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4338333 No.4338333 [Reply] [Original]


Get in here and let's talk about how we're going to be doing minimum wage work after we graduate.

I'm going to teach English in Korea or China next year.

>> No.4338340
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>B.Sc. in Biology
>no job I want
>$20k starting

>> No.4338401

Guess I'm the only bio major on /sci/.

>> No.4338419
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I'm just going to accept the fact that my going to college for a B.S. in Biology - botany - will never land me a high paying job.

But at least I'm well educated and can easily grow, breed, and consume as much cannabis as my heart desires.

>> No.4338428
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>> No.4338432

BSc in neuroscience here

Took me 7 months to find a job (and the job I got said I was so well qualified I was the only applicant they seriously considered).

Originally I was planning on doing this research assistant gig for a couple of years and then head off to get my PhD, but after talking to some PhDs I'm going to try to shoot for an MD/PhD instead. That way I can still do research, but if things don't work out I'll have a back-up career as a neurologist which is a pretty kick ass backup career. I'll also be able to practice medicine on the side for some additional income, and apparently an MD/PhD makes you god-king-tier for everything from post-docs to residencies to faculty positions to grants.

All I have to do is get a 35+ on the MCAT and get this damn first-author paper published and I'll be golden.

>> No.4338436

Hopefully after I get out of medical school I won't be working for minimum wage. Biology majors unite.

>> No.4338438

Math major here.

Excluding the temp job I got at my dad's company for tax season, it took me 2 years to find a job.

Although honestly I was pretty fuckin' lazy looking for work.

New job starts in a week!

>> No.4338439

>Getting a degree in botany

You are the first person I've ever met, online or off, who was concentrating in botany. What do you find interesting about that topic? I could never understand how people could find botany at all interesting, and apparently everyone in my classes felt the same way.

But hey, cheer up with the job prospects. It could be worse, you could be going into ecology.

>> No.4338451

What are you going to specialize in?

Because if it's pediatrics or primary care I've got some really bad fucking news for you...

What's the job?

>> No.4338465

I'm thinking heme or onc/rad onc, but I'm not too sure yet. I probably will end up changing my mind.

>> No.4338470


>> No.4338482


Botany is a very rewarding topic, plants are extremely interesting and SO fucking diverse. Plant biology may not be the easiest to wrap your head around since you don't have the fallback of zoologists/etc who can look to themselves for examples of what they're learning. However, the interactions of plants/photosynthetic 'stuff' (think algae etc) in an ecosystem is vitally important to the well being and continued thriving of other organisms. Without plants, land animals could have never colonized the early terrestrial environments on Earth. Plants serve a very important role in human activities, both as foodstuffs but also for the derivation of medical or industrial chemicals.

To each their own though...

Also - ecology isn't so bad for a field of study - very interesting and important stuff. Albeit I would agree in contending that Eco majors are royally fucked when it comes to finding jobs pertaining to major.

>> No.4338511

I'm an Risk Analyst (Underwriter) for an insurance company. Not the greatest thing for an ex-mathie to do, but as far as underwriting jobs go it's a decent gig (property and casualty insurance for small to medium sized businesses) and it's in the industry I want to get into. It's a nice balance between logic and people skills. Now the big question is what do I want to do with it... build up some knowledge of insurance and then decide to get back to the mathematics side of it and go into actuarial science? or say fuck spending 10 years writing tests and become a feild underwriter and make made cash by being the only motherfucker around who'll go out and talk to clients who isn't just out to sell them something?

>> No.4338516
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>> No.4338587

I was majoring in molecular biology, ended up declaring a double major in chemistry right before my senior year.

Between AChem, PChem and research, it wasn't the "victory lap" I had hoped for. But I got in to a chemical biology Ph.D. program, so I can't complain.

>> No.4338626

Join the biostatistics master race.