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File: 33 KB, 276x293, Erlenmeyer_flask.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4341123 No.4341123 [Reply] [Original]

This is illegal in Texas. Land of the free. Keep government out of religion. Outlaw science. Republicans, yay!


>> No.4341126

oh meercans...

>> No.4341129

Why would conservatives, who generally want less governance, want to criminalize things?

>> No.4341131

They generally do it in the name of morality.

>> No.4341132

>Why would conservatives, who generally want less governance
>who generally want less governance
That's where you went wrong. They're too retarded to have a consistent belief. They don't generally "want" anything. They just generally want a bunch of random shit they think is 'immoral' to be illegal.

>> No.4341136

Are you fucking tell me that if I wanted to make tea by mixing with style that I couldn't?

Fuck this earth.

>> No.4341137

>Like many other common pieces of glassware, Erlenmeyer flasks could potentially be used in the production of drugs.
This is among the most idiotic things I've ever read.

>> No.4341135


They always say they're against government, but then they outlaw porn, flasks, science, drugs, alcohol, interracial marriage, gay marriage, prostitution, stem cells (even ones derived from your own body), etc. They ban far more shit than anyone else. Mostly on religious "moral" grounds.

>> No.4341142

The people that would produce any thing worthy of an erlenmeyer flask already have fucking access to them. Texas should outlaw 2 liter bottles.

>> No.4341143

NEWSFLASH: Soil is made illegal in Texas; "could potentially be used to grow marijuana," officials say.

>> No.4341147

Texas soil can't even grow regular grass.

>> No.4341150
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Haha, silly 4chan libertarian babbies, it can't be that b-
> Like many other common pieces of glassware, Erlenmeyer flasks could potentially be used in the production of drugs. In an effort to restrict such production, some U.S. states (including Texas) have made possession of common flasks illegal without permit, including Erlenmeyer flasks, as well as chemicals identified as common starting materials.

Fuck this country, I swear.

>> No.4341153

Not with these fucking temperatures.

>> No.4341201

>Why would conservatives, who generally want less governance, want to criminalize things?

Do you seriously believe in the stuff conservatards say?

>> No.4341227

those are economic conservatives, these are social conservatives.

>> No.4341291 [DELETED] 
File: 369 KB, 1600x1067, 1328628766569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb. as. fuck.

just another case of stupid christians battling science

>> No.4341327
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It says without a permit. Which is probably very easy to obtain considering how many drugs that are produced in Texas.

>> No.4341332


And why should the tax payers be forced to support a larger bureaucracy and more police man hours to enforce this pointless law that won't stop any crime? It's just increasing the size of government, taking away freedom, and accomplishing nothing. That is the worst kind of law.

>> No.4341339
File: 145 KB, 750x502, dauratus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The modern American conservative movement is what happens when you merge two zealous ideologies that're largely inconsistent and unattainable.

Christian fundamentalism and market cultism.

I've noticed that market cultists aren't interested in economic systems as a pragmatic means to achieve prosperity.
They're interested in the free market for the sake of a free market.

To them, there is NOTHING that markets can't accomplish and any evidence or examples to the contrary are just so much propaganda from statists.

Examples of free market failures are merely misapplications of their economic ideology.

Those that refuse to kneel and self-immolate before the Altar of von Mises as a sacrifice are just deluded statist scum.

They're quite a bit like communists in that it's not about economics or results, it's about ideology.

>The two ideologies are largely incompatible and inconsistently applied, but this doesn't seem to really bother the adherents.

You also have to submit to periodic inspection without notice if you're a private citizen.

You must give up your 4th amendment rights to own glassware, you're also put on a list for law enforcement. You are automatically added to a short-list of potential suspects just for owning borosilicate glass with volume gradations on it.

>> No.4341348

I agree completely. I was just making a point that the government isn't really preventing you from doing science.

No more replies, this is politics, not science.

Unless we discuss the the process of which poop is made.

>> No.4341349

Its illegal in the same sense that alcohol and tobacco are illegal.

That is to say, they aren't illegal, they are controlled. And pretty much anyone who has any legitimate reason to have any of the 'controlled glassware' can easily get the permit for it.

>> No.4341351 [DELETED] 

texas is a shit state, AND the major cities (i.e. where most of the representatives come from) are all democrats.

so going hurp durp conservatives r stoopid just goes to show what an idiot you are. in the 2009 election 43.8% of the votes from texas were for obama.

>> No.4341352

I teach chemistry in Texas. It's good to know that if I ever leave I'll have an easy time continuing.

