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File: 199 KB, 784x811, 1326250834670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4267705 No.4267705 [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]>first day of class
>professor calls me an autist
can i sue for this?</spoiler>

>> No.4267710
File: 277 KB, 475x348, 123456789876543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, you cant sue just for that, whiny faggot.</spoiler>

>> No.4267709

[spoiler]why don't you just switch classes? That's what I did whenever the teacher was a cunt.</spoiler>

>> No.4267716

[spoiler]I can imagine OP aggressively correcting the professor for making an insignificant semantical mistake, throwing >implying, >2012 and ISHYGDDT at him, while holding up his printed copy of Costanza.jpg</spoiler>

>> No.4267718

i'm pretty sure i'll be doing that. i'm just curious if it's possible to get compensation from it.</spoiler>

>> No.4267730

not a chance, greedy fucking aspie-faggot.</spoiler>

>> No.4267739

fuck you guys. it's insulting - similar to outright racism. i'm not even autistic, and the prof did not state it sarcastically. this is bullshit.</spoiler>

>> No.4267746

He's a professor, you probably are an autist</spoiler>

>> No.4267756

>He's a professor
that doesn't give him the right.

>you probably are an autist
i am not autistic!</spoiler>

>> No.4267757

>on 4chan
>not autistic</spoiler>

>> No.4267765

[spoiler]Explain exactly what happen op.</spoiler>

>> No.4267767
File: 150 KB, 321x354, 1326076806147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]grow up kid. who gives a fuck if your professor called you an autist? you're the reason today's society is turning to shit because of greedy jewish lazy fucks like you. grow some balls. why is it that whenever americans get boid they want to sue?</spoiler>

>> No.4267768

[spoiler]Yes, you can sue him. But you won't win and you are going to come off as an autist faggot for the entire world.</spoiler>

>> No.4267769

It is quite an unprofessional thing to say, and he should not have done it.
However, this is not a serious enough offence to mean you will be successful in suing him.

You could make a complaint to your College or University and the professor will be disciplined, However, I am certain you will not gain any money from this</spoiler>

>> No.4267772

So you would simply take it like a little bitch?

Maybe you should tell us more about the situation and what kind of prof.

Btw. do you realize that you are on 4chan and that you are making a thread on /sci/ that your prof called you an autist? You know, that´s very autistic.</spoiler>

>> No.4267773

>implying this autistic faggot will have the balls to make a complaint</spoiler>

>> No.4267774

[spoiler]<div class="math">Was~ it~ just ~out ~of ~the~ blue?~ Was ~he/she~ lecturing~ and~then~suddenly ~pointed ~towards ~the ~class~ and ~said~ "you! ~yes `you! ~ you~ are ~an ~autist!"</div></spoiler>

>> No.4267775

I can tell it is you.
If you do not use your tripcode but use very distinct images, then there is no point.

If you want to be anonymous, be anonymous.</spoiler>

>> No.4267790

he claimed in his introductory lecture that local hidden variables are inevitable, and we simply do not have physically conceivable equipment to detect and understand them.

i approached him after the lecture ended to politely correct him that this isn't exactly a feasible solution (and why) - he interrupted me and proceeded to yell out loud that i am an "autist" in the general direction of other students walking out of the hall, then instructed me to leave.

i could care less about his unwitting and philosophical opinions, but did he really need to attack me?</spoiler>

>> No.4267796

How did you correct him?</spoiler>

>> No.4267800

>i could care less
OK, I officially fucking hate you now, you probably deserved to be chastised like that.</spoiler>

>> No.4267803

bohmian interpretation is untestable and not conceivable with our understanding of physics, bell's experiments are incompatible with hidden variables, the scientific community generally disregards LHVs, etc.</spoiler>

>> No.4267806


>> No.4267812

fucking confirmed for autism</spoiler>

>> No.4267817

[spoiler]durr I'm upset my prof is pissed of at a trumped up first year claiming to know more about the subject than he does

>> No.4267818

i bet you you're the fucking professor samefagging in this thread calling me autistic. i've never heard anyone use "autist" outside of 4chan/reddit, nonetheless in public. fuck you.

enjoy lying to your students</spoiler>

>> No.4267821

this is a 3rd year undergrad RQFT course. he shouldn't be lying in his lectures.</spoiler>

>> No.4267824

(I don't believe this happened but if I'm wrong....)
>claimed in his introductory lecture that local hidden variables are inevitable
Confirmed for shit tier university.</spoiler>

>> No.4267826
File: 153 KB, 769x595, 1326322898770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the autist is strong in this one</spoiler>

>> No.4267834

well, it did. can this be reported, or no? regardless, i'm switching to another professor.</spoiler>

