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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 188 KB, 1200x873, suckdatdick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4281240 No.4281240 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anon, you're cute. What do you study?

>> No.4281244

me-me-mehanical engineering.
>so you fix cars?

>> No.4281248

My name isn't anon, bitch, get the fuck out of here.

>> No.4281254

>saying anything other than psychology
>ishggy diggy

>> No.4281252

I study the french fries at my local McDonald's.

>> No.4281255

international relations.

(now suck my dick)

>> No.4281259

You just broke my aspiemeter.

>> No.4281274

The female orgasm.

>> No.4281280

Music comp. I usually browse /sci/ and /lit/, though, because /mu/ has shit taste.

>> No.4281289

uh hi yeah, I, uh, yeah.
I go to this university right here, so yeah...

>> No.4281291

rocket science

>> No.4281293

i do not discuss my studies with plebeian whores

>> No.4281300


>> No.4281307

>you're cute

A compliment. She wants my money.


>> No.4281321

Now leave me alone, i'm looking for guys.

>> No.4281343
File: 277 KB, 662x1024, 4649292843_30efe7aeec_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I study the causes of the intellectual superiority of asian women over white hambeasts like you.

For example, why are you drinking spirits? Spirits are bad for you health, you hambeast. Why are you so conditioned by society?
And what kind of image yourself do you think that you project dressing like that? Retarded bitch. You are not the prom queen anymore.

Look at my back. See? She's my wife and sexual slave. Now go to play billar or watch a football game while eating barbecue and clogging your arteries, bitch hambeast.

>> No.4281344

mechanical engineering

hey, do you know that guy's name over there? he looks like he has a nice massive cock

>> No.4281345

You must tell me: What year is it? I do not recognize this place. How strange.

>> No.4281350
File: 555 KB, 240x180, blushkyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer science.

Fuck off 3D pig, I already have a waifu.

>> No.4281353

>Hey anon, you're cute. What do you study?
fuck it hallucinating again. better take my antipsychotics

>> No.4281357
File: 98 KB, 300x337, DJQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. I'm an actor.

>> No.4281362
File: 25 KB, 389x419, Okay_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I study geology!
>Rocks? How boring...

>> No.4281369

fuck off back to reddit

>> No.4281378

oh that's Jamal

>> No.4281425
File: 119 KB, 591x743, 63894adced0199531.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What do you study?
Muh dik.

>> No.4281434

I like to think I'm a student of life ::tosses hair::.

>> No.4281435

That's how you get pussy

>> No.4281439

Photography, let's get those clothes off and take some artsy photos.

>> No.4281447
File: 158 KB, 765x419, 1322188063362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... math...

...what do you study...


>> No.4281455

I study physics.

Yeah, I suppose I could give you a full physical tonight.

>> No.4281471

>oh so you can make drugs
>proceeds to fuck you or give her number to you since your a drug hook up
>cook some roofies, say its Ecstacy
>free sex either way

>> No.4281481

another vip quality thread by the niggardly pie man

>> No.4281503

>ewww nerd alert, let's go girls

>> No.4281505

Pretty much. Or, if I've had some stimulants:
>I study mathematics. Yes, it sounds nerdy, but I'm sure you'll find it as beautiful as I do.

Then I show her something really basic because I suck at explanations, then talk about whatever crap she's interested in for a while, then get laid. Stimulants are awesome.

>> No.4281507

Business Administration with a minor in art.


>> No.4281522

>Business Administration with a minor in art.
Steve Jobs?

>> No.4281540


Nope, just lil' ol me.

I am trying to start my own children's book with my brother ( he's going for a writing major) and trying to start our own business doing that.

>> No.4281547

Electrical engineering.
>Oh? And you're not asian? So you're like autistic and stuff?

>> No.4281552

>hehe cool, thomas the tank engine used to be my favorite show

>> No.4281564
File: 44 KB, 400x243, Whorebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I study Theology. Now get ye back, satin robed harlot of Babylon who rides the great beast Leviathan. I know your ways, and when Gog rises from the east to battle Magog I shall think of your facile attempt to seduce me from the straight and righteous path my lord has laid before me.

>> No.4281571

Petroleum engineering.

>How could you do such a thing? Do you not know that global warming is melting the ice caps and we'll all be underwater in a few decades? You're a murderer.

My major is the official female repellant. Nothing else comes close.

>> No.4281581


>> No.4281596

At least you have the highest paying degree in the US.

>> No.4281659


"ohhh my god I'm so bad at math omg you must be liek super smart lol"

>actually I'm quite modest and I hate being told this and, also, you're probably not bad at math, you probably just gained that impression after not trying hard in middle school and contenting yourself with mediocre grades

>> No.4281673

>so you're going to be like a teacher or something?? all my math teachers were shit and math is the worst shit to ever happen

>> No.4281678

>actually I'm quite modest and I hate being told this and, also, you're probably not bad at math, you probably just gained that impression after not trying hard in middle school and contenting yourself with mediocre grades

Are you me?

