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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4297314 No.4297314 [Reply] [Original]

iono what this is but its fuckin crazy.
i thought it was an ingrown hair so i tried to pop it and it got angry.. and did this. fuck my life.

anybody know ??

it foams every time i put peroxide on it.
not as much as when i first applied it.
this showed up three days ago, woke up with it.. iono.
help me.. please. if anyone knows.. im tripping the fuck out.
brown recluses are indigenous to my area but i didn't experience any of the vomiting nausea etc.. and it was all red around it, then i drew the circle around it after three days (today) and the redness was at that point.

>> No.4297330


>> No.4297339

shameless bump for fear of death.

>> No.4297344

Er, foaming when you put peroxide on something is normal. It's good, it shows the wound is being cleaned.

It just looks like whatever you had got infected. The red is a sign of that.

It honestly doesn't look like much to worry about so long as it isn't pusing or oozing. If it continues to do so after two or so more days of H2O2 you might want to go to the doctor.

I had a few zits I picked too hard look like that as well, when I was younger.

>> No.4297342

This kinda stuff would do better in /diy/ i'm a regular there so ill answer it over there.

>> No.4297341

Just go see a fucking doctor, Jesus.

>> No.4297340

Looks like an infection.
Why don't you just go to your doctor?

>> No.4297361

necrosis + sepsis

good job OP, shouldn't be long before your heart stops from the neurotoxin

>> No.4297370

It looks alive, but a good dose of undiluted bleach will take care of it.

>> No.4297373


going to /diy. thanks>>4297342
>>4297340 - im poor as hell. "my doctor".. i wish.

>> No.4297399

OP, it will grow progressively more red for about six days since it appeared. It may swell and protrude about half a centimeter above the surface. On the sixth day, it will start to itch like crazy. When that happens, don't go to sleep until the eggs hatch. Ideally, be in a shower.

>> No.4297415

I hate you.
So much.

That gave me nightmares throughout my childhood.

>> No.4297422

Google MRSA.

This should scare you enough to go to a doctor and get the proper antibiotics.

(Most people who think they have a recluse bite actually have this. Most of the Recluse spider bites that circulate the net are actually MRSA which is much, much worse.)

>> No.4297426


>> No.4297440

MRSA should not scare you. Indeed, it is a good reason that the OP should NOT treat with antibiotics and just suck it up.

Your immune system is a brilliant doctor, given you are in normal health.

>> No.4297492
File: 691 KB, 991x820, MRSA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy took your advice and waited. Started as a little pimple looking thing, and he ignored it.

MRSA is a problem when people (and irresponsible doctors) abuse antibiotics for insignificant things. "Ohh you have a common cold, well, may as well take antibiotics just to be sure"... that is bullshit.

When you actually star to rot you really want to get the possibility of MRSA checked out. A simple lab test will determine if it is a harmless or dangerous infection, and they will decide if conventional antibiotics or other alternatives are appropriate.

>> No.4297496

Medical student here, it looks like a brown recluse bite to me, is there any pain associated with it? Some benadryl should do the trick, def go and hit up the doc, btw brown recluses are a source of Staph so def go get that checked out buddy.

>> No.4297503


I wouldn't be surprised if he was 50+ years old. A young man with a strong immune system is probably not going to die or have to get amputated from a small infection.

Also OP do not use neosporin on that infection. It is petroleum based and will suffocate the wound from obtaining oxygen. You need to soak it, disinfect it, then let it dry out. Repeat a few times a day and always keep is loosely covered.

>> No.4297501

explains it.
going to the doctor.
thankyou everyone.
debt.. here I come.

>> No.4297505

>using hydrogen peroxide instead of chlorhexidine

>> No.4297510

kk.. taking off neosporin and wrapping with gauze. ty.
op out.
thanks again everyone.

>> No.4297513 [DELETED] 

>suffocate the wound from obtaining oxygen.
why does a wound need oxygen?

>> No.4297521


>Oxygen is essential to life. In wound healing it plays a key role by supporting tissue regeneration and repair, by inhibiting anaerobic bacteria and supporting the body's natural defence mechanisms.


>> No.4297528


A study published in the new England journal of medicine found that over 80% of all recluse bites are misdiagnosed by doctors. The vast majority of doctors are completely untrained when it comes to spotting a spider bite, and it doesn't help that their patients are convinced "it was probably a spider bite while I was asleep".

In Georgia (The only place in American you can realistically expect to encounter these spiders regularly) some hospitals have a policy stating "unless you capture/kill the spider that allegedly bit you, we are not treating it as a spider bite". Too many false reports are a massive waste of resources. Spiders do not randomly bite sleeping people.


>> No.4297547

probably this.


>> No.4297548

fuck you and your mother's uncle.

>> No.4297552

why dont you just go to the fucking doct.....oh wait, lol America

>> No.4297554
File: 30 KB, 655x376, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bot fly larvae?


>> No.4297610

>1st world country, excelling in education, health care and freedom

but seriously op, I'm one of those for-hire bitch medics you find at faires and outdoor things. I might not be an EMT, but I get my shit done. You'd be better off just trying to squeeze as much shit out, but don't force it INTO your skin. Feel free to totally raze the thing with hydrogen peroxide and wash it well under water, if it's a bleeding wound that means you've hit healthy skin. This is what you want.

pat it dry with a CLEAN towel. Keep patting it dry if clear fluid is still seeping out of it. The bleeding should shop soonish. Then, smear a little bit of vaseline(since ointment wont do shit for you at this point) to cover the wound totally, put a patch of gauze on it and tape that on, or use a cloth gauze bandaid and cover it. DONT FUCK WITH IT. DON'T GET IT WET.

Then, a day later, peel it off(dont be a bitch about it), wash off the vaseline, wash it again with water, be VERY GENTLE, and reapply some more and bandage it again.

keep doing this, and in a week it'll be good enough to just have a normal bandaid. Go eat some nutritious foods with protein and vitamins, drink lots of water, eat a steak for iron, and you should be good OP.

>> No.4297618

what about cutting into it with a knife?

>> No.4297677

that there's the bubonic motherfucking plague

>> No.4299948
File: 34 KB, 294x313, 1327471453514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I know this is /Sci/ the smartest board on 4chan but you're a fucking moron for even going to 4chan at all for MEDICAL ADVICE. Think about that then see a doctor.

>> No.4299961

we've managed to help an engineer get a spinner out of his ass, i'm sure we can offer medical advice for other things

>> No.4299963


You deserve it.

>> No.4299985

that looks like the dudes arm from reqiuem for a dream.