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4282615 No.4282615 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

I live in Sydney, Australia.
As you may or may not know, our water has been treated with chlorine and fluoride.

So whatever their purpose is, I don't want to take those chemicals inside my body. Yes I am aware they are in very small amounts and they will literally go down the drain, but I still do not feel comfortable.

So, is there any way I can filter my drinking water so these two chemicals will not be poured into my glass?

Thank you.

>> No.4282630

Any way to filter out fluoride and chlorine from my drinking water?

>> No.4282635

Just add sodium.

>> No.4282636

Take ocean water and filter it. /thread!

>> No.4282646
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>> No.4282647

i no that feel op syd fag here to

>> No.4282651

Water Fluoridation is in the interest of better public health. I hate to break this to you but there are many chemicals present in any tap water; in almost all cases they completely harmless, usually even beneficial. H20 is a chemical naturally found in the body like Fluorine, your aversion to one and not the other is nonsensical.

>> No.4282652

>scared of chemicals

>> No.4282658

flouride calcifies your pineal gland apparently

>> No.4282675


What you're thinking of is fluorosis, and unless your water supply passes through active volcanic regions, you don't need to worry about it. Fluorine levels from water Fluoridation will not cause any serious health issues.

>> No.4282678

Osmotic filters are cheap.
You know they scrape the fluoride off the inside of air filters of aluminum smelting plants and fertilizer factories and just dump it in the water. Its not made in a lab or anything like that, its untreated industrial waste.

>> No.4282679

I see your point, but I just want to try this for a while, getting water without these two chemicals, that's all.
I brush my teeth, floss and use mouthwash twice a day, I rinse after every meal and snack and my vit-D levels are just fine. So I'm not worried.

See my above post.

>> No.4282680

The are plenty of chemicals in tap water which would be worse then fluoride and chlorine.

Let me ask you OP, do you only eat completely organic home grown food?

>> No.4282681

How efficient are they? Are they reliable and durable?

>> No.4282685

>You know they scrape the fluoride off the inside of air filters of aluminum smelting plants and fertilizer factories and just dump it in the water. Its not made in a lab or anything like that, its untreated industrial waste.

[Citation needed]

>> No.4282686

Would Osmotic filters get rid of them then? =/ I'm unaware of these things.

And no I don't grow my food, I knew this would come, haha. I know what you mean.

>> No.4282690


Op's referring to the conscious treatment of public drinking water in Sydney, not industrial pollutants. Even then, there's way worse shit in industrial waste than fluorine.

>> No.4282691

Then why are you so worried about fluoride and chlorine?

>> No.4282692

>He's scared of flouride

>Doesn't realize shit like this is probably in his tap water especially when chlorine isn't added


>> No.4282696

At least filtering the most essential substance required for human survival is a good start, OP.

Flex that little gland of yours.

>> No.4282697

The water tastes a lot better with them, but you have to replace them every few months after they stop working. I cant tell you any more than that.

>> No.4282703

Yeah, like >>4282692
Shit sucks.

Not worried. I just want to try this and see if anything happens.

>> No.4282707

Do you eat toothpaste? Then it shouldn't be a problem.

It's really such a shame they're used in such small amounts, I've been wanting to extract the fluoride using a reverse osmosis setup, so I can process it into HF for a HF acid leach system.

>> No.4282708

Okay but what are their costs like? And how often do they need replacements? Also, would they remove other things out?
Thanks for your time.


>> No.4282711

Fluoride occurs naturally in the water found in lakes all over the world; and people getting their drinking water from those lakes were shone to have far fewer dental problems. You're not getting something unnatural added to your water; you're getting a supplement.

>> No.4282713

>drinking tap water

Is bottled water too expensive, you fucking peasants? Enjoy your non-carbonated crap.

>> No.4282714


I'm glad you aren't superior enough to give compliments. Also, I see your point, water is more important to survival than oxygen by a long shot.

>> No.4282715


>> No.4282719

The Conscious treating of water with fluoride is done as described >>4282678

>> No.4282730


>implying oxygen isn't in water.
>implying oxygen is a substance.

Learn to basic chemistry.

>> No.4282727


Not even a little bit true

>> No.4282733

>bottled water
you surely jest.

>> No.4282737
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I hate to break it to you, but just about every food product out there that's mass produced is handled in dump trucks, and shoveled off the floor at some point.

only select premium organic foods are made by faeries and elves, and magically packaged

>> No.4282740


Implying the oxygen you breath is less important than the oxygen you drink in H20.

Learn to basic biology.

>> No.4282741


>> No.4282753


>> No.4282774


Oxygen not a substance? Obvious troll is obvious

>> No.4282778

So ... will osmotic filters remove chlorine, fluoride and other crap?

>> No.4282790

>inb4 OP freaks out when he realizes his body already has chlorine and fluorine in it

>> No.4282796


Oxygen-Oxygen (O2) is a pure substance, however, Oxygen is an element.

That fluoride must really be getting to you.

>> No.4282795

I already know that. I want to reduce it as much as I can. That's all.

