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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4332794 No.4332794 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you know how to program yet, /sci/?

>> No.4332801

Because /sci/ is full of freshman undergraduate mathematics or physics majors that think they are Einstein Jr.

>> No.4332916

ding ding ding only 30% of them actually have >3.0 GPAs

>> No.4332917

>physics major
>math major
>can't program

who are these shit tier people? what are they doing learning science?

>> No.4332922

I hate programming, thats what physicist and mathematicians are for

>> No.4332925

Isn't programming a requirement for almost any modern science degree? Almost everything is computerized in almost every field now, so not programming is stupid.

So what languages do people know/are taking?

>> No.4332932

introduced self on C++, took obligatory java/C classes, learned python/R/matlab for different lab-related programming and data analysis.

>> No.4333002
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>taking C# classes

>> No.4333016

Physicist here. I know FORTRAN.

Lately my university has started teaching some python to undergrads, but back in my days it wasn't like this.

>> No.4333033

studying CS in 3rd semester and can only do Java&C

>> No.4333041

what's so bad about c#

>> No.4333044

Nothings bad about it, it's just an archaic language, there is almost no usage in it now.

>> No.4333063

What would be good languages to learn then?

>> No.4333069

C++, Python, and knowing MatLab are good places to start, there's more, but I can't think right now.

>> No.4333073

Not him but I just learnt my first few languages and the most important thing to do is to choose a language which is fairly easy. I did Perl, but Python works just as well. They're
very easy to get the hang of and introduce most of the key concepts. They are also incredibly useful. Then you can learn a harder language, Im doing C++ and it makes me feel like a god among men

>> No.4333077

I thought C++ was always regarded as a language for beginners?

>> No.4333084

I wouldn't say that. I coded some development tools for electronics in EE. The neat thing about .NET development is that you can adapt your program in no time. I wrote some tool first as a GUI application on Windows, turns out lots of people wanted to use it, so I just popped it into an ASPX in about 3 days worth of work.

Sure, I would never code some security relevant application in C#, but for rapid development, I've yet to see something that works as piss-easy as .NET.

>> No.4333081

FYI you don't know what C# is and you should probably find out unless you want to continue making a fool of yourself.

>> No.4333086

I said harder.

>> No.4333098

yeah, let's hate on everyone and everything instead of having normal discussion

C/C++, FORTRAN (it seems old that's why i want to learn python, but most of professors at my uni uses FORTRAN so.. idk), MATLAB

>> No.4333107

Hasn't development for C# pretty much halted at this point?

>> No.4333127

I lol'd.

>> No.4333131


>> No.4333152

General use - Python.
Web apps/programming jobs - C#/.NET, Java.
Real-time - C/C++.
Science/Engineering - MATLAB/R/Octave
Computer Science - Lisp/Haskell

A bunch of these are free. You have no excuse not to use at least one of them.

>> No.4333233

I just use MATLAB. If I need C for an embedded application I use MATLAB or Simulink Coder, and if i'm combining it with existing code I verify the whole project with Polyspace.

>> No.4333250

Because my course doesn't teach any programming. we had like, 3 lectures about matlab in our first year, and quite a bit of time using mathematica in our second year, but that's it.

I'll try to learn fourtran or something in the summer when I have time.

>> No.4333258
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I'm at the end of a free online introduction to computer science course (MIT) and it has taught me wonderful things.

>> No.4333265

At my university programming isn't taught in biology or chemistry courses. chemists get taught to use mathematica and have a tiny introduction to mathcad, but that's it.

Physics students have programming assignments in C though.

>> No.4333269

I know how to program but I typically dont do it very much anymore. Once you've learned it, it takes no time to learn new languages/relearn old ones anyways.

>> No.4333276

You would think but a lot don't introduce programming at all. I didn't even know what programming was til I got a job and they took the time to train me a little.

Atm I only know the very basics of Python. I like it though. It helps that I do a lot of GIS work so Python makes sense for me.

After I get comfortable with Python is C++ a good choice for me? I tend to stay in the environmental fields (geology, hydrology, botany (wetlands), etc)

>> No.4333294

It's on the rise bro.

>> No.4333298


Physics/engineering majors should really consider MATLAB (better product - if you have money) or Octave (if you don't). Both of them have an excellent interactive programming environment, which is an actual pleasure to use once you learn it. Also, Wolfram Alpha for reference data.

Way back when I was a Physics major, I would have killed somebody to get my hands on either one of them.

