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4322621 No.4322621 [Reply] [Original]

>dat feel when the closest you get to hot females that are not related to you in months is when you sit next to them on the train/bus

>> No.4322627

>that feel when the only time you talk to hot females is when you are disparaging them for fucking up their test

>> No.4322630

>dat feel when the closest you get to hot females that are not related to you in months is when you sit next to them on the train/bus

try years.


>> No.4322637

i know that feel, and here's a feel i had yesterday.

>that feel when professor is a lazy cunt, and sends his TA to lecture instead. the TA turns out to be insanely hot (hips, ass, tits, face, everything) and she's a fucking grad student in engineering.

>that feel when you are a measly undergrad will never ravage the insanely attractive TA

this will probably be the highlight of my undergrad years. i still can't get over the fact of how insanely attractive she was. i couldn't help myself but to check the contact info when i got home, and it turns out that she has some fucked up middle eastern name which i thought was a guys name. she's persian but looked outright white.

>> No.4322652
File: 214 KB, 554x439, 1327519812464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4322659

do you not feel our feels?

>> No.4322658

post link to uni page now plox

>> No.4322666

talked to girl in class today.

you jelly op?

>> No.4322675

>>dat feel when you and your bro are playing pool
>>dat feel when hot females ask to join you
>>dat feel when they're better than yo
>>dat feel when pool tables cost 7 dollars an hour and you're not sure if you should be hitting them up or feel used

>> No.4322676
File: 648 KB, 539x717, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think she has one. her name is really unique and it would be easy to find if she did have her own page.

here's a facebook photo, though.

>> No.4322683

I easily get hugs from female friends or even female "girls I don't really know". Problem is that these are "we'll never fuck, ever"-hugs.

>> No.4322695
File: 4 KB, 300x300, 1325773474536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insanely hot

>> No.4322702

>sweat stain on breast
>bad posture
>way too much of a whore like smile
0/10 wouldn't bang

>> No.4322703
File: 841 KB, 716x526, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna lie, she does look pretty shitty in the pics.
she looked a lot better in person, but that was also due to dat ass and dem hips.

she's the first chick from the left.

>> No.4322706

>Wait at bus stop.
>Bus never comes.
>Get to walk home with a hot girl who lives near you and who missed her bus too.
>Even if we talked for approximately 1 hour, never ask for her name nor how could I recontact her.
>Usually never take the bus at this particular hour, so low chance of seeing her again.

>> No.4322716
File: 82 KB, 588x626, 1325771672142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat face
you sure have not very high standards, but that's not a bad thing

>> No.4322723

like i said, she looked much better in person.

i was hesitant to post the pictures because she looks like a man in most of them. these two were the best of the bunch.

>> No.4322739


To be honest I think she's really hot

But everyone on 4chan is just "2/10 sharp knees wouldn't bang"

>> No.4322740

She might be a tranny. If she is, have sex with her on my account.

>> No.4322751

she is, and the pictures don't do her justice. maybe it's a good thing because otherwise i would constantly fawn over them.

i have to say that of all the girls in engineering, only the persian/iranian ones seem to be hot.

no, she just looks like shit in photos. also her hips were too awesome to be a man.