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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4342876 No.4342876 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when bachelors in economics
>that feel when went back and took a few math and science courses and loved it got straight A's
>that feel when can't pursue science because of money

i ruined my life, /sci/

>> No.4342878

And? What the fuck is anyone here supposed to do about it? If you actually dealt with your problems instead of bitching about them online your life would probably be less of a piece of crap.

>> No.4342880
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why do you hurt me so?

>> No.4342883

>That feel when perusing a physics degree.
>That feel when I will probably end up doing some sort of engineering job.

What happened america, do we need another Hitler to strike your interest in science?

>> No.4342885

>that feel when can't pursue science because of money

Stop making excuses, FAGGOT. You worship money and you only have yourself to blame.

>> No.4342888


Trust me there are far worse, I should know... don't ask about it.

>> No.4342889

He means not enough money to go back to college. Jesus.

>> No.4342892

Don't worry. At least by being an economist you can have a totally uneducated opinion on climatology, geology, ecology, biology and engineering and it will still hold more weight to the public relative to the true experts' opinion.

>> No.4343149
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>> No.4343818


So true. That fucking hurts :(

>> No.4343837

Why cant you science.

Just science if you want to.

I science all the time, even in school, even while studying not-science like economics.

>> No.4343850

i can even sience in computer sience

>> No.4343855

wahtashi siense in siense siense

>> No.4343873

>that feel when can't pursue science because I'm a pussy and a loser


>> No.4343881


Economics and accounting double degree here. GOML. 5 trilllion strarting,

>> No.4343896

>that feel when I got my librarians degree and now have the entire science faculty library as my own personal domain and can read all the books/articles I want at my own leisure

feels pretty good, unfortunately there's also internet available so I don't study/read as much as I should

>> No.4343910

Trust me, the deeper courses would have made you hate science. You see, nobody really likes science. We just got too into it to go back. The early courses make everything so simple and fun. The later courses make you hate yourself.

>> No.4343921


This is largely true about economics too, although I wouldnt say I have begun to hate it.

I have just found that people often learn about introductory economics, and then become republicans or something.

>> No.4343935
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> implying the more economics classes you take the more likely you are to be non-republican