>> No.4281681


"Oh wow, me too!"

>> No.4281685

oh em gee, premed bffls. are you gay? yeah, you're definitely gay. i need a gay friend to be my betch so bad

>> No.4281690



>> No.4281699

omg im totally failing calc 1 right now . the professor doesnt even curve. im going to be a doctor why do i have to take math classes? so dumb..

>> No.4281746

>Hey anon, you're cute. What do you study?
i have a girlfriend (lie)

judging by the look of the ladies and the fact that they're drinking alcohol i'll try to avoid them

/sci/ have you been in the position to lie like me
just to get the unwanted attention off?

>> No.4281753

Believe it or not I've been in this situation dozens of times over the last 3 years and it always ends the same:

>I study physics

>oh cool, uh... I have to go

Oh well, I do like my physics though.

>> No.4281774


>> No.4281995

Computer Engineering, now suck my penis bitch!!!

>> No.4281997

haha douchebag, I just say "astrophysics" and then they go "OH WOW WHAT THE HELL IS THAT MUST BE AWESOME HUH"

>> No.4282004

>I majored in Financial Engineering and I am a algorithmic quantitative trader.
>Ladies, please, contain your orgasms..

>> No.4282010

Hi, I'm a pilot.

>> No.4282047

Mathematics. Why?

>> No.4282055
File: 22 KB, 474x332, 1324331092731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4282072

>anyone other than traps and bears sucking your dick


>> No.4282073
File: 84 KB, 790x764, 1327081890674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong of me not to find this situation of these girls attractive? I look at it and I just think "I've gotta get out this shit"

They are just generic bitches that I'm sure won't have anything in common with me or anything new to add to my life, nothing to talk about at all. At the same time, the social pressure is there, I have to be nice, I have to talk to all and be kind and more than that, I have to hit on them. It's the social standard procedure.

I don't believe in bitches/princess shit most beta fags have "hurr I want sum1 speciul", no. I fucked random women before, but none were like this, a couple were more beautiful than those, but did not have that stupid smile on their faces. I'm not looking for personality, I just don't see anything attractive in that picture.

Yeah, women. Great. I've seen millions of them. A lot of them attracted me. Not these ones. Can I get the fuck out of here?

>> No.4282076

Something tells me you are actually him.

>> No.4282078

I just... I don't even...

>> No.4282081
File: 378 KB, 1076x1652, 1325893801922..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I fucked
reported enjoy your ban

>> No.4282086


Her smile seems contemptuous.

Very false.

The girls in the background are cute though. I can't imagine why they chose the most deceptive looking one to be in the foreground.

>> No.4282142

>that's right bitches, get down on your knees and worship my cock
>then I wake up

I'm actually a foreveralone nerd who doesn't go out much and is probably gay or at least bi.

But there was a interesting situation in reverse
>be out with a group of friends
>the usual what do you study questions
>some girl says philosophy
>I say: "Oh, that's nice".
>She: "I KNOW what you think...".

Always gets a smile on my face.

>> No.4282150

it's the way they're standing, the way they hold their glasses... like drinking alcohol is the height of sophistication. I see girls like this all the time on fb. generic, uninspired, image obsessed copies of copies of copies

>> No.4282153

what do you think she thought you were thinking? 'enjoy your job waiting tables' ..?

>> No.4282158

reported for cancer

seriously, go an hero faggot

>> No.4282165

please follow the rules. you may soon be enjoying a ban.

>> No.4282177


>'enjoy your job waiting tables' ..?

That's a bingo.

>> No.4282182

>Wow you must be like, really smart or something

>> No.4282196
File: 39 KB, 355x348, 47910664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the polar bears. Al Gore says you're drowning the polar bears. Yes, you.

>> No.4282200

Masters in systems engineering.
>sounds complicated, but you'll probably be rich right?
>want to come back to my place?

>> No.4282211
File: 115 KB, 750x1489, rambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know why... but i lold

>> No.4282225
File: 83 KB, 241x228, 1325326091630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I s-s-study... um...

...b-back that ass up?

>> No.4282231

>Wow you must be like, really smart or something

every time.

every. damn. time.

>> No.4282247


>> No.4282253

>talking to females who do not partake in hard science

>> No.4282272

thanks, uh, I study computer science.

>oh wow you must know a lot about computers... maybe you could come over to my place sometime and help fix my computer?

Well actually, Computer Science isn't about that. It's more about creating algorithms that can efficiently and effectively automate every day work and solve problems that would be too tedious for the human hand; such automata allow us to build complex systems like operating systems and networking systems that make it possible for you to update your wall on facebook. Honestly at its core it's more of a branch of mathematics and philosophy and really has very little to do with computers, which are merely the implementation of what CS is all about.

>oh, okay... *walks off*

Man, she must've really fucked up her iGadget, she barely knows me, why would she invite me--AW FUCK

>> No.4282407

I'm studying methods of efficiently filling my pockets with spaghetti.