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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4321569 No.4321569 [Reply] [Original]

>>be female
>>be average normal human being
>>be ridiculously attracted to scientists
>>not care about looks
>>not care about money
>>find the socially stunted ones to be a huge plus
>>be bad at really math personally (I mean learning disability level)
>>be interested in science okay with it

>>be right brained as FUCK
>>be wild free thinking artist
>>insanely good at all things creative
>>people surround me all my life
>>be not interested in even one of them
>>lust after the lonely nerdy genius

Give me logical reasons for this behavior. The people I jive with, don't get me wrong wonderful humans, they hold no sexual attraction for me.

But I spew fluids with guys who are almost total opposites of me. Natural instinct in wanting to create mentally balanced offspring maybe?

Pic related all my love...

>> No.4321573
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A rather odd behavior, 'miss'.

>> No.4321575

i know someone like this... charlene?

>> No.4321583

Spend some quality time with the nerdy lonely guys. You'll change your mind.
TV has romantized nerd-dom. Most are just anti-social, you'd start hating them almost instantly.

>> No.4321582

No, but interesting that someone else is like this.

>> No.4321585
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>that feel when there are few like op

>> No.4321588
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I can confirm this. I generally dislike people, and then dislike myself for disliking them.

>> No.4321589

inb4 misogyny

>> No.4321592

Oh all the times I've masturbated to Sagan...

Intelligence is just one of those natural aphrodisiacs.

>> No.4321593
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What she says:
>>be ridiculously attracted to scientists
>>not care about looks
>>not care about money
>>find the socially stunted ones to be a huge plus
What she means:
>be attracted to intelligent men
>can't be extremely ugly
>Carl Sagan was well off financially (He had BILLIONS AND BILLIONS... of zimbabwean dollars)
>Huge public speaker, obviously not socially stunted

>> No.4321595

would you marry me?

>> No.4321598

OP has admitted a learning-disability level of mathematical ability. You might not realise how often reasonable looking girls lust after you but you don't even acknowledge it because in the mating game you would not be willing to make the intelligence sacrifice. Would you?

>> No.4321603

Thats correct. But also most intelligent people that i know are really emotional fucked up and insecure.

>> No.4321604

This. And only this.
I know from experience since I'm one of those guys and I had many bitches telling me they were like OP but it always turned out they didn't like me. Naturally I had to rape them instead.

>> No.4321605

Oh, sadly I know that to be true. That's why I view 'true' intelligence as having a level of opening mindedness and kindness towards all human beings.

Because it's logical. Logical because not only does it make society as a whole run more smooth it also makes you happy. Who doesn't want to be happy.

So someone with both intelligence on a IQ scale and a emotional scale is truly a great human being . And in my opinion if you look though history most great/famous philosophers, scientists, geniuses did have those two attributes.

Because anyone can be smart. But not anyone can apply that intelligence in a way that makes a positive impact.

What I really romanticize is meeting one of those people, him being awkward and somewhat bitter towards humanity at first, but then together we work with each other to come up with help each other, and discover amazing new wondrous things together.

Stupid fantasy...

>> No.4321609

Your fantasy is basically a manifestation of you being a control freak i.e. "I'll be the one to change that man". You're pathetic, and even more so with you math disability.

>> No.4321610
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this is a real nerd, learn the difference it could save your live

>> No.4321612


In fact, through history most great/famous scientists and geniuses didnt have too much intelligence in an emotional scale.

>> No.4321615
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>mfw I'm a female who has a boyfriend and this was pretty damn accurate describing us

I think of myself as stupid, though. I'm nowhere near the intelligence on /sci/. Wish I was as smart as my dad. ;_;

>> No.4321616

Answer me this, OP. Do you really want to fuck these type of guys?

Too slow, your answer is no. You are just focusing on typical "daddy" traits. The alpha males are the most attractive during ovulation and you want to have sex with them, but you want the betas to take care of the baby. No one is actually sexually attracted to the betas, but they are the ideal daddy material.

>> No.4321618

Yes, true he wasn't socially stunted and was rich, but wasn't always that way. I think there is a level of wisdom that comes through life experience and having that open-mindedness I talked about before. I don't think everyone has it naturally they can just learn to. Sagan's money probably helped him with that happiness thing a bit though. Lol.

