually end up going into some sort of financial job which generally influence a few peoples' pocketbooks, but not society as a whole.

Congratulations on your "rigor", but honestly you only have the right to brag unless you're doing the world some good.

>> No.4343529


OP here. I am a computer science major. I am just discussing the various levels of rigor. Each major has its place in the world, to be sure. Engineering is extremely useful, I am just noting the levels of rigor here.

Also, most math majors I know are extremely nice and not stuck up. The only real academic feud I have seen is between physics and chemistry departments. Its actually pretty hilarious. I have some pretty good back and forths with the engineering students as well. We were all in the calc classes together freshman year and then they went on to engineering related math while I went on to computer science related math. We like to try to have a math dick measuring contest from time to time.

>> No.4343536


Oh you shitty little troll.

>> No.4343553


>Have to take 400 level math classes.
>Proof of accuracy for algorithms
>Programming theory
>Operating system theory
>Machine learning theory

Keep trolliin trollin trollin what, keep trollin trollin trollin.

>> No.4343561

Whatever you consider math or rigor in CS is ridiculous to math majors.
While CS majors need years to understand the shit you listed, a math major could learn it in one day and have a better understanding.

>> No.4343592


>mathematics majors
>doing anything at all after school

Nice try. Math majors end up either a) being aspies or asians who make new discoveries in topology or some shit, or b) in the gutters.

>> No.4343596

CS is under the maths department @ my school and many maths majors are also programmers/work in CS fields. They're not so different you raging homosecks.

>> No.4343602

Still better than CS people who end up as pedophile and morbidly obese neckbeards working their ass off as code monkeys.

Any math major can enter CS. The other direction is nearly impossible.

>> No.4343608

My highschool calculus teacher had his undergrad in CS and Masters in Maths.

>> No.4343617

>highschool calculus teacher
>not the epitome of failure

>> No.4343618

Could be worse. He could be your father.

>> No.4343622

In Canada, they make ~100k

>> No.4343623

No, he couldn't. My father has superior genetics, just like me.

>> No.4343625

No, not that father.

>> No.4343672


>> No.4343683


>> No.4343720

Applied math

Basically dumbed down real math

>> No.4343733

I'm on a medicine course and I totally agree. Rote memorisation? Check. Real thought? Nope. I hate every single one of these sub-humans I've been appended to. This is essentially a prison right. First world problem prison but still.