>> No.4341356

texas is a shit state, AND the major cities (i.e. where most of the representatives come from) are all democrat controlled.

so going hurp durp conservatives r stoopid just goes to show what an idiot you are. in the 2008 election 43.8% of the votes from texas were for obama.

>> No.4341354


Why should we give the government the authority to decide what is and what isn't legitimate? The government has proven time and again that they are incapable of making such decisions. Especially in Texas.

>> No.4341361

>I teach chemistry in Texas.

Put this guy on the no-fly list. I heard Al Qaeda was interested in chemistry.

>> No.4341368

> in the 2008 election 43.8% of the votes from texas were for obama.

Confirming that the majority are Republicans. Just as the majority of the Texas state government is Republican. And the governor. And everyone who signed this law.

>> No.4341376

Wasn't there a texas high school chemistry teacher on last year, that would buy glassware from undercover cops?

>> No.4341377


Except that Republicans outnumber Democrats in the legislature 2 to 1, and you're an idiot.

>the major cities (i.e. where most of the representatives come from)

the fuck

>> No.4341379


If you work for a school or a lab or have a degree in science, or are even working on a degree in science, you will get permission.

Im not saying its not a pain in the ass that its controlled, but in practice it's not that big of a deal. Its the same thing for the good sudaphedrine pills. You can't buy them without an ID in Texas because so many motherfuckers use them to make meth.

>> No.4341383


Let me guess, if this was legislation about guns, you'd be mad as hell. But since it's about science equipment, it doesn't matter to you.

>> No.4341387

>implying the population at large will miss easy access to glassware

>> No.4341392


Well if the majority of ignorant morons watching American Idol don't notice a bad law, then I guess that makes it a good law.

>> No.4341396

except texas gun laws are shit. they are better than some shit tier states like california or massachusetts, but overall they suck.

>> No.4341398


I think its fucking retarded, but it's already been passed. Because its thrown in with the 'war on drugs' it was easy for people to get support. And honestly, meth labs are a bigger threat to public safety than guns.

It really does bother me though, cause I was going to buy a set of 50 ml erlenmeyer flasks to use as shot glasses, but I was too lazy to fill out the paper work to get the permit.

>> No.4341403

>watching American Idol

>> No.4341410


Try moving to a decent state then chief

>inb4 Texas is a decent state

>> No.4341412
File: 45 KB, 630x450, Dtinctorius..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, I stock up on good sudaphedrine pills when I'm in Mexico because the US ones don't contain enough for drug war reasons.

I was once asked about this by customs when returning to the US.

>Notice that scuba gear? Have you ever had clogged sinuses at 90 feet below the surface? Your eardrums will burst. This is the only stuff that works because US versions don't have a large enough dose of API.

They let me go without problem.

There are no innocent tinkerers and hobbyists. There are only terrorists and dangerous intellectuals.

>> No.4341415

>And honestly, meth labs are a bigger threat to public safety than guns.

That's not even close to true.

>Deaths resulting from the direct or indirect use of all illegal drugs, including meth, cocaine, OxyContin, heroin and ecstasy for the same year total 17,000.

> 31,224 firearm-related deaths in 2007

In other words, ALL illegal drugs combined killed less than half as many as guns did.

>> No.4341427


Most of those fire arms related deaths are niggers and spics shooting niggers and spics. Meth labs in apartment complexes can blow up because of some of the gaseous byproducts. The little town I live in, a few times a year, a shitty little house or a grungy little apartment will blow up from that shit.

>> No.4341431
File: 108 KB, 600x600, blackheadedpython.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And your problem is...?

>> No.4341432

suicides are included in gun deaths too.

if those people didn't have guns they would likely jump in front of trains, so it's somewhat bullshit to include them.

>> No.4341433


It's cute that you believe the propaganda and lies they spread around to the public, but the figures are a matter of open record. You only have to check them for yourself to see that this drug war nonsense doesn't make anymore sense than prohibition of alcohol did. It only makes criminals rich, gets innocent people killed, leads to gang wars, costs the public a fortune and doesn't do anything to stop drugs from being freely available on every street corner in the country.

>> No.4341435

oh shit, forgot that people killed by cops are included in gun deaths, too.

so the statistics are a bit fucked as you can see.

>> No.4341439


The statistics still show that meth is far less dangerous. It's included in the statistics for all illegal drugs combined. On its own, it's far safer than guns.

