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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 39 KB, 1322x679, faggotsuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4303053 No.4303053 [Reply] [Original]

I've been getting a lot of e-mails from my fans on /sci/ to do a Q&A thread. So I'm taking time out of my busy day on 4chan to answer any questions because I love you faggots. Let's try to keep it science related since this is a science board. I am an amateur relationship counselor/pick-up artist so I can help with these type of things too

Before anyone asks.. Yes the troll awards will be coming back soon, don't worry.

>> No.4303058
File: 24 KB, 449x297, 1327534805557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King, you will never be.

>> No.4303057

What's your opinion on feminism?

>> No.4303061
File: 152 KB, 651x481, 1321773024761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really like I'm on le reddit, only you're not celebrity, just a delusional faggot.

>> No.4303060

>getting a lot of emails
what the fuck is your email

>> No.4303068

Get Josef to come back on /sci/.

>> No.4303072

hurr hurr durr... durrrrrr

>> No.4303070


>> No.4303082

Pussy is power.

Check the sticky

You're mad

>> No.4303090

how did josef die?

>> No.4303091
File: 212 KB, 550x800, how to get rid of cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 ban lol

>> No.4303094

He's in a better place now. That's all that matters

>> No.4303105
File: 73 KB, 554x515, mlfw1748-1320070341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been getting a lot of e-mails
last i've heard, nobody likes communicating with premeds.

>from my fans
i doubt you have any fans.

>on /sci/
you do not have any fans on /sci/, you are a shit posting troll.

>to do a Q&A thread
nobody wants to question a premed faggot, especially one who gets the entire rutgers network banned on a weekly basis

>so I'm taking time out of my busy day on 4chan
>masturbating to the kreb cycle and posting on /b/
yep, that's a busy day alright

>to answer any questions
nobody cares

>because I love you faggots
no - if you did, you wouldn't be shit posting

>Let's try to keep it science related
how can a q&a of some stupid namefag be science related? it isn't even meta.

>I am an amateur relationship counselor
no, you aren't. you're a troll.

>pick-up artist

>Yes the troll awards will be coming back soon
you say that every damn day, and nobody gives a fuck. you win by default now that EK is gone.

>> No.4303111

>❤♡❤♡❤♡{King of /sci/}❤♡❤♡❤♡
Would you please get rid of this?

>> No.4303112
File: 54 KB, 500x449, 1312951670765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just a troll and trolls can't bring me down

>> No.4303115


>> No.4303121

Why? A king deserves to wear his crown, does he not?

>> No.4303128
File: 9 KB, 200x180, aethers-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this your inspiration? >>>/lounge/1314086478
If so, I am disappoint. RedCream is doing a better job than you.

Concerning the troll awards: Now that EK is gone, who comes next?
I'd vote for mathgenius "not trolling".

>> No.4303132 [DELETED] 


I declare myself King

What now, faggot?

>> No.4303136

reported for meta thread enjoy your ban

reported for ponies enjoy your ban

reported for shitposting dog faggot enjoy your ban

>> No.4303140

This was an original idea. Just all of my ideas.

With EK, Teacunt, and Harriet all dead, it's going to be really hard picking who is the best troll on the board. I have a fantastic list right now though and I'm sure no one will be disappointed.

>> No.4303146

Reporting for no reason is against the global rules. You have been reported. Enjoy your ban

>> No.4303147

wait where did the scottish man go?

>> No.4303149

Who declared you king of /sci/?

>> No.4303151


>> No.4303156

Is it possible to create something like NZT from Limitless? Or is there some sort of vitamin or procedure that would slightly do anything?

>> No.4303163

The people of /sci/. There was a short voting process and I ended up winning.
His mom sent him to a mental hospital. Pretty funny story

>> No.4303165

don't start using the trip again faggot. reported enjoy your ban

>> No.4303172

Adderall. That movie is pure shit and nothing is scientifically accurate about it. I hope you don't believe we only use 10% of our brains

>> No.4303178
File: 118 KB, 360x360, 1313806404058.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4303179


The second I saw the trailer for Limitless, I immediately thought of Adderall or meth hahaha

>> No.4303185

How do I get a girlfriend?

>> No.4303194

i know we dont. i am just trying to figure out how i could possibly incease funstion

>> No.4303196

Dress nicely, don't be fat, be confident, funny. Go after the ugly ones since you probably are shitfuck ugly too

>> No.4303201

can we get an archive on this?

>> No.4303208

fuck off

>> No.4303212

can we? XD

>> No.4303222

installgentoo archives everything

>> No.4303224

I deserve to be king of all trolls! Watch me take the throne.

>> No.4303229 [DELETED] 

whatever happend to this thread? It's not archived anymore. But i saved the whole thing

>> No.4303231

>posting for 2 days


>> No.4303241

He has been a well known troll for months.


>> No.4303245
File: 410 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever happend to this thread its not archived anymore?

>> No.4303264

Why are you such a drama tripfag asking for attention on an anonymous board ,op?

