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4324845 No.4324845 [Reply] [Original]

Exams are the maximum expression of trolling, isn´t it?

>> No.4324851

oh lawd, that shit is so true.

not all professors pull it, but i've had some that do.

>> No.4324858

You need to take your education into your own hands. Grading problems that are extremely complex takes a lot of time. Time that professors (or TAs) are unwilling or unable to give up for the hundreds of students they have in their class.

You're also living in a pretty easy time period. Universities used to have no note-taking and exams were completely oral. They can't do that anymore.

>> No.4324863

Never had this issue.

Problem sets were always more difficult than the exam.

>> No.4324862

>That feel when you could never graduate from an ancient greek university

>> No.4324866
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Ok here we go!!

>> No.4324870

>Solving circuits orally
I would like to see this.

Also, your logic is flawed.

>In Class
Professor solves problem once

Professor solves problem once or twice(for varying methods of solving) and posts solution or gives solution to TA

Professor/TA's have to solve the problem 100's of times, because they need to follow through the student's work to determine what grade to give them if they didn't get the right final result.

If the professor wanted to save time, he would reverse the order.

>> No.4324871

I fucking hate when students write in evaluations "You don't do enough examples!"

What this says to me is "You showed us a method of solving problems, and then how to solve problem A with it in class, but then you gave us problem B on the test!"
Yea? Well boo-fucking-hoo. Part of being a student is studying and critically thinking about the stubstance of the method. I can't fucking show you faggots how to solve every fucking kind of problem in the universe, it's up to you to use the knowledge you have to find a solution to the problem.

tl;dr stop fucking whining and learn the subject matter without relying on professors to carry your hand through the course.

>> No.4324876
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>> No.4324878
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>> No.4324881

What if your professor only "works out" examples that are already worked out in the textbook? My Group Theory prof did that the whole semester.

>> No.4324883

Professors who do this are just as lazy as some students.

>> No.4324885

fuck you, cunt. how about you leave deriving equations to the book and focus on doing as many examples as possible.

this. if i want to look at examples from the book i can do it myself.

>> No.4324889


>Fuck you, do more examples.
>No, wait i can do those examples by myself.

How about you stop browsing 4chan and get back to studying?

>> No.4324890

You're not paying for an education to a university, you're paying for a qualification. You're not in public school anymore, fucker, you're and adult.

>> No.4324892

>implying problems in exams are ever that easy

>> No.4324893

I go to a mid-tier university and this defines the vast majority of my professors. I think I can only count two in my three years of computer science that have taught purely from their own knowledge in the field, but even then I have my suspicions about one of them.

Makes me wish I had applied myself more so I could go to MIT or Caltech and presumably not have to deal with the half-assedness of my instructors.

>> No.4324894

how about you do what you're paid for rather than coping shit straight from the book?

oh really, then i suggest you contact all the universities and notify them that they can no longer advertise themselves as places of higher education.

>> No.4324896
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Right now I'm sticking to my physics books because of exams (full of formal procedures because of the teacher). The fucker is good, and he expects the same from us.

Many students will get raped.

>> No.4324900

This got me thinking... Why doesn''t the student set himself to a challenge previous exams? Like, do X problems in less than 2 hours. If you fucked up, don't worry; you still have time.

>> No.4324904
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This one time, in Orgo exam, i had to synthesize a chicken.

>> No.4324905

The book is useful in organizing course content, but not always for examples.

I'm paid to introduce subjects and lay the groundwork for how methods work, not to hold their hands. Students going into physics should have a very firm vector ground work and should know how to add two vectors in rectangular form together. And yet, every year i get bemused looks on faces when i tell students when i try to break a vector into its components and add them up to get a resultant vector. Every. Fucking. Time.

This is bullshit people should be learning in high school.

>> No.4324908

>Snarky dipshitted college child
You're educating yourself moron, if we're arguing semantics now than this is all the rebuttal I need.

You know there were people who actually made what you're studying, right? They made it from scratch. You're bitching that you don't get enough examples, or that your assigned homework doesn't adequately prepare you for what's going to happen?

