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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 155 KB, 298x316, costanza7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4276691 No.4276691 [Reply] [Original]

>valuing intelligence as only trait

Math major here, second year. I started lifting weights an posting on >>/fit/. I feel 10 times better about myself and I don't need coffee anymore. Seriously guys, exercise. Do something else with your life besides 4chan and school!

And lets face it, girls only value intelligence AFTER the stuff that comes before. Charm, good looks (or at least well groomed), and humor.

>> No.4276705

it has been proven that regular exercise improves cognitive function, but a lot of people on here still don't do it, not out of a sense of superiority for intelligence, but out of laziness.

>> No.4276704

Boy Scouts have it best (no homo):

Be strong in mind so you will know what has to be done,

and be strong in body so you will be able to do it.

If that doesn't completely sum up everything I don't know what else does.

Also, their motto "Be prepared" is fucking god tier.

>> No.4276710

Woops, wrong board.
I meant to post it on /fit/.

>> No.4276713

I exercise AND drink coffee so I'm basically superhuman.

>godcop its

>> No.4276716

Happiness is ultimately the only valuable trait

However, being smarter than the OP makes me happy.

>> No.4276720

"And if you're looking for an experience of a new and different kind, and you happen upon a girl scout who is similarly inclined, don't be nervous don't be flustered don't be scaa-ared, be prepared!"

>> No.4276820



>> No.4276834

GTFO hedonist scum.

The only people on /sci/ that don't exercise regularly are high-school faggots who associate their meek/geeky demeanor with scientific literacy.
Being on 4chan doesn't mean you don't exercise regularly.

>> No.4276866



>> No.4276877
File: 362 KB, 476x359, Costanza3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice dubs.

>> No.4276874
File: 49 KB, 479x435, costanza15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is the facial expression. I have a large collection of people making the costanza face.

>> No.4276879
File: 23 KB, 247x248, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, compare faces. Notice the eyebrows, eye direction, and mouth

>> No.4276896



>> No.4276924

>Also, their motto "Be prepared" is fucking god tier.

I know that your powers of retention
Are as wet as a warthog's backside
But thick as you are, pay attention
My words are a matter of pride
It's clear from your vacant expressions
The lights are not all on upstairs
But we're talking kings and successions
Even you can't be caught unawares
So prepare for a chance of a lifetime
Be prepared for sensational news
A shining new era
Is tiptoeing nearer

>> No.4276935

>girls only value intelligence AFTER the stuff that comes before. Charm, good looks (or at least well groomed), and humor.

This is untrue.

>> No.4276948

>lifting for girls

Look at this faggot and laugh.

>> No.4276992

But where do we feature?

>> No.4276993

Just listen to teacher

>> No.4276997 [DELETED] 

>implying anyone gives a single fuck what women value

Your other argument was anecdotal, making it invalid within itself. Anything else?

>> No.4277007

>implying anyone gives a single fuck what women value

Really? That's all I seem to get from nearly every board on 4chan -- what can I do to make myself more attractive to women? Do girls really care about dick size as much as they do? What do I do about this girl I like? Should I start lifting because girls will find me more attractive?

And, slowly but surely, the population of men who are genuine, kind-hearted and intelligent dwindles away into a group of douchebags with no self-respect, nor any integrity.

>> No.4277008

>valuing intelligence as the only mental trait
Capability of insight, intuiton and creativity is more important.