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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 177 KB, 400x617, programming_languages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4339302 No.4339302 [Reply] [Original]

Just made this, what do you guys think.

in b4 programming isn't science

>> No.4339304


>> No.4339306

>implying delphi isn't there
>implying op is a fag which failed

>> No.4339309

Delphi is obsolete. There is Lazarus though. Pascal is a language, Lazarus/Delphi are IDEs.

>> No.4339311

But programming isn't science.

>> No.4339313
File: 14 KB, 300x330, duty_calls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is so

>> No.4339314

programming isn't science
on an unrelated note; picture is bullshit
You can't compare non-turing complete languages (SQL, but also HTML) with turing complete languages. You don't have a well-defined metric, so how can you compare interpreted languages (scripts) with compiled languages? How can you compare object oriented with non-oo (and put the only non-oo at the top)? Javascript > java. PHP > Pascal.
Piss off.

>> No.4339316


>> No.4339317

But Delphi(amming) aren't(isn't) IDEs.

Java = mother of all languages

>> No.4339319


No it isn't.

>> No.4339324

>You don't have a well-defined metric
It's called personal preference.

Also, CSS + HTML is Turing complete.

How is that.

>> No.4339331

>php - average tier
>javascript,C# bro tier
>java - shit tier
>python with C/C++

You're retarded OP, go back to being a codemonkey on /g/

>> No.4339332

So in your personal preference, you prefer to do server-side scripting in javascript, rather than php (since javascript>php). You prefer to query a database with C code, rather than MySQL.
One cannot construct a total order of the quality of languages (putting the issue of subjectivity aside), since one language might be more suitable for one task, and the other for another task.

Also, pretty cool that html+css IS a turing complete language, I'll be reading up on that now...

>> No.4339334

>codemonkey =/= science
>writing code =/= science

>> No.4339338

I did some reading up, and already, it's appearant that HTML+CSS3 is NOT turing complete.

>> No.4339345

I prefer C++ in the sense that I have the most fun using it, but ranking languages with no criteria for the product being developed is ridiculous.. Fuck off, OP.

>> No.4339346

I'm not sure if you're trolling or not. I said it was sorted by preference, yet you insist that there should be some logical hierarchy. It's just how appealing I find those particular languages

So by your standards, programming <=> code monkey / writing code? You're not making a whole lot of sense here.

As far as I know, it is. Link to what you've been reading?

>> No.4339348

>ranking languages with no criteria for the product being developed
So you're saying things like semantics, syntax, usability, overall elegance hold no value in your world? You must be a robot ...

>> No.4339351

HTML+CSS is turing complete? Are you implying you can perform calculation and run algorithm on HTML+CSS?

>> No.4339352

>programming <=> code monkey / writing code
>writing code
>code monkey

It is. Show me valid proof of programming being an actual science. Just because you have to think about what you do before hand and come up with algorithms doesn't make i a science

>> No.4339354

Well apparently you can code Rule 110 automation in it, which is Turing complete, so yeah.

>> No.4339357
File: 16 KB, 250x245, will-riker-star-trek-fans-12055760-250-245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because you have to think about what you do before hand and come up with algorithms doesn't make i a science

noun /ˈsīəns/ 
sciences, plural

The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment
- the world of science and technology

A particular area of this
- veterinary science
- the agricultural sciences

A systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject
- the science of criminology

Knowledge of any kind

>Knowledge of any kind

I rest my case

>> No.4339358

Except that it has to be of bounded size, so yeah.

>> No.4339359

It's more engineering and "art" than sience. I say art using " because people tend to be pissed when you say that word, and I'm not particularly fond of it either. But there is a certain creative quality a good programmer needs, which best resembles that of other creative people who make art and shit. But no, "programming" or even software development is not a science, and thank god for that.

>> No.4339363 [DELETED] 

And besides it needs a "push", it can't run on it's own. As far as I know. So it's sort-ish Turing complete.

>> No.4339364

And besides it needs a "push", it can't run on it's own. As far as I know. So it's "sort of" Turing complete.

>> No.4339365
File: 130 KB, 396x381, 1319463344518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knowledge of any kind

cool story tripfag, everything is a science by that definitions

>> No.4339366

Well, that's OK, since turing machines, as Turing envisioned them, also needed 'pushes'.
As long as the person, or object, 'pushing' the machine doesn't need to be stateful, it's ok. (So blindly ramming a button would be fine)

>> No.4339368

Talk to the dictionary people.

>> No.4339370
File: 7 KB, 251x242, 1319427711520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're retarded. I bet you think biology is a hard science too?

>> No.4339371
File: 7 KB, 158x165, george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard science
Sure is