Why can't you just fucking study harder if you KNOW that the homework isn't going to be enough to prepare it. Why do you blame the teacher when you are ACTIVELY SABOTAGING your efforts to actually master your skills in your courses?

>> No.4324924
File: 26 KB, 326x334, fgjmgjm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /sci/ do you want to do an exam?
You have infront of you a hipercomplex RLC circuit you need to solve using laplace equations. you can´t use computer, calculator, or formulas. The time is running you have 15 minutes.
Fail or pass the decision is yours!!!.... 14:59

>> No.4324925

I've had several profs who play the copy/paste from the textbook game. It drives me absolutely up the fucking wall. If you are going to give me notes and definitions that are IDENTICAL to the ones in the text and do examples that are step by step IDENTICAL to the text what the fuck is the point in me showing up to your lectures. Any idort can open a textbook, read through the examples and do all of the practice solutions. That isnt real fucking learning. Stop reading the fucking textbook to me; If you can't come up with your own explanations and examples of theory then you clearly don't understand it. Because now if I ask you a question you're going to give me a textbook answer, if I consult I'm going to get a textbook answer and if I consult the textbook I'm going to get the same fucking answer. Fuck that shit I buttmad as all hell.

>> No.4324930

>RLC circuit
>hyper complex
>laplace transforms

This is what undergraduate EE students actually think.

>> No.4324933

you can write it directly into S domain. You'd know this if you fucking did your homework or actually even open your book and try some problems.

Ls + 1/(Cs) + R = Z(s)

>> No.4324942

Thats good but I forgot that in jill saw teacher´s exam... I had fail... the teacher makes you nervous

>> No.4324944

If you forget this in an exam, you deserve to fail.


>> No.4324946

>Professor/TA's have to solve the problem 100's of times, because they need to follow through the student's work to determine what grade to give them if they didn't get the right final result.

What kind of easy mode uni gives partial credit for a wrong answer in a circuit, that's fucking retarded, there's only one correct final answer.

>> No.4324952

>the teacher was mean so I forgot what the frequency domain was
...seriously? That's like forgetting how to add because you pissed your self.

>> No.4324959

Because it doesn't matter if the student makes a small mistake - it matters if they understand what they're doing.

>> No.4324965

agreed, you should know at least the basics if you plan on going into a certain field. doing physics without having at least the basic knowledge of stuff like forces, vectors, momentum etc should be the bare minimum unless it's a required introduction course.

>> No.4324974

>I lol'd

Anyways I learned that you need to work out extra problems to ace this stuff.. I don't like calling my professors bad or anything because most of our education is in our hands right? I was raised with the philosophy that I'm the reason why my grades are such and such and the professor is simply there to make sure we know BASICS. Esp with circuits, your prof can't hold your hand when you're applying for a job. Think of it like an instrument: the first two or three weeks are you just regurgitating what your teacher taught you, then after a while you start making your own shit up by trial+error

>> No.4324985

Not in circuits. If you truly understand circuit theory, you will ALWAYS get the correct answer, there's no ambiguity in a circuit problem.

>> No.4324992

There is a distinct difference between being smart / knowing your shit and being performance ready.

Exams are the only thing I have ever encountered that cause me to try and become performance ready, which is the most useful thing.

Who cares what grade you get, think of exams as a way to tell where you need to improve.

>> No.4325005

Yep, physics' exams have only one correct answer and not more... God bless physics!!!!

>> No.4325009

this is actually not true. There are many non-linear problems in physics where there are many answers.

>> No.4325013

>>4325005 I don't agree, they are 3 answers
the student's answer
the teacher's answer
and the answer printed in the book

>> No.4325015

Fuck all of these insufferable undergrads ITT.
The reason you fail your exams is because you're not smart enough to apply the principles to solve the problem, redoing solved problems in an exam is not a true test of knowledge and more importantly understanding.

Also: If your lecturer is shit don't waste your time in his class, most of your time at university is going to be spent in self-study anyway, you might as well start now.

>> No.4325017

To an extent. You can validate your results based on KCL most of the time.

But in an exam, it's possible to make mistakes. Something as simple as forgetting a negative sign can give you an answer that "seems" correct.

>> No.4325030

>>4324845 Thats not trolling... it´s called real life simulation