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4272284 No.4272284 [Reply] [Original]

I hope that transhumansim comes to fruition in my lifetime. Not because I just want super strength or laser eyes or something like that.
No, what I want, is the potential to improve my mind, and make it immortal.

I will become computerized. First enhancing the limit of my consciousness, and improving my cognitive function.
From there, I will expand.

I will upload my mind to a server, and simply use a robotic body as an avatar. My server mind will be thousands of times more capable than my mind is now.

Using that intellect, I will build more capacity for my mind, I will build more avatars, and have the capacity to run multiple instances of myself simultaneously.
I will build myself larger, and more efficient brains. Continually uploading and improving my consciousness.
I will use that unfathomable intellect to leave the planet, and find another. Upon which I will have a countless army of myself cannibalize all resources on that planet, to turn the entire thing into one massive database.

My mind will be infinite. The universe will be my plaything.

A million avatars of myself will be linked to my mind, I will experience a million things at once. I will gain more knowledge than ever thought possible.

I will cease to be man, I will become a god.

Oh please.

Let me live long enough.

>> No.4272294

we will probably have the capability to upload our minds in about 150 years.

so unless someone invents something to make you live longer, or a super intelligence is created in the meantime.

you outta luck.

>> No.4272297
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>You think trans humanism will exist

>> No.4272298

yes, that's what i'm worried about.

I'm hoping the kurzweil timeline turns out to be correct, and we get a super intelligence around 2030.

or that some therapy is invented to lengthen human lifespan.
once that happens, it will begin to improve faster than we age.

>> No.4272301

transhumanism already exists.

see computer mind interfaces.
or electrodes implanted in the brain.

or prosthesis.

>> No.4272303

I'm speaking of the level to which you describe.

Like the mind uploading bullshit.

>> No.4272306

there is no reason to believe we won't figure out a way to preserve memory electronically sometime in the future.

as for that "consciousness is some sort of divine thing that we will never figure out" crap. fuck that. consciousness is memories combined with intelligence

>> No.4272308


looks like someone's asshurt

>> No.4272314

read "permutation city" by greg egan.
you might change your mind. or then again, you might not.

>> No.4272317

Can we cure all the common illnesses first?

>> No.4272322

So your computer now has consciousness.

>> No.4272323

ill look that up, thanks anon.

>> No.4272326


Don't assume I implied consciousness is anything above that. Do realize that a copy of your mind and memories won't be you. It's the reason why if you make a perfect replica of yourself, you will not be aware of both consciousnesses. (I take it that 'consciousness' isn't a real word?) As such, that hive mind, if possible, which I fully disagree with knowing how little we know of the mind itself, wouldn't be you.
"You" will be in a state equivalent to death. Those replicas of your consciousness will live it out.

>> No.4272324

intelligence and the ability to run programs is a very, very different thing.

>> No.4272327

If I can get a computerized brain.
I'm going to create a planet, something like middle earth or Tamriel.
tweak physics a bit to make magic possible, invent a few gods and whatnot.

that would be fun.

>creating consciousness so that I can play god is evil you say?
>meh, i'll keep it running, don't worry.

>> No.4272328

What is intelligence?

What do you understand by intelligence?

>> No.4272335

no no, you seem to be misunderstanding what i'm saying.

My plan is to increase the capacity and ability of my own mind. The avatars will be run by that mind, and linked directly up to it.
multiple instances at once will all have the same memories, as they will all be receiving data from the "main brain"

of course, whether that would be "me" or not is up for debate.
Personally, I will agree that I cease to be "me," the moment I upload my consciousness, there is no reason to believe I will think and function the same way.

but still, I think preserving my memories and, at least attempting to preserve, my consciousness is better than just letting my biological brain die off.

>> No.4272339


I would say it's the ability to learn, to observe, and to weigh options and use free will to ascertain what you would want to do.

If I told my computer to shut down, and it did, then it is running a program.
If I told my computer to shut down, and it refused to, and said to me "but I don't want to do that, please don't make me" then it would have intelligence.

>> No.4272340

I see little point in having an electronic replacement for myself. In any case, don't expect something like mind uploading until we actually understand the mechanics of memory and intelligence in the brain.

>> No.4272342

So how do you make something artificial have "free will"/intelligence?

>> No.4272343

well, i'm not thinking that this will be possible anytime soon. I'm merely expressing the hope that somehow I will be able to live long enough, so that I can expand my lifespan to the point that it IS possible.

>> No.4272345


it's not really a matter of making it happen, but rather providing the hardware and software, and then maybe it will develop on its own.

for instance, if we programmed something, say a decision maker, or advanced search engine or something.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere it started re-writing itself.
It began testing random streams of code, while still working, we decide not to mess with it.
the junk code builds up and builds up, as the program works to make itself more efficient.

then suddenly, all the junk code is deleted, and what is left is a perfect program.
We have no idea how it works, how to build it, what it does. But it can communicate with us, and it can make decisions, and it can defy us when it doesn't want to do something.

what is to say, that is not intelligence?

>> No.4272346

fuk that I just wanna punch cunts and swing from webs

>> No.4272349


>spiderman detected

>> No.4272418

I'll use my virtual brain to create a planet of horny ladies.
then ill make a thousand virtual copies of myself, and have sex with 1000 lovely ladies at once.

the future's porn is going to be FUCKING GREAT