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4271277 No.4271277 [Reply] [Original]

>Field of study?
>Degrees? None? Move on?
>Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)

Let's try to be honest this time.

>> No.4271291

Age: 26
Field of Study: Condensed Matter Physics
Degrees: BS, Physics and Mathematics
Gender: M
Current Research: Investigating the theoretical grounds for possible non-abelian quasiparticles in the 5/2 state [PhD student]

>> No.4271295

I should have said "in the 5/2 fractional quantum Hall state"

>> No.4271298

Age: 18
Field of Study: Mathematics
Degrees: PhD
Gender: Male
School: MIT
Current Research: How to raise my starting salary from 300k/yr to 800k/yr

>> No.4271324
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>> No.4271328

>Field of study?
Physics, considering majoring in math and/or astronomy too
Universidad de Chile
>Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)
Supernovae, globular clusters

>> No.4271335

>Field of study
Fisheries and Aquaculture
>Degrees? None? Move on?
BSC (working on it)

>> No.4271339

age: 24
field of study: physics
degrees: physics, bs + computer science, bsc
gender: male
school: UC--- (too little graduate students, you'd be able to find me)
current research: modeling magnetohydrodynamic waves in curved space-time with lattice qcd

>> No.4271344

Age? - 19
Field of study? - Government + History dealwithit.exe
Degrees? None? Move on? - getting bachelors
Gender? - male
School? - University of Virginia
Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)

>> No.4271353

>Field of study?
>Degrees? None? Move on?
3rd year BSci
Some uni in Oz.
>Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)
None yet.

>> No.4271355


>(too little graduate students, you'd be able to find me)

what's that supposed to mean?

>> No.4271359

>"you'd be able to find me"
>gives specific area of research

I think they could find you if they wanted to, bro.

>> No.4271362

do you really need to say that 5/2 is a fraction in your ph.d. thesis? you must be really stupid

>> No.4271364
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>ctrl+f female
>1 of 2

>> No.4271365
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As an American, this is what I pictured

>> No.4271381

I didn't understand at first. But Haha.

>> No.4271391

>Age? 21
>Field of study? neurobiology
>Degrees? Undergraduate
>Gender? male
>School? University of Tennessee
>Current research? Undergraduate research lab, working on private grants. Methylphenidate with respect to sexual differences. Using DAt in basal nucluei and dorsal striatum.

>> No.4271392

Not really. Using "5/2 quantum Hall state" would work, though it is always referred to as the 5/2 fractional quantum Hall state in the literature and having read it that way so many times, the "fractional" just manages to find its way in there when I type it out as a result.

>> No.4271405

>Field of study?
>Degrees? None? Move on?
Final year undergrad
University of Glasgow
>Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)
Epigenetic mechanisms in cancer

>> No.4271442

>28 (second degree)
>Biology with chem minor
>Degree in poly sci (I was gonna be a lawyer. Ironically, shit was so NOT cash). Last semester of Bio/Premed now.
>Dengue Fever poly-serotype vaccine undergrad research.


Si había una MUJER chilena en 4chan me moriría.

>> No.4271475

Age: 24
Field of Study: Neuroscience
Degree: B.S.
Gender: Male
School: None, currently (unless you count where I work)
Current research: Lab tech in a neuropharmacology lab

>> No.4271494


A lot of neuro up in this thread. what is your all's plan for the future?

>> No.4271498
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>People listing their schools AND their extremely specific area of research
>Well, I guess they just don't give a shit about letting people know exactly who they are...

>> No.4271509


>>4271475 here

My original plan was to go to grad school, get a PhD, and live the rest of my life being completely out of touch with the rest of the world while I went full sperglord researching my interests. I've heard too many bad things about scientific research though and literally every day now I find out something new that makes it seem like an even worse idea to pursue than it did before. So now I'm thinking I'll just go to medical school instead and become a psychiatrist or neurologist. Shit, everyone in the general public already assumes I'm studying to be a doctor anyway when I tell them what my major is/was, at least now I won't have to waste extra time telling them that neuroscience =/= neurology.

>> No.4271520

Medicine (MD)
BS, Biochemistry
Med school in Texas
Did parasitoid venom and proteomic research as undergrad

>> No.4271521

Electrical Engineering
Almost done with B.S.
High Power Planar RF Amplifiers

>> No.4271547

"I've heard too many bad things about scientific research though and literally every day now I find out something new that makes it seem like an even worse idea to pursue than it did before." this resonates with me, I am applying for grad schools now, and looking for a summer research for post baccalaureate when I graduate. Really reconsidering my major.>>4271391
My sibling has Bachelors in business, which is easy, and she has a great job after a 4 month internship. True research outside of University seems to be a dead topic. I do not want to be fighting in the ivory tower, by any means.

