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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4309658 No.4309658 [Reply] [Original]

porbelm, atihest?

>> No.4309659

Hey athiests!

If God does not exist, then explain why bananas are the perfect shape to fit inside my ass.

>> No.4309671

You know, if you ever hear a Creationist use that stupid banana argument. (Maybe stated a bit differently) Remind them that bananas in the wild are small, hard and inedible, and have gradually evolved into there present form through selective breeding. So the fact that bananas are such a perfect fruit is due to man, not nature.

>> No.4309705

>implying Jesus existed and if so died and if so did so for our sins

>> No.4309709

Because he was a nice guy.

God needs to be real for people to do nice things?

>> No.4309714

Lmao wtf. I can't stop laughing.

>> No.4309717

>has never felt the pleasure of anal stimulation through the means of a banana

>> No.4309718

hahah, me neither bro. not him btw

>> No.4309723

Hetero male here, and anal stimulation is great.

>> No.4309727

This engineer designs closets

>> No.4309728

Sadly, most men are to embarrassed to experiment with stimulating their prostate. It is quite enjoyable, and can actually make an orgasm more intense.

>> No.4309732
File: 1.82 MB, 320x240, 1327739452840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao of shit... I see so much hate in this place with people. The way I see it is I believe in a god. But I do love math and sciences. But wow damn this guy made my day with the bananas thing. O.o?? Who the he'll uses bananas for there asses? That's just out there. Come to think of it. A girl using a bananas is hot!

>> No.4309747
File: 32 KB, 289x290, evolution-darwin-fish-extinction-4263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> and have gradually evolved into there present form through selective breeding.
Commercial turkeys have been bred to the point where they cannot reproduce. Their breast (heh) muscle is too big.

Does that mean turkeys have evolved against their own ability to reproduce, basically committing species (or at least breed) suicide?

Selective breeding is NOT evolution. What man sees as a positive mutation for himself is not necessarily good for the organism.


>> No.4309757

Well!! It seem we got a lot of banana loves in /sic to night...

>> No.4309788

>Who the he'll uses bananas for there asses?

Poorfags who can't afford real sex toys. Man, I feel sorry for them.

>> No.4309797
File: 76 KB, 360x249, 1327920757999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, you right bit to come up with that you would be one of three thing or all three.
1: Really fucking bored to come up with this idea.

2: Poor horny fat gay guy.

3: all of the above.