>> No.4341443
File: 294 KB, 1600x1199, capeyorkpython.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also largely responsible for this:

this makes my blood boil. Our 8th amendment was set up to prevent this kind of shit. Cops joke about it now! It's as though sexual torture is a built-in part of state mandated punishment. We outsource prisons to private entities for whom substandard services and negligence are how profit is made. Some jails holding inmates who can't afford bail have implemented "tough" policies to persuade inmates to plead guilty and escape to the slightly preferable conditions of prisons.

It is now legal (thanks to judicial stupidity) to deprive fathers incapable of paying child support due to unemployment of their right to an attorney. They face jail time, yet are denied state-appointed legal counsel despite their clear need for such.

The USA certainly isn't the worst human rights violator in the world, but that's not the point. The point is that the US regularly criticizes other nations for human rights violations that we regularly commit.

The 4th Amendment has been torn to tatters.
The 8th Amendment is a joke.
The 1st Amendment has been severely restricted and most people just don't seem to care.
The 2nd Amendment still has supporters that strongly defend it, but selectively ignore other parts of the Constitution.

We are a nation in severe need of redemption. The problem is that our redemption does not come in the form of bailouts, healthcare, Jesus, Obama, the Tea Party, or more warfare. Our redemption will come from a deep examination of our origins and founding values.

>Anti-intellectualism is also a huge part of our problems

>> No.4341445

Only the shittiest parts of America have people who do meth.

>> No.4341447

Illegal and "controlled" (meaning you must have a permit to own, which is the case in Texas) are completely different dipshit.
Also, traditionally Republicans invest more in science than Democrats.
Way to over-sensationalize something rather small.

>> No.4341449


Please point out to me where I personally gave my support for the prohibition on drugs?

I personally think they should be made legal. It would be better for the government anyway, let em tax the fuck out of it. I was just saying that the reason shit like the glassware was made to be controlled is because of the war on drugs. I also stated that lots of people kill each other over the war on drugs because of the kind of profit they are making and control over the markets.

So go fuck off with your edgy hurr durr everyone is a sheeple bullshit.

>> No.4341452


But don't you see how that's just bad logic? If we outlawed and controlled everything that could be used as a drug, then literally everything would be controlled or banned.

>> No.4341457
File: 104 KB, 750x501, centralianpython.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look deeper into it, you agree to forego your 4th amendment rights and automatically agree to inspections when you get a permit to own glassware in Texas.

It's unacceptable.

I generally agree with Neil, as usual, but the anti-intellectualism is still strong with the American Right.

They love it when scientists and engineers deliver them results, but they loathe those same scientists and engineers. To me, this is fundamentally dishonest.

>> No.4341458
File: 24 KB, 465x315, krokodilsksjks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends what you mean by dangerous. drugs, and especially meth or krokodil, destroy people over time. a death by gun is typically one of the shortest and least painful. a fatal gunshot would should at most have you dead within an hour.

also, unless you consider cigarettes or alcohol a drug, i'm willing to wager that there are far more gun owners in the US than drug users.

>> No.4341468

>drugs, and especially meth or krokodil, destroy people over time.

Some drugs do. And they should be legalized so people won't turn to such dangerous but easily available drugs as krokodil. And if they were legal, these people would get higher quality, safer products and be more open to receiving rehab because they wouldn't fear prosecution.

>> No.4341471

Every side does that. It's no different than liberals always saying "LOL IQ doesn't matter" then recently, a guy correlates IQ with racial bigotry, and all of a sudden IQ's a legitimate measurement (which is a real example that's happened recently). The difference is you more closely relate to liberals so you notice it less.
If you think most of the Republican nominees are as religious as they tout, and aren't just attempting to win votes, you're also incredibly naive.

>> No.4341476

Your pic looked like a yummy sandwich in the distance. Fuck you.

>> No.4341484


The third amendment is holding strong, though.

>> No.4341487


The fuck are you talking about? I said I think that shit should all be legal. I agree that the government would be in much better shape it it just taxed the shit out of people who used em.

>> No.4341493
File: 62 KB, 500x357, olivepython.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the general problem with ideologies.

Political types generally only refer to facts when they support their opinions, conveniently ignoring facts that disagree with an ideology. This goes equally for conservatives and liberals.

My problem with the Right is that it made a deal with the devil. They've encouraged and empowered one of the MOST DANGEROUS segments of our society: the religious right.

The Left hasn't really absorbed and enabled a similarly dangerous group.