>> No.4271591

As bad as science is, unfortunately EVERYTHING is bad right now, and not just because of the recession. Corporate jobs are getting hard to find, IT jobs are being shipped overseas all the time, law is completely glutted and in terrible shape, psychology is in the exact same boat as law, etc. Medical fields (pharmacist, osteopath, allopath, optometrist, nurse, physician's assistant, etc.) are really the ONLY careers left that have good opportunities, job security, and pay. It says a lot about how bad the job market has gotten over the last three decades when the only thriving market revolves around keeping people alive.

>> No.4271643

Age: 23
Field of Study: Computational Biology
Degrees: BS, working on PhD
Gender: Male
School: Pitt
Current Research: mathematical modeling of cell signaling pathways

>> No.4271659
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>mfw geologists still get jobs easy

>> No.4271684

Age: 20
Field of study: Physics
Degrees: None, working on Physics BS
Gender: Male
School: A good 2 year university. Will hopefully transfer to UCLA
Current research: Not much opportunity at a two year. I'm doing projects with a couple clubs, though.

>> No.4271705
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- 24
- Haven't decided yet, though I've recently discovered passions for planetary science and instrumentation
- I've got a fairly useless BA which I completed before crawling back to science, now halfway through a BS tripling in Phys, Astro, and Math
- Male
- Would rather not say... somewhere in the midwest
- Undergrad, just finished presenting a poster at the AAS conference on building cheap, mid-resolution spectrometers for small telescopes. I'm currently looking at getting work with a different professor, which is proving to be tricky... apart from a handful of profs, pretty much everyone here is either plasma physics or high-energy astronomy... neither of which really interest me

>> No.4271720


Mechanical engineering

4th year


Oregon state university

Researching flow through beds of packed spheres using PIV techniques and polystyrene microspheres. Spent most of yesterday gathering data to calculate the Stokes number.

>> No.4271726

I know the feeling, I got a shit degree before going back to school for Bio, and apparently I wasn't the only one with that idea - there are six more guys in my class with previous degrees, one even has a fucking MBA!

>> No.4271743

Age: 20
Field of study: linguistics
Degrees: associate's, working on bachelor's
Gender: male
School: University of Florida
Current research: Information Structure of Modern Armenian

>> No.4271759


>Field of study?
Ba. & Hons. in Creative Media / Video Game theory, after failing in my PhD app, I applied for Science/Education and got in. Majoring in Physics and Math.

>Degrees? None? Move on?
See above.


Xavier College -> RMIT University, Melb. -> Monash University

>Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)
PG, now a UG.

>> No.4271761


You are me. What cc are you going to right now?

>> No.4271763

You went to the AAS as an undergrad?

>> No.4271769

>I'm still in high school but I pretend on studying math
>Degrees? None
>Open schoo I just go and take exams
>linear functions lol

>> No.4271778

Age: 20
Field of study: Physics
Degrees: Studying for an MSci
Gender: Male
School: Rather not say
Current research: Minimum surface energy of thin-film catenary structures

>> No.4271779
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how is EE at UCD? looking to transfer as an EE to a UC in a year or so

>> No.4271785

Economics (Minoring in Math)
Arizona State University

>> No.4271789

>Field of study?
Molecular biology/Biochemistry
>Degrees? None? Move on?
BS Mol bio, BS Biochem
>Current research
RNA interference

>> No.4271795

My current plan is to go into a PhD in Neuroscience and get a job at a university. I am waiting to see how my Honors year go, because I will be applying for Honors in Neuroscience as well as Statistics (second major) and go from there.

However I don't plan to do an MD because it doesn't interest me.

>> No.4271799


Im curious what its like studying Neuro. Its so specific. What kind of classes do you take and where does the education take you?

>> No.4271806

Bachelor of Science, working on honours now
An Australian state university.
Dynamical systems theory, about to start my honours thesis, project is on the modelling of a hydrogen palladium reactor.

>> No.4271808



>Field of study?


>Degrees? None? Move on?

BS in Biology and BA in Anthropology (because fuck you I wanted to)




The program is far too small to give this out

>Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)

Graduate, hopefully in either genetics, biochemistry, or biophysics as I have abandoned hope of doing aging research at this moment in time.

>> No.4271818

I'm technically majoring in Biomedical Sciences however within that, you have to specialize, mine being obviously neuroscience.

