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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4268067 No.4268067 [Reply] [Original]

sorry for sci fi shit but,

Say that, all habitable planets are colonized, all intelligent species have made alliances, absolutely peaceful universe, and war is a reminder of a barbaric past. And universes nearby have also been explored, what is their left to do besides wait for universe comploding? Trying to make contact with God? Say fuck it and nuke everything just for fun? what?

>> No.4268069

>what is their left to do

>> No.4268097

Welcome to the boredom of Star Trek's Q.

>> No.4268101

Even though as humanity we would discover everything there is to discover, you as a person would only hear it from tales. Even now a single human cannot learn a fraction of what humanity as a whole has learned, explore what has been found or or see what every human has created.
Also, we still will have art and universe is an ever-changing place.

Regarding your pic, op, why can't we launch such missions to the moon? We could send our CO2 and humans so we could have more balanced atmosphere and more space. (it's a bit weird the fact that I've been thinking about this for a while and such pic pops up)

>> No.4268112

Create and live within new universes in computer simulations.

>> No.4268128

Play the bongos?
Run a lap around the block?
Make a garden?
Play halo?
Do some math?

All kinds of stuff you can do.

>> No.4268140
File: 79 KB, 719x499, Burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, let the galaxy burn, of course!

>> No.4268149
File: 503 KB, 448x568, 125435431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we'll ever actually "finish" discovering / inventing
There will always be something else, something we haven't done. As our science advances, the options open to us wont decrease, they'll increase.

>> No.4269789

Isn't it like Mars would never hold the artificial atmophere, 'cause its low gravity lets any gases ascend and vanish into space?

>> No.4269809

Gamble, make money, invent shit, make movies, discuss what to do next on 4chan.

Captcha: probability nodie

>> No.4269811


On what timescale? An artificial Martian atmosphere would bleed away over 100,000 years or more. A slow enough pace that the same machines used to create it could easily sustain it.

Also OP the point of life would be the same as it is for you now. We're not colonizing just to colonize, but to safeguard our longterm survival. Once that's done it's back to living our lives as we see fit for maximum fulfillment.

>> No.4269815
File: 201 KB, 682x1023, 1324182084527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't heard of the impending fattie apocalypse wherein fatties are finally entitled to be fat and gorge upon the earth itself to its very crust dooming human civilization for eternity

>yfw a fattie bites you and you become part of the fattie race

>> No.4269827

Why would you assume that war is the ultimate ends? Thats the exact opposite of the interpretation of war that rational people have which is as a means. Pehaps you should play less video games.

>> No.4269878
File: 131 KB, 555x417, brilliant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars can be terraformed within 3 decades, if we are prepared to fire H bombs into the regolith near the ice caps.

This will cover the ice caps in rock dust, and the albedo will therefore reduce. The sun will warm all the CO2 and water (greenhouse gases) and a greenhouse runaway effect will occurr, and within 30 years we will have 600mBar there. Mainly CO2 and water, fine for plants (which produce O2)

>> No.4269895
File: 43 KB, 600x753, mushroom_cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"To a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" - Mark Twain

>> No.4269901

Sit around being fucking chill as fuck.

>> No.4269903

Please our instincts

>> No.4269912

>make intergalactic space vehicles that go the speed of light
>find wormholes
>fly into black holes
>resurrect the dinosaurs on a planet
>virtual reality
>backwards program the brain and put it in robots

>> No.4269914


I have done the calculations for this, it can hold an atmosphere, if maybe I'll get the calculations if you don't take my word for it.

>> No.4269916


>An artificial Martian atmosphere would bleed away over 100,000 years or more.

eeeh.. I don't believe that, tell me why you think that.

>> No.4269918

Have sex with everything.

>> No.4270016
File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, 1318229745786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars can be terraformed within 3 decades, if we are prepared to fire H bombs into the regolith near the ice caps.

Carl Sagan did a study about blackening the albedo of the ice caps, and concluded that their was not enough rocket capacity to cover them with dust from earth.
But use the special ground burst nukes developed in the 1960's (area denial) and you do it in no time.

AND the area was only denied (cos it was radioactive) for a few days. So no probs for us when we come thirty years later.

This will cover the ice caps in rock dust, and the albedo will therefore reduce. The sun will warm all the CO2 and water (greenhouse gases) and a greenhouse runaway effect will occurr, and within 30 years we will have 600mBar there. Mainly CO2 and water, fine for plants (which produce O2)

>> No.4270021

said... that if mars got to 24mbar run away green house effect would occurr, so the nuke idea might be, actually very sensible

>> No.4270343

Might just be appearing massively retarded, but wouldn't we need to get some sort of dynamo effect going within Mars' core, so it generates enough of a magnetic field to stop us from getting brutally destroyed by lethal radiation while we are going about our blissful business on a teraformed Mars?

>> No.4270357


Solar radiation would rip off the atmosphere because mars' core is solid so it doesn't have a magnetic field to protect itself.

>> No.4270428

This is the main problem. If Mars had a magnetic field, we could probably colonize it with today's technology in 200 years.

>> No.4270462


Wasn't some kind of crazy plan to nuke Mars' core to start it? I vaguely remember reading it somewhere (maybe /sci/). Anyone care to elaborate on that?

>> No.4270470


idk how we could conceivably nuke Mars' core.

Also, I'm not entirely sure how effective that would be if it was possible.

>> No.4270497

Im not sure hollywood films are the best place to be getting your scientific information.

>> No.4270503


Yeah, I can't find the source but it was kind of crazy. I just wanted to start a discussion to keep this thread alive.

>> No.4270519

And what if we could somehow snag ourselfs a passing asteroid and crash it into Mars? Somwhat like Theia, but apropiate for Mars.

>> No.4270551

Er, no.

Here's the beef.

Mars is a planet that's somewhat fucked. It's just outside the life zone of Sol, and it's old enough that the planet's core has already become solid, and without the internal dynamics of hot metal spinning wildly within our core, Mars doesnt have the permanent magnetic field our core generates, which defends againts a great amount of the cosmic radiation.Which means that solar winds combined with a shitty position within the life zone means that Mars's weak atmosphere was basically blown off.

You COULD try to do what Venus has. Venus has a substantially weaker magnetic field than earth, but it also has a thick enough atmosphere that it doesnt matter. But Venus's atmosphere is hot and corrosive enough to melt fucking metals, so...

It's near impossible to CONCEIVE of the notion of unsolidifying a planetary core. It would take super science on super science levels of a madman screaming "SCIENCE".

What you could do is...well, with meteorite impacts , melting the icecaps, and other...well, outside of our current means but still feasable- to help Mars get a runaway greenhouse effect, and fucking produce enough of a thick atmosphere to sustain life.

The tricky part? Stopping it before the runaway effect makes it into Venus.

>> No.4272212

We could live underground there though in huge chambers lit by massive light arrays.

>> No.4272233

Having fun. Which is not impossible. There is probably quite a lot of fun to have before the stars burn out.