>> No.4267835

[spoiler]lol these internet noobs don't know what they are talking about. Your asking 4chan if making fun of someone is okay.. 4chan. that is like asking a thief is stealing is legal. You can sue for emotional damages. It is called defamation of character if he publicly makes claims about you that are untrue. I'd show him the lawsuit papers and lol through the rest of the class. Not going to ruin his career but enough to scare him straight.</spoiler>

>> No.4267850

thanks, i appreciate it.</spoiler>

>> No.4267863


>thinking your professor has gotten on 4chan to not only make fun of you, but to samefag

This is so incredibly autistic.</spoiler>

>> No.4267881

So you're sure my case against him would be successful?
By the way, you made a grammatical error in your last post you said 'your' and you should have said 'you're'</spoiler>

>> No.4267887

[spoiler]>he calls you a autist

Call him a son of a bitch.

Seriously, get some balls you pussy.


>> No.4267896


>By the way, you made a grammatical error in your last post you said 'your' and you should have said 'you're'

That isnt an grammatical eror.</spoiler>

>> No.4267898

?implying this faggot autist kid can talk without stuttering and/or make eye contact let alone call his professor a son of a bitch</spoiler>

>> No.4267910
File: 203 KB, 295x539, 1323224608744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you made a grammatical error


>> No.4267914

Yes it was, and it should be 'a grammatical error' not 'an grammatical eror'
So would I be able to sue him successfully or not?</spoiler>

>> No.4267915
File: 38 KB, 500x313, 1326324145907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've lost track of who's trolling who</spoiler>

>> No.4267917

No, because he wasn't defaming you-- He was pointing out that you are autistic, which, judging from your last two posts, you are.</spoiler>

>> No.4267918


>Yes it was

What is the "It" that you are refering to?

>and it should be 'a grammatical error' not 'an grammatical error'

What is the "It" that you are refering to?

Why are your statements so incoherent and your references undefined?
Are you <120 Iq?</spoiler>

>> No.4267922

>of who's trolling whom
who is the object in this case so it is whom</spoiler>

>> No.4267925


You're a fucking idiot. No you can't sue him. People have the right to insult you. There are not fucking laws against hurting an insecure faggot's feelings. Get the fuck over it already.

You're a fag.
You're a pussy.
You're an autist.</spoiler>

>> No.4267934

...you're EK arnt you?</spoiler>

>> No.4267935


>of you're a fucking nigger
You're a grammar Nazi in this case so you're a tool/negro.</spoiler>

>> No.4267938
File: 35 KB, 563x593, 1325750307323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]>relativistic qft
>3rd year physicsfag
all physics majors are autists, so he's technically correct

but that also means he is an autist himself</spoiler>

>> No.4267941

[spoiler]If I was the professor I would have called you an autist and told you to get the fuck too.</spoiler>

>> No.4267947

This, jesus christ. If you're not an autist you still come off as a self-righteous pansy who can't solve his own problems. I commend the professor for his comment.</spoiler>

>> No.4267949

local hidden variable supporter detected</spoiler>

>> No.4267954

[spoiler]The only thing I have against your professor is that he didn't give you a wedgy and a kick in the ass after calling you an autist. He clearly was too easy on you.</spoiler>

>> No.4267959
File: 88 KB, 764x669, hondamotoring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]OP is going to sue everyone who called him autistic in this thread.</spoiler>

>> No.4267962

>Asks slightly autistic
>Prof asks if autistic
>Autistic OP takes offence

>Prof was just wondering


>> No.4267965

[spoiler]what the hell, you fucking faggots. i leave this thread, and some true autist claims to be me? nice going.

this was my last post:

to correct the people accusing me of being autistic, i am not. i was never medically diagnosed as such, therefore your reasoning is flawed. i'm a physics student, and i believe it was a righteous decision to correct a clearly biased error in such a high level course. i am filing a complaint to the dean, and demanding another course.</spoiler>

>> No.4267966
File: 254 KB, 437x356, 01278434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]>mfw the OP left some time ago and ive been impersonating him and making him look even more like a faggot than he actually is
>mfw everyone ITT is hating on OP.</spoiler>

>> No.4267970

fuck you, EK.</spoiler>

>> No.4267972
File: 53 KB, 615x600, hahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4267975
File: 45 KB, 180x192, trolldog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well played, EK.
I am impress.</spoiler>

>> No.4267978
File: 25 KB, 283x309, 1301654188421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4267979


Why are you using those hideous pictures?
You have a hard-on for fuglies?</spoiler>

>> No.4267980
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 1324770036229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol autist</spoiler>

>> No.4267983


>i was never medically diagnosed as such

So, I could be laying on the floor, dying in a sugar induced coma, but as long as a doctor never diagnosed me, it means I'm not really diabetic.

your reasoning is flawed, you are clearly autistic, diagnosis or not.