First and second year you study more broad biomed classes cover topics such as cell structure and function, genetics and phsiology and then 2nd semester, second year and third year you study more specific classes such as neuroanatomy, neurobiology, pharmacology, cognitive psychology/neuroscience.

As to where the education takes you, it depends on what you are interested in. You can use it as way to get into an MD or you can go into research.

>> No.4271822

If I could, I would do a BA in Anthropology

>> No.4271827

There is always the off chance you get a foot in the door and actually get involved with compelling research.

I had an ancient (over 90) professor for an anth101 course (for my gen ed reqs). Nigger was the most wordly motherfucker I have ever met. Had touched the rosetta stone, unearthed mummies, South American stuff, Mongolian stuff, the list goes on.

>> No.4271833

UC student by any chance?

>> No.4271835


>> No.4271842
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>Field of study?
>Degrees? None? Move on?
CC -> UTAustin
>Current research

>> No.4271841

>Currently enrolled as undergrad
>Carleton Uni
>none, enrolled as undergrad

>> No.4271847

so how would an undergrad chem major go about getting a research position?

>> No.4271911

>Go to chemistry department website
>Find something you're interested in
>Read about it
>Go talk to the guy that does it about a job or volunteering if he doesn't have the budget

>> No.4271922

Age: 19
Field of Study: Chemistry
Degrees: Currently undergrad.
School: Small school in Pennsylvania.
Current research: Nothing this semester, but starting in the fall alongside Pchem/analytical I'll hopefully be working on independent research involving some sort of soils analysis, but who knows what kind of fun thing I'll decide on over the summer.

>> No.4271926

Derp, missed gender. Female.

>> No.4271931

>Field of study?
Theoretical Physics
>Degrees? None? Move on?
BS in physics, currently studying for master.
Perimeter Institute
>Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)
Loop variables in supersymmetric gauge theories and their relation with AdS-CFT.

>> No.4271935

21 going on 22
>Field of study?
Russian and music currently, plan to go for an associates in chemistry for fall of 2012
>Degrees? None? Move on?
>Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)

>> No.4271941


>If I could, I would do a BA in Anthropology

It' not a particularly hard major unless you really dig down deep.

If you put even a modicum of effort into it, professors will notice. Most people who take anthro. courses these days do it as pre-professionals or because they just need a major.

I was generally interested in it from a young age and decided to do it. When speaking to a professor, he once commented that I'd make a great anthropologist as was attempting to guide me in the field.

Alas, I opted for something far safer in terms of job prospects. The activism in present day anthropology really bogged me down too.

Archaeology and Biological Anthro. are bro tier. Cultural and Linguistics...not so much.

>> No.4271951

Please don't make these threads.
I hate it when people try to put a face to anonymous. I prefer you to be all faceless.

Also, I can't stand seeing how many people are teenagers

>> No.4271954

How cool are physics classes? I want to take one. I am getting science envy.

>> No.4271968


>Field of study?

>Degrees? None? Move on?
B.A., chemistry and physics. Currently enrolled in Ph.D. program.



>Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)
N/A, have yet to join lab. (Will do so at the end of this semester.)

>> No.4271987

>Field of study?
>Degrees? None? Move on?
Finishing my BSc this year
Male obviously
Not telling (rest assured it's comfortably mediocre)
>Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)
Just finished a dry expository dissertation on lattice QCD, which is really quite interesting (and a field I would enjoy researching).

>> No.4272026

Anonymous for a reason

Reported for >>>/soc/ faggotry

>> No.4272032


>Field of study?
Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Structural Biology.

>Degrees? None? Move on?
Working on a MSc


University of Concepción, Chile.

>Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)
Light harvesting antennae, structure and function.

>> No.4272035

>Last semester in undergrad!
>le University of Pittsburgh
>Spent last semester using LC-MS followed by NMR to verify the purity and structure of small molecule inhibitors of the mdm2/mdm4-p53 protein interaction.

Basically the guy i work for synthesized a bunch of compounds to inhibit the binding of mdm4 to the p53 anti-cancer protein.

Science explains nature, and nature makes dr00gz. Eb Pursue an education or challenge yourself!

>> No.4272038

>Field of study?
Double in Economics and Mathematics

>Degrees? None? Move on?
Not yet


Stanford University

>Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)
Since I'm doubling in math, people in the Econ department usually urge me to do quantitative based economics.

>> No.4272039

>Field of study?
>Degrees? None? Move on?
>Current research(Graduate or Undergraduate)
dynamic economic systems

shits alright so far but I hope it gets cooler in grad school