>> No.4282801

Not totally. Learn yourself some water distillation.

Of course, if you fuck it up, it will release a lot more harmful substances into your water, but at least you will get rid of those trace amounts of chlorine and fluorine, right?

>> No.4282806

Hmm, I'll look it up.

>> No.4282820


All elements are pure substances, but not all pure substances are elements. Are you dumb or just a faggot?

Also the vocabulary "Pure substance" is different from "Substance". A "Substance" is anything consisting of matter.

Which Oxygen is made out of I believe. But you're the chem expert, you tell me

>> No.4282823

nanofiltration is more effective and less expensive than reverse osmosis

>> No.4282834

If Australia (minus Qld) didn't put fluoride in the water, we'd all have crap teeth, my cousins in Cairns have to take fluoride tablets to make up for this. Are you worried about some huge conspiracy to give us cleaner teeth of something?

So, my recommendation is just to get tap water or move to Qld. I actually like the taste of Adelaide tap water, though I have no idea what it's made up of.

Just buying spring water would be cheaper than filtering manually.

>> No.4282846

You are the first person to talk about reverse osmosis.

>> No.4282855
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If Australia (minus Qld) didn't put fluoride in the water, we'd all have crap teeth,

I hear that urine cleans your teeth too

thanks for that, I needed a good laugh

>> No.4282858

no i'm not, it was mentioned previously


>> No.4282866
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>> No.4282872

If you're not a member of the superior race, you have to drink the fluoride. You wouldn't want your kids to be intelligent would you?

>> No.4282877
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You're entirely missing the point, water is the most necessary substance needed for human survival. You can nit pick at little discrepancies all you want, but my point is still valid.

>> No.4282880

Osmosis (running water through a filter to remove impurities) was mention previously
Reverse osmosis (firing water at high speed at a membrane to extract the impurities) has not been mentioned.

>> No.4282882

I doubt we have that in Sydney.

>> No.4282883


>> No.4282888

>If Australia (minus Qld) didn't put fluoride in the water, we'd all have crap teeth
See >>4282679

>> No.4282893


And I made the point that air is more important to human survival than water, and you went off derping about pure substances. A human will survive days without drinking water and can last minutes without breathing air, which is needed to give the body the oxygen that is required for cellular respiration. Your point is not valid and you are fucking dense.

>> No.4282894

theyre good you idiot, sydfag here also

>> No.4282896


You're obviously not up to date on micro electrolytic devices that separate hydrogen from oxygen, thus all you need is WATER.

Don't feel too bad, not everyone can be smart.

>> No.4282907


If you're going to troll, at least make an effort. Speaking retard is poor form. Human beings don't require air anymore because of micro electrolytic devices?

>> No.4282910

I use the PUR brand water filter that screws onto the end of my kitchen faucet. It gets rid of reactive chemicals and heavy metals. Fluorine makes it thru unfortunately.

>> No.4282914


>> No.4282917

Has anyone in this thread even read the Wikipedia article on Water Fluoridification? Fuck son.
Fluoride, when added to water and toothpaste in carefully controlled amounts, helps to prevent cavities. The only time there is an issue is when your local government is incompetent and puts too much fluoride into the water at once.
Bottled water is more of an issue than tap water, since it's not held up to the same standards that tap water is, at least in the United States. If you have a problem with the purity of your water, then go ahead and get a filter.

>> No.4282922


He speaks the truth

>> No.4282928

Your both fucking retarded.
You will die with a lack of both.
Both are equally important to the body.

>> No.4282937

A human being can die after a long enough absence of vitamin c, but you wouldn't say it's as important as air or water for that matter. Thanks for your great comment though, air is still the most important substance to human survival. I think it's awesome that people debate this with me.

>> No.4282965

I'm surprised that the amount of cock you ingest on a daily basis hasn't killed you yet.

>> No.4282971

You make sense, right now I have an osmotic filter and PUR brand filter.

I just want a reliable and durable filter that blocks fluorine at least.

>> No.4282977

* osmotic filter and PUR brand filter as options

>> No.4282986

Fluorine =/= Fluoride. One of these things is not added to water.

>> No.4282993

Sorry, my bad.

>> No.4283019

I don't know anything about water filters, so I can't help you. You should try looking them up and seeing what the rest of the internet has to say about them.

>> No.4283073

OP if you get plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet you don't need to drink water.

You could also just drink organic juice that's fortified with vitamins. In the past year or two I've only had water on a few off handed occasions.

>> No.4283102

That's just ... what?

Fruits come with sugar and fibres and everything. I am watching my diet, so when I have had more than enough for the day and I feel hungry, I'm not going to eat fruits or drink juice, I need water.

>> No.4283127

Fruit contain water. Some are actually mostly water, but this doesn't mean that you don't still need to drink water.

>> No.4283149

I can try, yeah, but I stopped drinking juice because the fibres and everything the fruit comes with, start to break down after the juice has been made, and if you store it for long it's not of much use.
Also the juice that we buy is highly processed and, as an example, grape juice contains 50% more sugar than Coca Cola.