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4312941 No.4312941 [Reply] [Original]

>Any job I want
>300k Starting

Seriously, why even waste your time with PhD's.

Any other network security fags here? Industry is hiring like crazy if you are willing to travel a bit.

>> No.4312953

Well, how many years in uni is that?

>> No.4312954

Because then I'll be referred to as 'Doctor.' It's kind of a big deal.

>> No.4312967
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>No MD

>> No.4312969
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General networking here, going for an interview for a security position on thursday. CISSP is smalltime, I think you meant to say CCIE.

>> No.4312971

because if you aren't married and have no kids/dependents then once you start making over 100k you'll be just handing over your money to the government.

>> No.4312972

pick one motherfucker

>implying advanced scholarship was originally intended to be awarded to faggot scammer med students who charge $125/x-ray

>> No.4312976
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Haha, oh wow. Your bullshit is killing me here

>> No.4312984

let's get this shit started

>hard science

pick one

>> No.4312986

babby butthurt med student doesn't know the definition of PhD

>> No.4312995


No, let's really get this shit started.


Pick one.

>> No.4312997
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Whatever helps you fucks sleep at night when you know are going to be making $25,000 a year and I will be making $4 million

>> No.4312998


>green text
black text

pick one

>> No.4313004

bullshit op. I gave up after my ccna since I still couldn't land a job after a year of sending out resumes and interviews; most dumbass human resources people don't even know what ccna is much less cissp.

Fuck this shit earth.

>> No.4313010
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>$4 million

>> No.4313019

>Whatever helps you fucks sleep at night when you know are going to be making $25,000 a year and I will be making $4 million

A yearly salary of $4 million as a practicing physician? Unless you're a cosmetic surgeon in LA or NY, not a fucking chance. The few MDs I've met you hit multi-million dollar salaries (through my mother, a physician) changed careers, going into finance or consulting.

>> No.4313022


Meant to say "who", not "you". Sorry for the typo.

>> No.4313036

>apologizing for a typo
I seriously..

I'm going to be a world-class dermatologist. Trust me the $4 million will be there

>> No.4313046

Fiddling with skin for the rest of your life really sounds awesome to you?

>> No.4313060

OP here, I was busy writing a technical report.

CCIE is for failures. CCIE is to CISSP what trade school is to university. Functional, but not as respected.

>How many years in uni is that?
I have a bachelor in computer science, but looking back I could have gotten to where I am without the degree. Just require a couple years of self study and setting up your own lab. I learned most of the stuff I use outside of the classroom, though the stuff on programming theory is useful for finding exploits in software. Its all about memory pointers bro.

CCNA's are bullshit. Any fucktard can get that. I got my CCNA at a community college before I even knew what I wanted to do. If you are applying for a help desk position, then yeah they don't care. If you want to make money in security, then having a CISSP is huge. Almost all Chief Security Officers and Vice Presidents of IT have a CISSP. I do some consulting work and a CISSP is very nice to have on the resume. CCNA is like getting an A in math 111. No one cares.

>> No.4313071


For that matter, security+, network+, and all that bullshit is useless as well.

>> No.4313074


My immediate apologies, CCIE is good. I was thinking of CSSLP. CSSLP is like the CISSP's little brother that nobody really wants on their team.

>> No.4313075

>useful for something other than HR screening
Pick one

>> No.4313085

I never said ccnas are hard to get, theres just no point in getting more if I'm not seeing any payoff. Sure, you're a lucky piece of shit that just happened to fall in the right circumstances but not everyone is.

>> No.4313095

100% correctum. Certs make your salesman happy and nothing more.

>> No.4313312
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I was about to say that CCIE is really hard to get but you remembered. I wish you good luck anyway, fellow networkbro.

>> No.4313541


Thats like saying "I couldn't get a sweet ass job with my GED so I decided that getting a PhD probably wasn't worthwhile either"

You are the 99%