>> No.4333299


Anant Agarwal FTW

>> No.4333319

i dont consider it programming but for fast calculation i use maple (i study physics)

>> No.4333323


You might be happier remaining with Python. Compared to Python, C++ is a bit clunky and primitive. C/C++ are better choices for embedded programming, where you have to do a lot of low-level memory and hardware register I/O. Also, for C/C++ you are going to have to learn how to use pointers. This is a fatal obstacle for a lot of people.

>> No.4333333

I see. Thank you!

>> No.4333356
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>dem sextuplets

>> No.4333379

I spend the majority of my free time programming
can't get enough of it
especially when reverse engineering/x86 assembly is involved

>> No.4333385
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>> No.4333390

i mostly use MATLAB coz it's easy and gets shit done. however i heard that most of supercomputers (or some shit) can only use FORTRAN so i'm thinking about learning it better for numerical work. i really don't know much about this stuff that's why i'm asking you, if that's the case with these supercomputer-thingy.
i'm on 3rd year physics (i don't think of numerical simulation as my main field, rather pure theory).

>> No.4333420

>(i don't think of numerical simulation as my main field, rather pure theory).
I hope you don't expect to make any money, or get a job

>> No.4333423


>> No.4333440

Does OP's picture represent cos(x+y)-z=0?

>> No.4333451

matlab is very similar to fortran in most respects except that it's a scripting language.

>> No.4333512


The newest version of MATLAB will automatically run calculations in parallel on multiple cores, if your processor has them. It can also use the GPUs on a CUDA-compliant graphics card (mine has 256 of them) as a po-boy supercomputer. We have applications which need this kind of computing power.

For a product that you have to pay money for, MATLAB is well worth the cost.

>> No.4333538

>implying MATLAB can run on anything less than a supercomputer without taking hours or days to do small tasks

>> No.4333582

you must be using a Mac.

>> No.4334137

wow you must have an awful computer

>> No.4334421

Stuff I know:
- C++: Hard to both learn and master, capable of both high and low level programming, writing in it is averagely efficient, execution is very fast.
- Fortran: Normal learning curve, ancient language, writing is awful, execution is very fast
- Python: Easy to learn, highly efficient to write, code execution is slow because it's a scripting language. However, C++ and Fortran code can easily be implemented to speed up the calculation (f2py for Fortran, scipy.weave for C++), which makes it a viable candidate for scientific programming.
- Mathematica: Scripting language; internal functions are implemented very efficiently and run fast, implementing C code is easy as hell. Batshit crazy learning curve to the point where the majority of the user base doesn't write very efficient code and complains that it's so slow.
- PHP/PERL: Easy to learn, huge library, nice to write small scripts. I'm not using them very often though, Python pretty much replaced my PHP scripts.

>> No.4334448

Because I'm a girl.

>> No.4334461

you must be a retarded CS major that's writing code with loops or recursion

>> No.4334464
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>> No.4334645

hah. signatured. if you want to program stuff that's any thing related to science and engineering, you would be well of with Matlab (or Octave, if you are poor; or just torrent Matlab if you are not part of some institution). Pretty much anyone who is serious about getting shit done (in these fields) use it.

I would leave C for systems programming, C++ for applications stuff. And python for ... i don't even know, web shit or something? ...and I guess making gui programs if you want them to be slow. Perl is my favorite though for text processing. Also I like Ocaml for making small programs that are completely independent and have no dependencies.

>> No.4334670

Currently using Python (x,y) at work, because these faggots are cheap about licenses. At least it's not too bad.

>> No.4334680

I know the basics of C and C++ from a couple classes at college. By no means an expert. I guess I'll learn at an internship, if I ever get one...

>> No.4334683

>completely independent and have no dependencies

reported for redundancy

>> No.4334711
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>> No.4334738

I know C, java and a bit of python, a little bit of lisp and I've read SICP.

>> No.4334742


int fib(int x){
return 0;
return 1;
return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2);

>> No.4334778

matlab master race here

>solving problems analytically

>> No.4334780


[fib(n), fib(n-1)] = [1 1; 1 0]^n * [ 1; 1 ];

>> No.4334877

I actually love Mathematica, but I hate it when people complain about it being slow. It's a huge language that can be coded in bunches of different methods, to make it easiest for the user. You can write a code to do something really complicated pretty easily, it just won't run very efficiently. If you want something that doesn't waste the computer's time, write in a more efficient language like C. If you want a language that doesn't waste your time, use Mathematica. Also the "CompiledFunction" function can usually save a bit of time when you're doing simpler stuff in Mathematica. Also using "Do" instead of "For".

Also Mathematica does have a huge mess of functions, but there's little that isn't automatically built in, and the manual pages are very well0designed and helpful.