>> No.4303266


>> No.4303269

Some of my understudies are investigating the situation

>> No.4303278

Who are you to declare yourself king? And more nefariously claiming to be capable of answering science questions or bringing the truth to this board? Only a genius like me deserves to be in this position. Prove yourself worthy.

>> No.4303277

I've never asked for attention. People just like giving attention to me.

>> No.4303282

Actually #RobertWe is enough. Only the first eight letters of a tripcode matter.

>> No.4303289

Like I said, the people of /sci/ declared me king. I always knew I was going to do something important with my life though.
Without a doubt, I have the highest IQ on the board so it's probably best that I stay king, sorry.

>> No.4303296

I deserve to be KING. Its my birthright!

>> No.4303303

>post on /sci/ for 2 days


>> No.4303308

are you really black? or just a name?

>> No.4303319

Whatever you consider a high intelligence quotient, it will be ridiculously small compared to my genius IQ. Not that I demand the mundane and profane responsibility of being a king, but I want to remind you that you need to practice modesty.

>> No.4303322

as far as I know, there are only two people on /sci/: you and me. I sure as hell didn't vote for you to be king.

>> No.4303324

Wow great question. Check the sticky, my biography is there.

>> No.4303338


>> No.4303373

A cell of solute concentration c and characteristic length δ is placed in a large bathing solution of solute with fixed concentration c0. If the region 0≤x≤δ represents the cell while the regions x<0, x>δ represent the cell exterior, show that the solution concentration of the cell is given by
<div class="math">c \left (x,t \right ) = c_0\left [ 1 - \frac{4}{pi} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{2n-1} \sin \left ( \frac{\left ( 2n-1 \right ) \pi x}{\delta } \right ) exp\left [ -\left ( 2n-1 \right )^{2} \pi^{2} Dt \right ] /\delta ^{2} \right ]</div>
where D is the diffusion constant.

>> No.4303387

reported. enjoy your ban

>> No.4303391


>> No.4303390


>unidimensional pde
>fourier series
>a hard math

>> No.4303395

lol dis nigga gettin banned. reported

>> No.4303400
File: 562 KB, 3338x3000, laughing_ponies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard differential equations
pick one

>> No.4303404

I actually kind of like you. I like your kind of tongue-in-cheek style.

>> No.4303409

this is a Q&A thread. what the hell is wrong with a question suitable for a biochem undergrad?

>> No.4303410

More like tounge-in-ass style.

>> No.4303411

>even a science
reported, told my mom, the dean, the fbi.

>> No.4303421


>> No.4303431

You I don't like. You're just an obnoxious fag who contributes nothing to a conversation whatsoever. Even worse you do it under the name of one of the most beloved science figures of all time.

>> No.4303439

I am poasting SCIENCE, you fucktard.

>> No.4303446

Shit tier? You call SCIENCE shit tier? Are you an ANTI-SCIENTIST?

>> No.4303443

who are you? you've been posting here for like 3 days and it's all be shit-tier quality posts

>> No.4303450

no, science is fine. you are just a troll faggot

>> No.4303457

highschooler detected

>> No.4303458

I cannot troll. As a SCIENTIST I always base my opinons on FACTS.

>> No.4303466

are you 14? fuck off

>> No.4303470

YOU fuck off, if you disagree with SCIENCE.

>> No.4303481

you're a retard. i know i shouldn't even bother replying to you. i hope you are just trolling. no one should be this dumb

>> No.4303482

Your trolling goes too far. Stop it.

>> No.4303486
File: 27 KB, 1044x404, blackman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you really a mod?

>> No.4303498

i think so

>> No.4303506

Since the thread is still up, I'd like to ask our "king" a math question. Kings do have to know mathematics, so please answer the following:
Is 0.999... equal to 1 or not?

>> No.4303525


>> No.4303535

No, it doesn't. How do you want to be king without a basic understanding of mathematics?

>> No.4303561

Tripfag magnet thread?
Count me in.
I declare independence from the king.

Kill for science!
Btw no one in 4chan would name himself "blackman" if he wasn't black himself.
Not to be offensive but who in their right mind would take seriously someone of African descent?

I know real science, ask me anything about the brain.

>> No.4303571

Go away, EK.

>> No.4303584

I wish i was a hot beautiful intelligent female like EK.
Also, i really know alot, ask me anything, btw what is your political compass?

>> No.4303590 [DELETED] 
File: 1.94 MB, 831x1139, cutey_Emma_coolblack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see that happen anytime soon, he's pretty pissed.
(frustrated with 1 vs. 0.999... threads and so on)

>> No.4303596

>anything about the brain
>Hard science

Pick one

>> No.4303655

That's racist

>> No.4303690

>hot beautiful intelligent female like EK

Out of all trolls you are the most obvious.

>> No.4303691

have you pied anyone else recently niggardly pieman?

>> No.4303700

I stopped pieing after Josef died :/

>> No.4303711

Wtf? How did he die?