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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4274403 No.4274403 [Reply] [Original]

>Your college
>Your degree
>Number of years studied
>Your student debt

>> No.4274409
File: 43 KB, 600x400, bluefrackles..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Physics Master

>> No.4274407

Oops, wrong board.
I meant to post it on /soc/.

>> No.4274411

>small school in midwest with high ranking but no ones heard of it
>about 20k

>> No.4274443
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>Got a BA in something useless and finishing a BS in physics this spring
>8 years

>> No.4274449

> University of Toronto
> Engineering Science, Physics Option
> 3.5 years (graduating this May)
> 0$ (actually, have ~5k sitting in my bank account, left-over summer work and scholarship money)

>> No.4274452
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>student debt
>not getting a full ride scholarship

>> No.4274455

>>4274449 here, probably ~ half my education was paid for by scholarships, and the other half was from summer jobs

>> No.4274459

How have you not killed yourself?

>> No.4274460

so let me get this shit straight, you're in your mid 20s and all you have to show for it are two bachelors degrees and 50k of debt?

lol retard.

>> No.4274466

high school dropout
I'm bankrupt if that's what you're asking

>> No.4274467

Not as bad as this other guy I know. He's ~30 years old, 2 years into a physics PhD (and with a prof who typically graduates people after 7-10 years; he's only graduated 2 people so far). He spent 8+ years of his life first doing a bio undergrad, and THEN a physics undergrad! Plus he doesn't really think he can get a decent job afterwards... He's not professor material, that's for sure.

>> No.4274500
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I've got a guy in my undergrad chem class who started the degree with a BBS and MBA already under his belt.

Could be worse, he could have 25K in debt and the useless BA

>> No.4274502
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>mfw a college degree was always touted as the greatest thing you could accomplish in your life
>mfw my generation rushes off to pursue degrees in "whatever makes them happy", resulting in thousands of dollars of debt and no careers available

>> No.4274538

>comp sci

>> No.4274551

University of Manitoba
4 years

University of Manitoba Medical School
4th year

Feels good man.

>> No.4274555

> Manitoba
Hahahaha XD

I didn't realize they had a med school in Manitoba.. all of my high-school friends who got into med school went to UofT, McMaster, Ottawa, etc.

>> No.4274561

>some high school
>Finished "soft" HS without the hard science classes back in 2008, now I'm going back to finish them.
>I... I never dropped. I did 3 years of cegep, just partying and playing video james.
>got some 10k invested at 5% returns and 5k student debts frozen until I finish school. Which feels like never

Also I'm 21. Try to beat that mediocrity, I double dare you.

>> No.4274562
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Sorry I should have said adult's schooling.

It's still sad.

>> No.4274564

Do you attend Rose Hulman?

>> No.4274565

Lol 21 too, except I'm finishing my 4th year of Engineering Science @ UofT, got prelim acceptance @ Stanford for an EE PhD


>> No.4274567

EE is shit.

>> No.4274570

I was too lazy to apply anywhere else and don't feel like moving out of the province. Plus, I knew a few of the profs before I applied.

>> No.4274576

I should clarify: I'll working on photonics engineering (i.e. developing the next generation of optical devices, which, incidentally, your internet runs off of, and soon, your computer will as well). It kind of lies at the boundary between electrical eng and physics.

>> No.4274578

Huh, well, it makes sense. Not like there's a big diff afterwards (or any... at all)

>> No.4274579
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Your a faget. Enjoy being a faget.

>> No.4274580

>calling others faggot

dat fuckin irony

>> No.4274586
File: 12 KB, 297x298, retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's you. I think you don't know what is a weeaboo and can't even understand the concept.

>> No.4274588
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>> No.4274591
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just a little. I don't want to work for anyone being the underdog, so a degree is fairly useless other than just passing time and getting knowledge.

>> No.4274592

>understand the concept of weeaboo

Yeah right, because it's so hard to understand retarded autistic man children who watch stupid cartoons for little girls and believe in a "kawaii" "waifu".

>> No.4274593

i've reported every single post in this thread up to


enjoy your bans

>> No.4274599
File: 296 KB, 400x300, thatfeelwhenbadend.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's hard to understand the concept that it has nothing to do with anime or cartoons?
>yfw it's a videogame

>> No.4274612

>it's a videogame

Doesn't change the part that says "autistic retarded man child".

