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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4318970 No.4318970 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I wear a gold band on my rung finger when I go to class, and occasionally people will ask, "Oh, are you married?"
And then I say, "Yeah... MARRIED TO SCIENCE!"

Gets them every time. LOL

>> No.4318981


>> No.4319007

then I go home and sit on my desk, chukling to myself, imagining myself having grand conversations with . But, as always, suddenly a feeling of lonelyness starts to creep over me, my smile fides and is replaced with a frown, that has as much sorrow as contempt. I satan up and walk to the bathroom, when I look at my reflection in the mirror, I can barely recognize myself, I stare deep into my eyes, as a wish someone would do, as I wish someone else cared enought to do. I look down at the ring and remember the episode earlier in the day, and I smiled. The smile was suddenly bathed by tears, silent tears, I just stood there, leaning on the sink and crying, with this inexplicable feeling inside my chest. Yes, I am married to science.

>> No.4319025
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>rung finger

>> No.4319026


>> No.4319034

I gather myself and look up again but i can barely stand the sight of my own reflection. Everyday a repition of the last. Get up go to class, go straight home, open up 4chan and other distractions. Distractions are the only thing that save me. They save me from introspection because whenever I examine my life i realize that while doing well on the outside I am empty on the inside. This emptiness like a black abyss that haunts me everyday between the few minutes i shut down the computer and lie down in bed. I have stared into that abyss for to long.

>> No.4319053

Wanna skype with me?
It's almost as good as a real person. You get all the nervousness, shyness and awkwardness just like in real life, except you already know I love science as much as you! Science is our waifu, right?

>> No.4319060


Today will be different. Today will be different. Today... I repeat those words to myself the very minute I wake up. I repeat them as I wash my face and brush my teeth. I repeat them as I prepare cofee and put on my corduroy blazer.

Today will be different.

When I get to class I feel amazing. Mi hands tingle, and my head buzzes with exitement. I boldly walk up to a man and ask him for a cigarrette, I stutter a bit, but it doesn't matter; today will be different!

>> No.4319066

well played, well played

>> No.4319089

Relax Carl, I think he just misspelled it.

>> No.4319117


I feel like I cant breathe, I also feel like an idiot, I feel, I know that my face is embarrisangly red. During the brief moment when I took the cigarrette to my lips and lit it, a collecton af years and years of mental images captured from movies and series of handsome masculine men smoking flashed through my mind, I can even recall thinking to myself "I'm gonna buy a leather jacket". But now, as I cough up my stupidity, al that's on my mind is cancer, lung cancer, death, cancer.

>> No.4319142
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>That feel when you spend 1 1/2 hours studying the relationships between the natural logarithm, e, i, the complex plane, inverse functions and vectors relative to derivatives, the distribution of pure numbers, and geometry. The three arithmetic operands and the five fundamental mathematical constants as well as the use of transcendency in mathematics

>That feel when you realize the absolute, intrinsic, complete, simple beauty of Euler and the way it illustrates nature in a way in which even the negative and irrational numbers are used.