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4298358 No.4298358 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder who will make the moon the 51st state.

>> No.4298373



Mars has resources
Mars can cause technological requirement escalation
Mars can be permanent
Mars we can actually settle
Pluto has more temperature fluctuation, low visibility, and no resources.

>> No.4298379

I don't know if anyone was looking to live on Pluto

>> No.4298391

Well, DUH.

Pluto doesn't exist anymore. They proved it in 2005. It was all over the news, remember?

>> No.4298402

>Mars has resources
Mining on mars is too expensive. It costs way more than the expected profit.
>Mars can cause technological requirement escalation
Mars doesn't cause anything. Technological advancement is made by humans and will generally happen. No justification for space nonsense.
>Mars can be permanent
Permantly consuming money, if anything. A mars base would be a useless waste of resouces.
>Mars we can actually settle
No, we can't.
>Pluto has more temperature fluctuation, low visibility, and no resources.
Pluto is not even a planet. If you want to compare it to mars, all we can say is that it is equally uninteresting.

>> No.4298521

Fuck Mars,lets go to Venus!

>> No.4298541


> Venus

> High speed winds that have already destroyed a probe we sent to it

> Toxic atmosphere

> extremely hot surface because of it's proximity to the sun

> You want to go there

Okay, be my guest.

>> No.4298552
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Yes i'd like to go to Venus very much so..
>pic related

>> No.4298564


>Settlement on Mars provides relief from population density, discovery of new terrain, research into survival systems, and technological and economical stimulus into R&D for advanced transport, nutrition, life-support systems, and enhancement of build systems.

>Google 'Raytheon X OS 2 Exoskeleton'

>A lot of the things we have today like radio and the T.V exploded due to space exploration. We got economic pressure from the Soviets the first time. Now we have it from the propoganda of Malthusian Catastrophe.

>Mars has resources for the settlers that can live there, so as to not require constant transport that is economically feasible but extremely costly.

>Genetic diversity can be ensured.

>A mars base can stimulate jobs in factories and economic growth, although in and of itself I admit at this point it seems purposeless other than for curiosity although it will create expansion of technology.

>> No.4298568

Fuck you Sagan. When did you start being so negative?

>> No.4298572


Also, /pol/ is the way to go for this. Newt is a backstabbing, policy-turning, lying, ad-hominem using, science ignoramus who is simple saying it to hype it up and it will never be delivered.

Go look at Obama's policies.

>> No.4298580


>Newt is a backstabbing, policy-turning, lying, ad-hominem using, science ignoramus

>simple saying it to hype it up and it will never be delivered.

> Newt

That's not how you spell "Obama"

>> No.4298581


>A lot of the things we have today like radio and the T.V exploded due to space exploration. We got economic pressure from the Soviets the first time. Now we have it from the propoganda of Malthusian Catastrophe.

No, that's due to invention of transistor in 1947, before any known space flight.

>> No.4298587

i'm with ron paul on this issue. i don't want the american government on the moon.

>> No.4298590


Why do you hate freedom?

>> No.4298592



>> No.4298600

i like freedom. that's why i want the moon to be free from national interests.

>> No.4298607


>allowing china to have part of the moon

pick one

>> No.4298608

Pessimistic prick in everyone's side, how does it feel to be part of the problem in the world of low grade motivation?

People figure stuff out, they always have. It may take time but we have time. Lots of it, and plenty of people willing to spend their entire lives solving single problems, one at a time.

What happened to optimism that got in space in the first place, or experimenting to verify your expectations and theory's. The world doesn't accomplish anything by having negative feelings about everything they're trying to accomplish. Nothing would get done. This is exactly what you are advocating. Nothing.

>> No.4298618

1. china is def. not going to have a moon base anytime before private companies do.

2. even if that were false, sanctions would be placed on china to prevent a military moon base without having our own military moon base

3. we have no fucking quarrel with china

>> No.4298621

astrophysicist here

waste of time & money

>> No.4298624


1. just like China can't shoot down our satellites right?

2. Yes... because sanctions against China have worked so well in the past... cough cough tibet..

3. Hows that cave you've been in?

>> No.4298631

sure is fear mongering republicunt in here. they have nowhere near the technology nor economy to sustain a moon base. soon enough as their massive population continues to rise and rapidly age, they are headed for the same problem that we have with our baby boomers.

this is besides my main point. we don't need another limb of the american government on the moon.

>> No.4298676

Let's dicect the realities of newt's claims.

>Moon base in his second term
The earlies manned launch of SLS will be late 2019. This alone is not enough for a moon base, manned missions of that scale take much longer to plan, G H bush sent billions of dollars and 8 years of NASA's resources on space station freedom (later became the US segment of the ISS) in his presidency it never produced a single piece of flight ready hardware.
A moon base could not be done in 8 years, he would also have to battle it though the lower houses which would take time.

He also claims it could be done through prizes, The X-prize was designed to bring access to space instead we got suborbital. Manned space flight costs vast sums of money even spaceX with their unmanned spacecraft cost $300 million to develop and launch one. we have no evidence it can be done cheaper than that.

and the 51st state thing is just stupid there are international laws which forbid ownership of the moon, also no one has to recognise ownership. Its not like land, you can't kill anyone who goes on your territory, putting weapons in space would mean the end of manned exploration and in fact most space applications.

>> No.4298705

Dear Newt Gingrich, the founding fathers actually GREW hemp, and it was legal, you fat headed old cunt