>> No.4274615
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Ad hominem, watch for it! You look brilliant!

If argument fails, deliver the coup de grace!

>> No.4274618

>gets fucking told
>whines about ad hominem

>> No.4274624
File: 224 KB, 1024x768, 1326031196130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just insulted me all that time because I post pictures on the internet.

How told I am.

You're pretty gangsta.

>> No.4274628

You are severely buttmad. Otherwise you wouldn't reply.

>> No.4274630
File: 411 KB, 1000x984, thafeelwhenaxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm just sad and bored after losing with king of beards because of Nai'x.

>> No.4274642
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>This thread

>> No.4274646

You see what weeaboo tripfags can do to a thread.

Oh wait, it was a shit thread anyway.

>> No.4274648
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>> No.4274656

you're probably smarter than 99% of /sci/

>> No.4274677

Shouldn't be too hard, considering that 99% of /sci/ consists of homework children, uneducated internet atheists and trolls.

>> No.4274679

>Mechanical Engineering/Physics
>2.5, Senior Standing

>> No.4274683

I would cap it at 60-70%, tops. There's a fair number of undergrads, and even a few grad students here.

>> No.4274684

>University of Wisconsin - Madison
> B.S. Biochemistry
> 2.5
> $0 (thank you taxpayers.)

>> No.4274689
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> BSc in comp sci, BSc in chem, MSc in chem
> 8 years
> no debt
You too can make it with no debt. Try working during the summer (at a good job--Wal-Mart probably doesn't cut it), marking/teaching during the year (depending on your year), and not blowing a thousand bucks a semester on booze and microwave dinners.

As an aside, I took up a trade apprenticeship after realizing that degrees don't equal jobs, and now get paid to learn vector addition and other high school shit. Feels good.

>> No.4274699
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Ouch, that sucks.

Could be worse though - you could be one of these losers.

>> No.4274707

LOL, 4 years of tuition at my uni is 40k.. wtf did this guy do?

>> No.4274719


Didn't go to a shitty state school maybe?

>> No.4274729
File: 156 KB, 260x120, +_ce3d34db8d9fe04d414abefd428e0b24.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 or 3 years since i left school
>I have the equivalent of $8k in the bank.

20 years old still haven't settled on an intellectual route. I feel like a rich man and I live like a King. Paperwork can wait.

>> No.4274733

>Your college
University of Sheffield
>Your degree
>Number of years studied
First year
>Your student debt
No idea, my parents pay for it

>> No.4274743


I didn't get any financial aid, but why would I care? The 200k doesn't even register as a dent in my family's wealth.

>> No.4274744
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>> No.4274742
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I can't study, I'm depressed and I feel like I don't belong in college. Thinking about dropping out over the summer, I'm too much of a lazy faggot to study without someone on my dick about it.

>> No.4274752
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>started in business, switched to engineering, got a BS
>6 years
>$45000 at graduating but I've paid off a fifth of it since then

Probably went to a fucking private uni or an out of state school and majored in underwater basketweaving

>> No.4274753

Is it an engineering school? SDSMT?

>currently a freshman, getting a degree in Biology
>$0 (full-ride)

>> No.4274759

>English Literature and Russian Studies

This could be fun.

I can only study 'from beginners' subjects (languages) and subjects that branch from English and/or Psychology, unless I'm willing to spend two years going back and getting new qualifications.

>> No.4274762

No, most universities AROUND THE WORLD don't charge as much as American unis do, and those expensive unis aren't necessarily any better at all

>> No.4274767


Nice to see somebody else from Sheffield.

>> No.4274770

U of saskatchewan
Biochemistry & biotechnology

I got lucky, and found a room for under $300 a month. So a saved a lot of money.

>> No.4274772

Trinity College Dublin
Theoretical Physics
In first year
€0, Irish system has no "fees" but there is a €2000 "student contribution" whatever that's meant to mean.

