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4325254 No.4325254[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Now that I've been studying a hard science for 3 years, I have realized that their is not a purpose to life as far as I can tell and now I am always depressed.

Is this normal?
Anybody else have this happen to them?

>> No.4325256

Only I have the capacity for true existential suffering.

>> No.4325257

>their is not a purpose to life
>their is not

Reported for philosophy.

>> No.4325264


>Had to study hard science to realize that there isnt any purpose to life

What the actual fuck?

>> No.4325267

There are two kinds of purpose, what Dawkins nicknamed archeo-purpose and neo-purpose.

One kind of purpose is the kind from design. A designer or builder has a specific aim when building something, and that aim or intent is its purpose.

The other kind of purpose is what utility or function we can ascribe to something. While no one designed a bird, I can say the purpose of a bird's wings is to fly.

In the first sense, life has no creator, so it has no purpose under the first sense.

Under the second sense, it has whatever purpose you want to ascribe to it.

Finally, why so sad? I never understood this. Why do you care if you have a designer who made you with a specific intent in mind? You want a dictator controlling your life? Be happy in your freedom.

>> No.4325274


>Baby's first steps in philosophy
>Reinventing the wheel

Not refering to you, but the Dawkins that you described.

>> No.4325277

I don't know why i am not happy. i used the Dr Manhattan pic because he has the line "in my opinion the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomena." make me feel like even if i become a successful physicist it wont even matter.

>> No.4325278

>Dawkins is uncultured when trying to talk in an accessible way.
Oh noes. Done being elitist yet?

>> No.4325289


>Being extremely buttfrustated and defensive at the mention of any possible flaw to your atheistic god

Damn you are one hilariously ironic fucking retard.

>> No.4325302


>trying to talk in an accessible way

>Implying renaming the concepts that have had the same names for thousands of years is accessible

>> No.4325320


OP let me recount to you a conversation I had with a friend three months ago while drinking.

Friend: I don't know Anon, I'm just starting to think there is no point to all of this. If there was, if there was God, why let shit like this happen, why count people be happy with each other, why suffer them? Why do people have emotions.

Me: Well in evolutionary terms emotion provided motivation to....etc etc

Friend: cutting me short so see there IS no meaning it's just like science. I'm starting to think that.

Me: Oh so you've gotten into science. *start talking about science theories on the origin of the Universe*

Friend: cutting me short agian, well I don't really understand that stuff but I'm so unhappy I just can't help but think life has no meaning and there is no God.

Me: So you don't care about or understand the science of reality, and you're not trying too, basically what you're saying is "My life sucks so there is no God" That's self involved in conceded. Why not stop being a hipster faggot and pretending your sucky ass life has some profound implications for all of humanity and just admit to yourself that the only real question you have is how can I be happy.


I'd give you the same advice OP. Science isn't meaning unless the joy of it gives your life meaning, if not trying to justify export and paste your misery on the whole of existence maybe you should focus on yourself.

Also sage for not science.

>> No.4325339

pur·pose   [pur-puhs] Show IPA noun, verb, -posed, -pos·ing.
1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.
3. determination; resoluteness.
4. the subject in hand; the point at issue.
5. practical result, effect, or advantage: to act to good purpose.

>an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal
OK OP. What's your subjective goal in life? What do you want to achieve?
Do you want to enjoy yourself? Have kids? Fuck little children?
The person that decides whether your life has purpose is you.

Notice that it's "AN intended or desired result", not "THE intended or desired result", so you can (and do) have multiple purposes in life.