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4321451 No.4321451 [Reply] [Original]

So what do you expect them to find, /sci/?

>> No.4321462

Nothing particularly interesting.

>> No.4321463
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>> No.4321467

Yog Sothoth.

>> No.4321468

maybe they'll find some cool fossils.

>> No.4321469

The Thing

>> No.4321475


>> No.4321476

>cool fossils

i c wat u did thar

>> No.4321477

Obviously it's going to be whatever wiped out the dinosaurs

>> No.4321482

I don't think we should drill there

It was closed off from the world for a reason

>> No.4321485

A little late to speak up now, they've been drilling for about 2 decades and are just now about to get to the water.

>> No.4321487


>> No.4321488


>> No.4321490

From the Wikipedia article

>Drilling stopped on 5 February 2011 at a depth of 3,720 meters (12,200 ft) so that the research team could make it off the ice and onto the last flight before the beginning of the Antarctic winter season. The drilling team left by aircraft on February 6 and will have to wait until the next austral summer begins in December 2011 to try again.


This means they may have to leave again before they break through, and with the world ending in December of 2012, returning will be all but pointless.

>that feel when you will never know of the biological mysteries lurking beneath such an isolated ecosystem.

>> No.4321495

Breakthrough is planned within the next week.

>> No.4321496


>> No.4321501

>He said the doomsday scenario for the Russian breakthrough would be if the suddenly released water pushed its way past machinery to block it and shot up the borehole, which is six to eight inches in diameter at the top. The result, he said, could be an enormous geyser that could empty a quarter of the lake. Priscu said he didn’t expect that to happen, but if it did, the sudden addition of substantial water vapor to the antarctic atmosphere could change the continent’s weather in unpredictable ways.

So it will shoot up super aids bacteria into the atmosphere and cause an ice at the same time? We're fucked

>> No.4321506

I think they're pretty safe.
The shoggoths tend to stay near the underground sea, which is nowhere near the lake and the elder things all either died out or degenerated.

And the deep ones and the star-spawn like warmer waters.

I'd be more worried about Ithaqua, but there hasn't been any of those incidents in years.

>> No.4321507

Holy shit I've been checking in on this for years now... Time to re-read At the Mountains of Madness again?

>> No.4321508

Read also A Colder War
Free online short story:

Lake Vostok makes a short appearance, but the scene is eerie.

>> No.4321509

Holy goosebumps duckman!

>> No.4321510

>that feel when with all the technology we have now you can safely follow the route of Miskatonic University Expedition, checking internet maps, Antarctic locations, making personal notes

reading has never been this interesting

>> No.4321517

The scientists have sent some messages:

"It was young Danforth who drew our notice to the curious regularities of the higher mountain skyline - regularities like clinging fragments of perfect cubes, which Lake had mentioned in his messages, and which indeed justified his comparison with the dreamlike suggestions of primordial temple ruins, At the moment I felt sorry that I had ever read the abhorred Necronomicon, or talked so much with that unpleasantly erudite folklorist Wilmarth at the university."

>> No.4321536
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The first mention of albino penguins and I'm barricading myself in a bunker.

>> No.4321545

how can they be sure to not contaminate the lake?

>> No.4321561
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My body trembles with untold readiness.

>> No.4321562

They can't/they freeze the pit closed above the probe.

>> No.4321572
File: 163 KB, 700x1030, jimsuit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once more we go into the abyss.

To turn inward, and explore not just deep water but deep time.

Does anything still live beneath the ice?

If so, just imagine how different it will be.

>> No.4321577
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Don't be afraid. No matter how alien, whatever life they find will be microscopic. Aside from the improbable chance of infection there is no chance of harm.

Instead, think of this as a prelude to, and practice for, similar future discoveries on Europa. It is as close to an Earthbound analog for a life seeking mission to Europa as any of us could ask for.

>> No.4321586

>implying we won't release a civilization of advanced microscopic aliens that will destroy us

>> No.4321590

They will find a whole bunch of really cold water and there will suddenly be an influx of new bottled water companies.

>> No.4321591
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>ofw the whole lake is one protoplasmic ooze that consumes the whole team

>> No.4321596

and this will also save us from global warming
pretty cool, eh?

>> No.4321597

I would sure as fuck buy bottles of water from a 20M year virgin lake.

>> No.4321600
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>Mfw this is what they find

>> No.4321611

MFW bioshock

>> No.4321613


>MFW bioshock

How is this anything like bioshock?

>> No.4321658


I expect them to find water. It would be silly to expect anything else.

>> No.4321708

>It would be silly to expect anything else.
>they've been drilling for 20 years
>expecting water

>> No.4321719
File: 220 KB, 443x507, Vostok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll be in for a surprise...

>> No.4321740

34 posts and no one mentions about oil and mining?

>> No.4321744
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>yfw global warming melts all the ice in Antarctica and then the USA claims it as its own state

>> No.4321754

I'm pretty sure we made a treaty that doesn't let anyone claim Antarctica. All bets are off if someone finds so much as a drop of oil though.

>> No.4321792

how can you get so wet over some microbes? also no person is going down there.

>> No.4321812

But we also have a treaty to not explore for oil for at least X years (forgot how many and when signed, but it expires in 2050 AFAIK). So Arctic now, then after 2050 free for all oil grab in the Antarctic.

>> No.4321892


>> No.4321897
File: 102 KB, 337x367, 1319071521486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it possible that there's freely flowing water under a huge mother fucking cold ass ice block?

how is the lake not frozen?

>> No.4321901


>> No.4321908

Because that would be redundant. Everybody knows that Antarctica is rich in oil and other minerals. There was a treaty signed between several nations that gave them control of sorts over certain parts of the continent, on the provision that they don't mine their.

>> No.4321907


>> No.4321912


>> No.4323350


>> No.4323367

for the fucking win, just read this in Dozois' anthology.

>> No.4323376

I wouldn't be surprised if breaking in somehow killed everything in the lake.

>> No.4323383


>> No.4323391

>60 tons of kerosene on a hole on top one if the last intact ecosystems on earth

fucking russians

>> No.4323392

Elder things.

>> No.4323394


>> No.4323396


>> No.4323407
File: 66 KB, 432x480, albino_penguin_3sfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White Penguin Spotted In Antarctica

It was spotted a few weeks ago.
It's beginning.

>> No.4323411

Fuck they've been close for like the last 3 years. I've almost given up on waiting on these fuckups

>> No.4323422

Iceman, from megaman.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.4323464
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I expect them to find secrets....and THEY BETTER BE ANCIENT

>> No.4323470

Oh lordy, that thing looks like a mean motherfucker.

>> No.4323473

This is the most likely answer