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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 139 KB, 1024x768, troll cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4300477 No.4300477 [Reply] [Original]

Why do scientists tend to be so awkward and adorable?

>> No.4300478

They don't. Stop watching Big Bang Theory.

>> No.4300481

I don't watch tv, I stalk the physics and astronomy departments of my university

>> No.4300486


go to the chemistry/biochemistry, biology, marine science, environmental science, materials science, etc. departments/buildings.

not only are there way more chicks in literally every single one of those fields than there are in physics, but they are more attractive on average (though not in absolute terms, just relative terms)

>> No.4300488

doesnt matter who you stalk, you will always find out about something strange/odd that someperson does

>> No.4300489

well, from my personal experience(CS/applied math grad), its cus we all were nerds as teenager, not aquiring basic social skills and now in university we are just further buried in our interests but now we feel like we're accomplishing something so we can say fuck it to the world and just fiend out on the stuff.

>> No.4300497

but I'm not interested in those things
yeah, maybe I should have said 'astronomers and physicists' instead of 'scientists' but yeah.

but I've stalked many people, and still scientists are a noticeably different group

>> No.4302413

bump for interest

>> No.4302421

>troll cat.jpg

>> No.4302422

Are there chicks in engineering?

>> No.4302428

[citation needed]

>> No.4302430

No. Just traps.

>> No.4302446

Yes, but they are either sluts or asexual.
Intellectual women who are attracted to intellectual men don't exist in reality.

>> No.4302487

>Intellectual women who are attracted to intellectual men don't exist in reality.

Bullshit. Unless you define intellectual as purely an interest in scientific pursuits. I see "smart" couples all the time, but at least one is usually more attracted to the arts for some reason.

>> No.4302491
File: 218 KB, 367x380, cost9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard science

>> No.4302502
File: 525 KB, 1515x1157, 1327700205226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the product AND basis of human culture
enjoy being an asocial faggot while actual smart people realize that art and science aren't antithetical.

>> No.4302505


>> No.4302508

>not just crap that any retard can do

>> No.4302513

>implying that great art doesn't take at least as much discipline and mental exertion
da Vinci didn't sit around all day navel gazing

>> No.4302518

OP here, surprised to see this thread again
>Intellectual women who are attracted to intellectual men don't exist in reality.
>Implying I don't exist

>> No.4302521

Okay, write a great piece of literature then.

>> No.4302520

These responses are why art majors cannot understand why math is so important. We drive them away from it.

>> No.4302522

>implying you are intellectual
>implying you are a woman
>implying you are attracted to intellectual males
>implying implications
>implying I didn't reply way too long to an obvious troll
>implying 10/10
>implying I shouldn't stop greentexting
>implying I'm not gonna enter the captcha now

>> No.4302526

A monkey hacking on a keyboard can write an epic piece of literature, provided infinite time.
Are you admiring the skills of a monkey?

>> No.4302532

>implying a monkey can live infinite time

>> No.4302535

I monkey could solve any equation known to man given the right keyboard and infinite time. That's the nature of infinity you jackass.

>> No.4302541

Tell that to these dumb evolutiontards who always say it took monkeys millions of years to evolve into humans. We don't live millions of years, neither do monkeys.

>> No.4302544

>doesn't understand infnity

>> No.4302558

>understands infinity

>> No.4302561

>implying our brain can fully comprehend infinity

>> No.4302564

>>implying infinity can't be fully understood

>> No.4302570

Infinity can be understood, but only by a genius like me. Most people are not geniuses and therefore don't understand infinity.

>> No.4302571

>Implying I'd make this silly thread if I weren't a female interested in scientists
It would be odd to stalk science departments if I weren't into science. But yeah, just keep making those sad frog threads

>> No.4302577

You are not a female, you are a crossdressing man.

>> No.4302588

but I've had a vagina since I was born
and tits even if I'm not fat
you're mean

>> No.4302593

We already had this kind of trolling several times on /sci/.

inb4 timestamped pics

>> No.4302602
File: 11 KB, 186x271, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your comic is quite funny,with all those standards and must-have-girls
why won't you talk about how important is to have a familly and serve dinner at restaurant

>> No.4302611
File: 94 KB, 400x400, 1327707333103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the richest and most successful people alive either have a liberal arts degree, an economics degree, or are college dropouts

>> No.4302615

>mfw you didn't get trips
ffuu I can't find my camera anywhere, now you'll keep thinking I'm a fake and there's nothing I can do
oh well, even if I did, it would either start a shitstorm or not change anything at all
like that girl with the book by Sagan

>> No.4302673

I'm a physics major. I've always been awkward though.

In my case I think it stems from an inability to grasp normal human interactions.
I used to be very talkative and energetic as a young child, but I was still different. As I got older it started to stick out more, so I became very quiet and introverted, because if I acted the way I wanted I knew people would look at me funny although I had no idea why they would find it strange, which just made me worried that there are many other things I don't understand and I ended up avoiding any human interactions entirely whenever possible.

Once I got to university, and I met others like me, I realized:
1) I'm not alone
2) I had an epiphany that I really don't like those "normal" people myself, so why should I care if they liked me?

That was a huge turning point in my life, and instead of hiding my geeky/unusual side, I embraced it.
I think this happens for most people (like me) around the time they enter college. Maybe some are lucky enough to come to these realizations at a younger age though.

>> No.4302674
File: 8 KB, 208x243, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

richest you say?what about i flip a coin in your throat