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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4275152 No.4275152 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, I have a question.

Science has always been an interest of mine, but I go to a school with little in the way of science classes(arts magnet school). Are there any book on engineering in particular that would not only educate me, but allow me to figure out if it's something I would be interested in pursuing? Thanks.

Pic mostly unrelated.

>> No.4275369
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I do not know how old you are but a good start might be a popular science magazine like Scientific American. These magazine most times offer a wide variety of topics from medicine to physics and engineering.

A great book I read when I attended school was Einstein’s Universe by Nigel Calder. Is is not about engineering in particular but to some extend it is the reason why today I study physics and you do not need any previous knowledge.

By reading this I acknowledged how philosophical science can be and it really sucked me into this whole physics stuff. So I just have to recommend it.

>> No.4275384

Protip: Try to avoid pseudo science like quantum physics and you will be on the right track.

>> No.4277150
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quantum physics pseudoscience

Quantum physics are no pseudoscience at all, but real and experiment proofen science. But you will not have to deal with it anyway except if you study physics or theoretical chemistry. And even then only in the higher semesters.