>can't be extremely ugly
Looks are so far removed from the point it's ridiculous. And implying anyone in this thread lurking or posting is 'extremely' ugly. Oh please. I have a high standard for what I consider 'extremely ugly' so unless you are the elephant man and your tumors are so large your risk suffocation just by lying down then you're not ugly.

And if you do consider yourself that ugly, that would be even more interesting and fascinating because of the strangeness it would imply. I'd respect and willingly talk to someone who lived a life like that out of pure curiosity.

Fuck you, I don't have a bone in my body that considers anything ugly. Everything has beauty, not everyone can see it.

>> No.4321620

>leave 4 ching because its full of idiots
>come back
>see this
>never post again

>> No.4321621

I never want to reproduce.

>> No.4321623

I'm too lazy to change some one so if the guy isn't kind to start with I just don't care, I still fantasize about such a partnership in which we help each other.

>> No.4321624

Welp, confirmed for useless skin flaps.

Any logical person would rather just get a hooker, in the end she'd probably cost less money and cause less headaches.

>> No.4321625

I am thinking in OP right now i am pretty sure that i would fall in love with her if she was pretty. But if she was ugly i would ended up thinking that all this thoughts are just drama of an insecure, ugly woman.

>> No.4321628
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Pretty much my thoughts exactly.

>> No.4321627

So you are shallow.

>> No.4321629


not really. i am just human.

>> No.4321630

Nope. He's a man. Deal with it.


>> No.4321631

So you are all not only shallow but hypocrites too?

>> No.4321632

The hollow rhetoric of ugly people everywhere.
How do you figure?

>> No.4321633

Well I think I was pretty until I got in a car wreck and it fucked up like 80 of the skin on my body, face intact though. If you don't mind really weird looking scars then yea I'm pretty. Many guys chasing after me at least before and after the wreck... never many fucks were given...

>> No.4321635

80 percent lol

>> No.4321636
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Not sure if serious...

>> No.4321637


Natural instinct that make the chemistry of my brain change in such way that i fall in love and undestanding with the beauty of a woman doesnt make me shallow or hypocrite. But your butthurt sure proves that you are ugly.

>> No.4321638
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Also, OP, if you are real, get over yourself, That is life, and you sound a lot like those people who are always saying shit like "hurr why am i the only one to get good grades when i do noting lol derp".

Honestly, you know the choices you've got to make to make that happen, but since life is more complex than that, I know it's probably harder for you to realize it.

It's just who you prefer, why question it?

>> No.4321641

Not questioning it, just attention whoring.

>> No.4321648
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Just to make this clear OP.

>> No.4321655
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>> No.4321654

You won the superbowl?

That is a impressive feat.

>> No.4321660
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Old camwhore pic.
And even if not he's no where near elephant man status or even 'extremely ugly' so gfto with that shiz man. Right mind in that body and I'd melt.

>> No.4321665
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>> No.4321664
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Saged. Hidden. Reported. Emailed moot. Called the police. Notified the CIA. Alerted Homeland Security.

>> No.4321668
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>> No.4321673

>that everything
Thank you for making me feel like I was sculpted from The Gods themselves

>> No.4321677

If you are still single then you are to some degree, shallow.

I say this as a forever alone who has had more chances than most guys could dream of :(.

>> No.4321683

I think you are right really. Just shallow in a different way than most people. Caring about intelligence and not looks is still shallow on a level.

>> No.4321687

The word shallow is shallow. Generally, the people who use it are just shallow simpletons who can't formulate a better argument than "WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM?!?!?!"

To which the obvious answer is, "because you're a fucking landwhale."

>> No.4321688

Stating physical attractiveness as not being a component of your attraction to men is interesting. Interesting, as in speculating on just what your mental and/or physical shortcomings are, what possible past trauma caused this non-standard artificial mechanism.

>> No.4321690

Physical attractiveness is that important to women you know...

>> No.4321692


nah, she is just ugly.

>> No.4321695

My bad,
>is that
should be:
*isn't* that

>> No.4321696
File: 30 KB, 625x625, 1319769152729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be human