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4279851 No.4279851 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one that WANTS WW3 or something major to happen in the coming years?

I feel that human beings need to wake up from this sullen state of ignorance and sleep. And the only way for that to happen is if something big happens. Like, a world war, or a global depression, a new world order, or idk, w/e...

But, its not just that. I find modern life to be sooo... peacefully boring. Nothing ever happens. Its so dull. Mindless people go on worrying about mindless things, endlessly pursuing pointless goals. I find that to be suffocating almost. I want a change, I don't care how bad, but I just want something to happen. Something big. Perhaps you could say I watch too much TV. But its because its way of escaping from the dull constraints of modern life... Back in ancient times, people actually fought for something important. For their culture, for honor, for their people, for glory. Today, all we fight for is... money and material things. And the process is just so pointless and painfully boring.

That's why, I would welcome ANY kind of change in the coming future with open arms. Because at least fighting against said change would give me something interesting to do with my life....

Anyone else feel like this? Or am I just a sick and twisted, peace-hating sociopath?

>> No.4279867

I think it's good that you're not in any position of power and never will be.

>> No.4279873

>Am I the only one that WANTS WW3


>> No.4279888

The last ten years
-Overpriced internet stocks crash taking many peoples net worth with them
-cave dwelling religious fanatics fly fully loaded jumbo jets into sky scrapers setting off two wars
-invasion of afghanistan
-USPATRIOT act passes
-The unstoppable rise of asian "tiger" economies is unceremoniously stopped, credit markets freeze worldwide
-invasion of Iraq
-no Iraqi WMDs found, noone notices
-USPATRIOT ACT renewed and expanded
-iPhone launched
-US house prices crash take two of the five largest investment banks with them, federal reserve doubles the money supply
-Russia invade georgia, US pretends to care
-First Black president of the US
-US debt bubble pops taking the largest insurance company with it, federal reserve increases money supply by the same amount again
-Wikileaks publishes 250,000 diplomatic cables, various american companies retaliate, internet vows revenge
-USPATRIOT act renewed and expanded (again)
-Greece's secret plot to be broke and not tell anyone is revealed, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain look suspiciously embarassed

-OP, who doesn't notice any of this because he can only stop playing call of duty long enough to pray for a real war, is a faggot.

>> No.4279893

You're not sick or twisted or a sociopath. You're just a spoiled brat who had everything handed to you on a silver spoon.

>> No.4279894

and in the meantime the people of 1st world countries pay no heed to this and live comfortably chasing after mundane goals and ideals... Thats what I'm referring to

>> No.4279905

The Citadel. It looks pretty good there.

OP, join the army, feel the adrenaline of bullets flying by, lose a leg because of an asshole insurgents belief in Allah, live life without the leg, struggle till death knowing the insurgent is thanking Allah on his bare knees 5 times a day because you got screwed.

Call Of Duty is a great military simulator. It provides the thrill of war without actually dying. Kind of like VBS and Arma, but better.

>> No.4279907

>pay no heed to this

wha....? Do you look outside? Do you talk to people?

I think OP is a dumbshit pot head surrounded by society's rejects who don't care about what's going on in the world - and then says 'lol no body in the whole developed world cares'

If you want something to be interesting about your life, do it.

>> No.4279915

>Call Of Duty is a great military simulator. It provides the thrill of war without actually dying. Kind of like VBS and Arma, but better.

Trolling is getting less interesting everyday...

>> No.4279917
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All of my agree

>> No.4279926

Also, you're probably too young to really know how nasty the real world gets. Wait until someone you really love dies and you will realize how fucking lame destruction is. Then you will crave mundanity.

>> No.4279927

OP seems to be the kind of kid that thinks war and violence is super cool and hardcore, while he cries for mercy after stepping on a piece of lego.


>> No.4279929

>I find modern life to be sooo... peacefully boring.
>Its so dull.
I don' tknow if i should hate you, or don't give a fuck.
Mmmmh. I choose hate.

>> No.4279934

>Am I the only one that WANTS WW3 or something major to happen in the coming years?

No. You and every other coward are waiting for the end of the world in december.

It won't happen. Nothing can save us from ourselves.

>> No.4279938

>the end of the world in december wont happen
I am not going to be laughing my arse off at your expense on december 22nd.

