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4316523 No.4316523 [Reply] [Original]

so i'm starting to think (not intending this to be conceited) that depression has a direct relationship with intelligence. idk. i'm probably wrong, but anyone else think so?

>> No.4316531

I think it sounds legit.

>> No.4316541

A study was posted here a while back claiming that depression is common among those considered "intelligent" more often.

>> No.4316542

Actually, it does have some correlation.
Finding studies on google scholar.

>> No.4316545

you need to stop watching house.

>> No.4316547

I'm stupider when I'm depressed. Or not a quick witted at least.

>> No.4316551

Well, while the correlation is real, neither of the two things implies the other.

>> No.4316556

You better hurry and take some antidepressants in that case.

>> No.4316576

>correlation is real
[Citation faggot]

>> No.4316582

Here's a study that suggests low IQ is correlated with depression.

This one suggests that med school students tend to be depressed, but that med school is not the cause, and that there is some biasing factor which skews people likely to be depressed into going to med school.

This one suggests that people score lower on IQ tests during bouts of depression.

These studies suggest different and sometimes conflicting things, but they do suggest some kind of relationship between intelligence and depression. It's just not consistently a positive or a negative correlation.

Let me see if I can still get access to journal articles through my university; I graduated in December.

>> No.4316591


>> No.4316594

>(not intending this to be conceited)

Would've been a lot less conceited if you omitted that. I didn't assume you were depressed until I read that. Then you made the argument that depressed = intelligent, making the further implication that you were intelligent.

Could've easily asked:

>Is there a direct relationship between intelligence and depression?

No one would've assumed an implication of your intelligence from that.

>> No.4316615

well... i mean... i'm sorry... but i really meant that.
i'm not claiming intelligence or depression, but i have gone through long bouts of clinical depression before. and i was just wondering if i would be happier or less inclined to depression if i was less of a /sci/entist...

>> No.4316634

I've only got abstracts.

This one suggests that depression isn't easily quantifiable in a study, and therefore results may be skewed.

This one suggests that intelligence doesn't correlate with quality of life measures (which include depression & mood). http://www.jstor.org/pss/27522879

Here's one that suggests IQ isn't as fixed as we may think, as children given music lessons (as opposed to drama lessons or no lessons) performed better on IQ tests.

>> No.4316640
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This is the only pyramid modern humans need.

>> No.4316649

>that feel when you're only the first and sometimes the second layer of the pyramid

>> No.4316671

True and remember we are watching you

>> No.4316687
File: 20 KB, 400x233, gi-joe-knowing-is-half-the-battle-t-shirt-shirtaday-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression usually results into Isolation, Isolation usually results into self reflection, self reflection usually results into curiosity, curiosity usually results into research, research usually results into knowledge, knowledge usually results into...

>> No.4316695



the more loose ends you have.

>> No.4316715

just a big fallacy

>> No.4316732

It's possible that depression has a link with intelligence in some subset of the depressed, but not in all. There's a whole spectrum of depressions, and some might be because they lack the intelligence to understand what's hampering them, while for others depression might actually boost intelligence.

>> No.4316769

> This one suggests that med school students tend to be depressed, but that med school is not the cause, and that there is some biasing factor which skews people likely to be depressed into going to med school.
I particularly like this one.

>> No.4316818

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this akin to the slippery slope logical fallacy in which you assume based on assumptions that what you're assuming is assumable? Because I'm assuming this is the case!

>> No.4316930

Correct. The research shows both negative and positive correlations between intelligence and depression when looking at different populations. Quite a few studies show that intelligence can be a protective factor against environmental stressors.

The stronger correlation is between rumination and depression. Rumination seems pretty common on this and other boards.

>> No.4316943

why would cows get depressed?

>> No.4316954

Because they're fat, live on fast food, wear tight clothing that makes guys vomit in the back of their throats, and hang out with roody-poos.

>> No.4317093


No. Isolationism involves depression, albeit heightened intelligence may lead to isolationism but 99% of the time its for misinterpretation and jumping to conclusions.

IQ: 145 confirmed 3X 15SD Alfred-Binet Test, MsC in Mathematics, minor in philosophy.

I love people when I'm with them
Hate them when I'm not.

>> No.4317100

Depression has a direct relationship with being a pussy. If you are so damn depressed, an hero and save some oxygen, candy-ass faggot.

>> No.4317923

>Implying humans cause oxygen to undergo nuclear reaction.

>> No.4317945
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I envy people who are fucking stupid.

Sometimes I wish I could be some braindead orange skinned douchebag with a two digit IQ who's straight from the Jersey shore.

Stupid people don't know they're stupid, so their happiness that results from being completely oblivious isn't fake happiness.

They feel genuinely happy because they just don't know any better. They live in their own small, isolated world.

Everything seems so much easier for stupid people. They just don't give a fuck.

>> No.4317948

No. It's a parabola.
The smarter you get, the more depressed you get.
Up to a point, after which it gets better.

>> No.4317954

Are humans the animal which feels mental pain most intensely than others? Maybe that's what we call subjectivity...