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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 228 KB, 500x376, Scientists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4324077 No.4324077 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best science?

>> No.4324089

math is a science now?
OP: the best science is science.

>> No.4324088


>> No.4324100
File: 96 KB, 627x474, 1321431989512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




would rage again....

Enough with the hurr durr my science is best science threads, and lets actually talk about science dipshits.

>> No.4324108


Science comes from the Latin word scire, which means to know. In this sense mathematics is the only science we can verify with certain, as its conclusions are deduced and thus a priori rather than inducted and a posteriori.

>> No.4324110

evolution is the best science


>> No.4324115



>> No.4324133

law, social sciences are the only useful sciences. When was the last time you needed to know why ionic compounds dissociate in polar covalent liquids, let me answer that for you just about never. When was the last time you or someone you knew was under trial, or having to obey a law? Thats right, plus lawyers make more money than scientists.

>> No.4324136

I'd define science as "the process of developing mechanisms to explain natural phenomena", and I'd define math as one of the models we use in science. but it's all semantics.

>> No.4324139

The science that concurs with what's known and provides predictions about what is not.

>> No.4324144


Then you're not defining science according to its etymology, and we can agree our dispute is definitional in origin.

>> No.4324146

There is no "Best" science, but Psychology is a load of shit.

>> No.4324159

Chemistry is the only reason you are typing that sentence

>> No.4324160
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physics. deal with it.

>> No.4324177

Neurology. Prove me wrong. Oh wait you can't, because you'd be employing my field of study in order to do that.

No brain = no science.

spoiler: I'm just kidding every branch of science is codependent and elevating one above another is juvenile, despite neurology being obviously the best.

>> No.4324178


>> No.4324181

But what is neurology without the Bio-Chemistry that is the base of the science?

>> No.4324191
File: 26 KB, 318x250, 132938495867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the spoiler

>> No.4324196

ergonomics, bitches.

>> No.4324205

The one that teaches you too build,
ideas will always fall and you can always teach yourself to think,
but building takes a little something special.

>> No.4324208

How is law a science? Seems more like pseudoscience to me, hell there's a whole legal industrial complex going on with it. Employ proper behavioral science to a society and legal systems are unnecessary.

>> No.4324214

>despite neurology being obviously the best

>> No.4324228
File: 38 KB, 347x352, 1307078744932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not understanding a joke

>> No.4324240

Fuck yeah Latin! I love etymological definitions. But english is its own language and the meaning of scio, scire has drifted. Anyway - yeah, we're just disagreeing on definitions.

I laughed

>> No.4324250
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>> No.4324262
File: 65 KB, 1023x309, fieldsrearrangedbypurity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>despite neurology being obviously the best.
He probably did.

Also branches of science aren't co-dependant, each branch depends only on those more pure than itself. Pic related.

>> No.4324269
File: 5 KB, 251x230, 1306032364329s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

creation science

>> No.4324271

Come on, now. I know text makes it hard to infer tone, but I think it was pretty obvious I was kidding.

Also, that comic is just masturbatory junk.

>> No.4324285

It isn't, really. It successfully arranges fields by purity (which is not to say superiority) and illustrates quite well what I'm talking about. Physics needs maths, maths doesn't need physics. Chemistry needs physics, physics doesn't need chemistry, etc.

>> No.4324286

I posted the response, and yes I read the spoiler.

It was a joke response to a joke. Internet is shitty for these types of things

>> No.4324312

"The ability to reduce everything to simple fundamental laws does not imply the ability to start from those laws and reconstruct the universe... The constructionist hypothesis breaks down when confronted with the twin difficulties of scale and complexity. At each level of complexity entirely new properties appear. Psychology is not applied biology, nor is biology applied chemistry. We can now see that the whole becomes not merely more, but very different from the sum of its parts."