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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4336346 No.4336346 [Reply] [Original]

Best and worst college majors?

Ill start:

>Best: Math.

>Worst: Social Work.

Your turn!

Pic unrelated

>> No.4336360

>Social Work.

meh, at least they are trying to help people unlike WOMANZ STUDIZ or SOCIOLOGY.

>> No.4336371

>Best: Maths or Physics if going into finance
>Almost best: Finance
>Worst: Maths or Physics if not going into finance
Deal with it, proles

>> No.4336375

>science and math board

well wupdee fuckin doo, what a surprise. sage for every day thread.

>> No.4336391

Within the business school:
Best: Finance
Worst: Management Science

>> No.4336398

Best: Communication
Worst: Math anything

>> No.4336541
File: 125 KB, 910x1017, fuckyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, Finance specializing in financial engineering.
300k starting as a quant.

>> No.4336547


>implying you can land a 300k quant job WITHOUT a math PhD

financial engineers start at 80k if they're lucky.

>> No.4336557
File: 161 KB, 1680x1050, example4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my master is ranked 13th by the FT and I live in Switzerland -> highest standard of living-> hifghest salary. I got an internship of 6 months at 4000k chf/month and it will double if my work is well liked and I get hired. 300k is if you have 5 years experience, you don't need the phd, although it looks better on paper.

>> No.4336563

>Best: Theater studies with a focus on stage directing
>Worst: Maths

>> No.4336565


I meant 300k starting, and junior quants can make that much, with a top-tier PhD.

>> No.4336570
File: 877 KB, 1375x1560, 1278890869412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be unaware of the recurring 300k starting meme.
Seriously though, I think finance with a bachelor in maths is the way to go if you don't want a PHD. If you're patient enough, go with Maths , maths and applied maths in phd and you're golden as well.

>> No.4336572


What's wrong with management science?

>> No.4336585

Best: whatever you are genuinely interested in

Worst: anything motivated solely by money

ITT; College is vocational school, worship money or you are an imbecile

>> No.4336588

this is also why I despise engineers on this board. Sure, there are engineers who are actually just interested in making cool stuff, but most of them seem to be money grubbing retards.

>> No.4336589

Top tier: applied math, chemical engineering, electrical engineering
Good tier: mathematics, physics, physician/surgeon/etc.
Mid tier: mechanical engineering, computer science, economics

Shit tier: botany

>> No.4336594

What if I hate everything?

>> No.4336601

then become a plumber or electrician

>> No.4336602


Nigger please, people doing engineer going "hurr durr I'm making more money than you" is doing the exact same thing physics students are doing when they go "hurr durr hard science".

Pretty much one on /sci/ genuinely cares about science, they're just college students who want to wave their e-penis in other peoples faces. If people cared about science, they wouldn't bother with major-tiers.

>> No.4336603

Oh, shit, that's rich. I haven't had a good laugh yet today. Junior quants from top tier schools might start at 120, but that also depends on how close to the money you are. There are different types of quants. If you believe that you can start at 300 as a junior quant, then I've got a bridge to sell you.

>> No.4336613

Best: Math and Physics
Worst: Troll science/Pseudoscience

>> No.4336614


I'm well aware of the recurrent 300k starting meme.

you clearly don't get that starting quants actually CAN start at 300k with a phd in math.