>> No.4279946

OP, you are too much of an idiot to realize that things ARE happening now.

You are exactly what you hate. You think all of those lazy asses who sit and watch TV all day don't hate people who do that? They make excuses for themselves to think that they are better than the others. They are not, just like the people who watch Jersey Shore are no better than the characters on the show.

You have been lulled into a false sense of security as the world is falling apart around you. Perhaps you will see this once you turn at least 14.

>> No.4279947

>I find modern life to be sooo... peacefully boring. Nothing ever happens. Its so dull.

We live better than any of the previous generations in every aspect. Maybe you should get out of your basement.

>> No.4279953

Your solution to a dull life is warfare? Yes the destruction of all that we have is the best course of action because then we get to have shit tons of fun rebuilding to the point were at now. What we need is less business students and more research. Open a school.

>> No.4279956


Oh yes. Just like all the christians are laughing after the rapture happened twice last year.


Even the post-world war generation that had the highest standard of living in american history?

>> No.4279967

>Call Of Duty is a great military simulator. It provides the thrill of war without actually dying.
Read any first hand accounts of any war (WWII, Korean war, Vietnam war, doesn't really matter) and you'll realize that there's no "thrill" in war. It's long periods of boredom, stress, hard work, and awful conditions punctuated by periods of intense fear. It's not fun...

>> No.4279969

>Implying Americans living in the '50s had better lives than today Americans.
>Implying that the world consists only of America, ignoring the fact that Europe, and the rest of the world, was in ruins after the war.

>> No.4279985
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>>4279967 continued:
Here's a great book with personal accounts of a war: "The Korean War: Pusan to Chosin: An Oral History (Donald Knox)"
After reading this I can assure you that you won't want to be in a war...

>> No.4280003

OP won't read shit, he'll play BF3 and remain hardcore.

He's also trying with /fit

>> No.4280006

OP you sound like this:



>> No.4280022

The world has never been a more exciting place to live in. Lots of major stuff is happening all the time, and, thanks to the information age, the average person has never been in a better position to experience it. The problem is not the world, it's you.

But no, you're not the only one who feels that way. /k/ masturbates daily to the idea of "shit hitting the fan," because they think it will make their shitty lives more interesting (it won't).

>> No.4280027

I agree in a way OP. I am bored, and the only way to cure it is to do something interesting or have something interesting happen. It doesn't even have to be a disaster. It could be us going to the moon again, making contact with aliens, or a new space race. It could be a revolution, or a new discovery. I don't care. The thing is I can only make something interesting happen. Waiting for something interesting to happen will do nothing. You might wait all your life and die unhappy. Go outside and do something. Be the change you want to see in the world. Just don't blow stuff up.

>> No.4280061
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>Mindless people go on worrying about mindless things, endlessly pursuing pointless goals.
It's almost as though you discussed why people go to war to begin with.

>people actually fought for something important. For their culture, for honor, for their people, for glory.
I say "Things should be done a certain way." Other people say, "Yeah, but we do things this way." I don't like that, so I stab them. It's the honorable thing to do. Talking to people and discussing things is boring and hard. And if I die because I didn't feel like compromising, then OBVIOUSLY what I died for must have been worthwhile... right?

>Because at least fighting against said change would give me something interesting to do with my life....
Have you considered initiating change to make the world suit your needs instead?

>Or am I just a sick and twisted, peace-hating sociopath?
Here's the gist of it, OP;
You are a complete and utter tool. You want to break and destroy things. But at the same time, you want to feel justified in doing so.

You are a total weenie. The only reason you want war is because if you see other people breaking and destroying things, then at least you'll feel justified in doing the same thing. The reason you're upset is because few people but yourself feel the same way, and you feel like an outcast because it.

My solution?

Embrace your ideals in a peaceful manner. Go out and build yourself a log cabin in the woods somewhere and live there for a year. By doing this, you will:
1) Prove your life is worth living
2) Prove your life is worth fighting for
3) Create something that is truly your own
4) Abandon your need for material goods
4) Escape from the expectations of others

I'm entirely serious by the way. Camping/building/disposing of material things. Anything along these lines. If these things to put some hair on your chest, I don't know what will.