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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4293162 No.4293162 [Reply] [Original]

White people do not 'invent' things, they merely accidentally stumble upon new technology while trying to find new ways to kill each other in their barbaric wars. That is how western civilization advanced quicker than the east, not because of some inherent superiority in the white man's genes, but rather his insatiable lust for blood and conquest. Us Asians are the true master race, we invent for the greater good, we delicately construct new and innovative ways to improve the lives of our kin patiently, learning from our mistakes and crafting technology of incredible magnitude. And our inventions were the foundation of all the world's 'great' civilizations. From agriculture to medicine the east has influenced everyone and everything in our modern world, without us there would be no civilization

>> No.4293176

You fuckers can't invent shit, you steal and copy everything we have, the only innovation is making it shittier. FFS you people are so nosy you actually rifle through our recycling just to learn stuff.

>> No.4293180

>implying the chinese civil wars weren't far more deadly and destructive than any european renaissance/enlightenment war

>> No.4293186

You're also superstitious egotistical fuckwads... with bad fashion.

>> No.4293200

If Asian people are so fucking great than how come all your countries suck and you all smell like shit?

>> No.4293203

The wikipedia list of japanese inventions used to be a running joke here.

>> No.4293214

Says he that invented rockets.

>> No.4293216

>China invent ceramic
>Stagnate forever

>West invest glass
>HOLY SHIT WE ORBIT THE SUN and other tales

>> No.4293220

>west invented steam engines
>west invented electric generators
>west invented light bulbs
>west invented lightning rods
>west invented traffic lights
>west invented trains
>west invented cars

>japan invented tentacle rape hentai

feels good man

>> No.4293224

>White people do not 'invent' things, they merely reinvent technology during adverse times that ultimately become supplemented into a commercial market for the purpose of rectifying the wealth that was originally lost in the first place.

Fixed that for you op.

>> No.4293226

Who invented the airplane? The Wright Brother. Who invented the car? Harrison Ford. Who invented electricity? Benjamin.

>> No.4293239

Either this is a creative troll thread or op is a counter-instance to his own generalization.

>> No.4293241


>> No.4293248

>inventing electricity

So you are going to say that Newton invented gravity, Einstein invented space-time continuum and Clyde W. Tombaugh invented Pluto?

>> No.4293250

>stagnate forever until white man brings technology
>master race

>> No.4293258

>Not seeing persons as individuals rather than seeing them as a sub-element of groups

>> No.4293262


>> No.4293271
File: 1.07 MB, 1208x941, 1326165475937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chart says otherwise

>> No.4293286

asians' great innovations always involve taking a white person's invention, swapping out any expensive materials for the cheapest shit possible, pushing the tolerances out to sweat shop levels, and stamping the original manufacturer's name on it

>> No.4293290


>Expecting /sci/ or 4chan in general to the "bigger person" in any of these threads

>> No.4293292
File: 13 KB, 600x336, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you seriously just get trolled by a post that said

>Who invented the car? Harrison Ford

10/10, goddamn

>> No.4293294


>to be the "bigger person"

>> No.4293298

I'm laughing my ass off, even sand niggers advanced science and civilization more than them.

>> No.4293312

Why are asians monkeys so mad that we brought them out of the darkness with our technology?

>> No.4293344

asians have invented some things, but in general their climate is more providential than that of the west, hence lower exigency (hence, less need to innovate). necessity is the mother of invention.

also, due to geographical isolation and relative ethnic homogeneity and other cultural factors, china is more groupthink. to excel or to stand out is frowned upon, whereas in the west we celebrate successful exceptions.

perhaps this has something to do with the internal disparities of intelligence (ie. a large dependent class in the west requires strong leaders, whereas if everybody in the east is relatively competent, then nobody will [need to] be exceptionally so)

einstein spoke of originally having contempt for authority, and then fate made him an authority himself. without the ability to seriously question what we've been told, little progress will be made.

that said, everything in good time in its right place. as technology progresses to a point where humanity can repose, the asian model of maintenance makes more sense; that is, without the same level of privation/exigency, the western model based on will and advancement seems less necessary. granted, time will tell how long such comforts can be maintained by an inflexible system (and how will growth be managed, if at all?). hardship motivates and success is an anaesthetic. without the spirit and the will that built the system, how long will the machinery remain in place? everything goes in cycles.

see "the machine stops" by em forster http://archive.ncsa.illinois.edu/prajlich/forster.html

or the time machine of course by hg wells

>> No.4293356
File: 25 KB, 400x352, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say Eddy's son invented the light bulb.
I'd like to meet Eddy.

>> No.4293367

>cites every single little appliance known to man just to strawman OP's first sentence.
>cites climate and current economic circumstances
>neglecting OP's main point.

mfw paper, gunpowder, compass, printing

>> No.4293399


OPs main points were that the west invents by accident and the west is especially bloody

the first claim is ridiculous. things don't get invented by accident; sure, there is trial and error, but there is also knowledge and intent; reconciliation of the math/physics/chemistry known and the motivation to design something new for greater use, etc.

the second claim is equally absurd in light of the great leap forward, the mongols, etc.

also, the foundation of civilisation was agriculture, which developed first in the middle/near east.

and papyrus preceded asian paper

>> No.4293425


No. He is saying that European inventions are derived from, and for the purpose of, warfare.

The papyrus plant only grows in Egypt. The invention of paper is globally applicable.

>> No.4293453


well, if that's what he's saying, then he's simply wrong. europeans/westerners focus on peace and war as is appropriate. most inventions are peacetime inventions.

was the car designed for warfare? was the telescope designed for warfare? how about the internet?

it's a stupid generalisation and the facts speak for themselves. that, and my point about the "great leap forward" and the bloodlust/terror campaigns of the mongols

>> No.4293471


dishwasher? lightning rod? traffic lights? were traffic lights for war? dental floss? doorbell? sewing machine? jackhammer? clothespin? what about a pencil eraser? electric stove? escalator?

I'm just on american inventions up to the civil war; you will notice during that war there were weapons invented, as one might expect; similar to the fact that we invented new weapons in both world wars, including the atomic bomb.