>I do hate most Left-leaning parties/movements for their policies on nuclear power

>> No.4341496

you're preaching to the wrong choir here. as far as i am concerned, most things should be legal unless they explicitly harm someone without that person's agreement (i.e. certain types of porn,) and US has some of the most restrictive and bullshit laws.

hell, i can't even drive a small diesel car on public roads because of EPA nazis. i can't import most new cars not available on the US market either, because of the highway safety nazis.

i just dislike people making guns seem like the ultimate evil to prove their point, when in reality gun statistics are strongly skewed in favor of anti-gunners.

>> No.4341503
File: 89 KB, 800x591, 1327348503184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when in reality gun statistics are strongly skewed in favor of anti-gunners.

You got that right.

>> No.4341505
File: 43 KB, 400x300, rheinkelii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own 3 guns. I even have a concealed carry permit.

That being said, the statement:
>gun statistics are strongly skewed in favor of anti-gunners
sounds asinine and you might want to re-work that.

Personally, I don't give a flying fuck about gun crime. As a human being, I reserve the right to arm myself as I see fit.

>> No.4341513

How have republicans empowered the religious right? People bitch about the religious right, but beyond stem cells they've really had no effect. Republicans have even blocked religion being taught in school because it's not science. The truely religious right is a minority, and you're using your preconceived notions to make blanket statements which just aren't true.

>> No.4341515


Just as I don't give a fuck about drug deaths or prostitution being immoral in an ancient goat herder's religion. They should all be legal. The government should be working on giving more freedom to individuals.

>> No.4341529
File: 169 KB, 800x1023, 1199411731549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurp durp

>> No.4341553
File: 107 KB, 800x535, pantherchameleon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It goes beyond simple legislation of morality. You're smart enough to know that unless you're some shill from /pol/.

Pandering to these people has given them a voice in the debate. Even if that voice is largely ignored when it comes to policy, that voice still translates to greater recognition in the media and culture in general.

As much as it pains me to say it, you have to admire Fox New's methods if not its goals. If I were a Rupert Murdoch/ William Randolph Hearst media magnate, I'd be using my power to ignore, ridicule, and marginalize a whole bunch of different groups.

>"Free market will solve ERRYTHING" cultists
>The religious
>Quantum mystics and other bullshit touted on Oprah
>Fat acceptance
>Anti-gun types
>Mothers for/against [insert cause here]
>Many many more

>> No.4341563

What I would like to see is a website where everyone can vote in support or opposition to any law. Every law would be listed, using some sort of algorithm to list ones relevant to your previous rulings on top.

The site would also have a section for up and coming legislation, and hot button issues.

>> No.4341576

I was just about to get mad, then I realized this pic must have been created for trolling purposes only

>> No.4341579

As much as I would like to have a more active role in legislature lately, that would require a complete overhaul of the system, essentially becoming a direct democracy rather than representatives.

Unless you mean for it to be more of a polling tool, in which case I would still be very interested in that.

>> No.4341585

Water is used to hydratize rapers and murderers. We should protect our children and family members, we need to criminalize water!

>> No.4341587
File: 187 KB, 1024x682, pantherchameleon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add a big one:
>Climate change deniers
>Moon landing conspiracy theorists

>> No.4341601

Those two never fail to rustle my jimmies.

>> No.4341617
File: 169 KB, 477x613, 1223325646442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have another, on me.

>> No.4341652

polling tool

maybe if enough people downvote "don't tie an alligator to the lamppost" they might go through and remove unneeded or unwanted laws.

For example in virginia it is illegal to accelerate on an on-ramp, yet you are supposed to match highway speeds to merge in. Stupid stupid law.

>> No.4341705

>people trolling by upvoting bullshit

>> No.4341727

I bought such a flask in a secondhand shop a month ago, just for the pure joy of being able to do that in a state that doesn't make it illegal like GAYTEXAS does.

>> No.4341756

this is how democracy needs to work
inb4 ignorant people will ruin it
yes they will, and they will learn damn quick not to vote drunk

>> No.4342080

What's worse?
A dumbass retarded creationist republican?

Or a fucktwatted brainwashed hipster cunt biased towards leftist views no motter what?

>> No.4342094

Holy fucking shit.

Outlaw bottles! They also can be used for synthesizing drugs!

Oh, and outlaw pockets! You know how much dealers just have their stuff there? If we would wear everything in some see-trough bag hanging from our neck, imaginehow safer our world would be! Thing of all the children saved from the hands of addiction!

Stay classy, America.

>> No.4342124

It's because the repz are running out of enemies..