>> No.4274780


>seriously nothing to worry about
>i expect my loans to reach a maximum of 7000 by the time i graduate. Not a single fuck is even plausible

>> No.4274779

How much would it cost for an American to go the University of Toronto? If I can get it for cheap I wouldn't mind going there.
Where in Missouri

>> No.4274784

>UC Berkeley

>that feel when underrepresented minority in STEM program
>fucking scholarships everywhere

>> No.4274798 [DELETED] 

nigger detected

>> No.4274801

fuck off, racist

>> No.4274802
File: 26 KB, 200x166, 1292981040836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your college
>Your degree
BS in Electrical And Computer Engineering from the Engineering school and BS in Physics from the school of arts and sciences joint program
>Number of years studied
4/5 years
>Your student debt
$23K (± $1000 from bad record keeping)

>> No.4274808



>> No.4274811


Cal bro here also

>UC Berkeley
>$0, mom and pops scholarship

>> No.4274813


Hispanic, actually.

>> No.4274817

I believe it, but it's still retarded.
I can't tell you how many internships and fellowships I've applied for that say, "Seeking under-represented groups."
America, the only country in the world that actually favors foreign nationals.
Yes, I mad.

>> No.4274822

>Your college
University of São Paulo
>Your degree
Computer engineering
>Number of years studied
>Your student debt
$0, school is free over here, and they are paying me to Study in germany next year.

>> No.4274824

Not exactly foreign nationals, no. Non-whites, yes. It's not as easy to get accepted at american unis if you're an international student.

>> No.4274833

Well regardless, you understand my point.
This country is so concerned with fairness and equality that they go overboard.

>> No.4274838

LOL yea. On EVERY SINGLE one of my US grad school apps, they asked me what race I was. Like, wtf. They never ask you when you apply in Canada, EVER.

>> No.4274855

Aerospace Engineering, BS
4 years

>> No.4274857

>Your college
University of Concepción, Chile

>Your degree
Bioengineering, working on a master program in biochemistry and bioinformatics

>Number of years studied

>Your student debt
$0, and university is fucking expensive here

>> No.4274863


Do you enjoy AE? I'm a CE freshman but I've been thinking I'll transfer to AE.

>> No.4274864

don't know weather i should major in chem or bio thoughts?

>> No.4274866

>Danish Technical University
>+10,000$ (Yes I earn money)

>> No.4274875

>Your college
>Your degree
>Number of years studied
went to a JC for 2, first year at csuci
>Your student debt
$0 unless you count what mommy and daddy have paid, which is about 3g's in all. They've helped when I needed it

>> No.4274876


>> No.4274890

>University of Alabama
>Chemical Engineering
>3.5 years (graduating in May)
>None, full scholarship (why else would I go to Alabama?)

>> No.4274896

>BS in Political Science/Criminal Justice

>> No.4274897

bump on this question

>> No.4274900

>Brighton University
>BSc Computer Science
>£0. Nil. Nada.

>> No.4274903

Electrical Engineering

>> No.4274911


and I make tons of money

u jellymad scientists?

>> No.4274921

>JC in NW Penn
>Engineering A.S then transferring to WVU for either Aerospace or if I can find one out here on the east an accredited place for Nuclear Engineering.
>First year
>So far $516, just because I had no place to live when I signed up so I had to put down my address from across the US and they charged me as being out of state student and my finacial aid only covered the price if I was a resident of PA. (Next year I will be considered one)

I don't want to fuck up and accumulate thousands and thousands in student loans. I have a scholarship for art in Kansas but shit. Drawing is only for hobby.


Aeronautical or Astronautical?

>> No.4274930

it's undergraduate level, fuckface.

>> No.4274940

Comp Sci BS

>> No.4275171

I enjoyed it. Just missed I had a better professor for my Stability and Control professor. That course is almost like the Defense against the Dark Arrts; new professor every semester.

Aerospace, as in I was taught both aeronautical and astronautical.

>> No.4275172

Big State, pretty good
B.S. Physics

>> No.4275178

>Somewhere in Australia
>BSci (Chem)
>Startan 2nd
>$0 (and it'll be $0 when im done, u jelly)

>> No.4275198


>> No.4275199

>Your college
Some Australian Uni
>Your degree
Have a B.A. in Psychology and Visual Arts, doing a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science/Mathematics
>Number of years studied
5 years so far. 2nd in BSci
>Your student debt
$24, 788 so far, by the end of it $33, 646.

>> No.4275216

Stony Brook University
Electrical Engineer

Mom is paying half. I'll also be getting full pell grants for my next 2 years due to turning 24. Should mean that I'll only need to take out like 4000 more in loans to cover the remainder of tuition.

>> No.4275300
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>$0 (dat assistantship)