As a mater of fact, if your professor has a Ph.D, then he is a doctor and then that counts as a diagnosis.</spoiler>

>> No.4267989

a physics phd does not imply an md. i was tested during childhood.</spoiler>

>> No.4267991


Just because the tests results were wrong doesnt mean that you dont have Autism.</spoiler>

>> No.4267993


The fact that you were tested as a child already says a lot. People don't test for autism unless there are signs of it.

>a physics phd does not imply an md

I'd take the word of a physics Ph.D over some stupid autistic man child any day. You've officially been diagnosed as autistic. Get used to it.</spoiler>

>> No.4267995

[spoiler]Have you been vaccinated, OP?
Then it's very likely you have autism.</spoiler>

>> No.4267998


Did they also test you for faggotism? Because you seem to also have a huge case of that.</spoiler>

>> No.4268001
File: 304 KB, 1600x1200, baptism_immersion_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]ITT:Op getting officially baptised into Autism.

>Full Autismal Immersion</spoiler>

>> No.4268004
File: 34 KB, 400x278, 1310453707435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Pic related, it is a medical diagnosis for OP</spoiler>

>> No.4268011

you cannot prove that i am autistic, what the hell is wrong with you people. the situation is essentially equivalent to bitch-slapping someone when they factually inform you of something that you clearly had an uneducated opinion on. the professor blatantly accused me of being an autist (yelling it out loud to the other students leaving, too) as an as hominem-esque response to my statement.</spoiler>

>> No.4268014

>you cannot prove that i am autistic
>shifting the burden of proof

You have to prove you are not autistic.</spoiler>

>> No.4268015
File: 600 KB, 420x561, EK2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reported for permaban evasion, EK. Enjoy your ...uhh</spoiler>

>> No.4268017


>> No.4268020


Only an autist would give a damn.

Also, we have proof. It's called the "Duck test".</spoiler>

>> No.4268021
File: 59 KB, 500x478, 1325720686549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4268026


>Implying an anecdote is a valid evidence for your argument.</spoiler>

>> No.4268023

Your capslock tells a different story.</spoiler>

>> No.4268029


>> No.4268030

nothing i've stated is autistic in quality. your argument is invalid.</spoiler>

>> No.4268034

It's a common symptom of autistics not being able to reflect their behaviour.</spoiler>

>> No.4268043


There is an entire thread of people and a Ph.D who would disagree. You are standing all by yourself in your conclusion that you are not autistic. That's pretty conclusive.</spoiler>

>> No.4268044

no, it does not. it adds emphasis for someone clearly incapable of reading.

>an anecdote
how is a professional medical examination an anecdote?

you are not me.

oh, really?</spoiler>

>> No.4268047

You are not OP, you are EK trolling on.</spoiler>

>> No.4268050

>There is an entire thread of people
none of you have supplemented a hint of evidence to me supporting that i am autistic in quality besides outright accusation based on what some pretentious professor called me.

>a Ph.D who would disagree
again, it's quite intuitive that he stated such things as he knew he was spewing out illogical and incorrect information to 20 students.</spoiler>

>> No.4268051


>how is a professional medical examination an anecdote?

Asserting that you had a professional medical examination is an Anecdote.

Fuck, you are stupid in addition to being autistic.
Sucks to be you.</spoiler>

>> No.4268052

[spoiler]Why don't you just stab him if he hurt your feelings?</spoiler>

>> No.4268054
File: 33 KB, 400x332, 1100887a-bade-44b0-bf07-c332782663a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]OP's face when he finally realizes he is autistic</spoiler>

>> No.4268057

I can tell the autism by your posts. It's not hard.</spoiler>

>> No.4268056

i am not the scotsman.</spoiler>

>> No.4268071

>Asserting that you had a professional medical examination is an Anecdote.
no, it is not. i would have received results that tested positive for some form of autism and would have been placed into a special education program in grade school. i was not, and the results were negative for the entire autism spectrum. i am not a fucking autist.</spoiler>

>> No.4268077

[spoiler]Hello everyone. I am a Psychiatrist.

I have analyzed this thread and have come to a conclusion that OP is most certainly autistic.

Nothing to be ashamed of. There are many people with high-functioning autism who lead relatively normal lives.</spoiler>

>> No.4268079

[spoiler]forget this bullshit. i'm clearly being trolled by a zoology (a soft science) major and a bunch of other faggots who probably have yet to pass high school.

fuck you all.</spoiler>

>> No.4268080

Maybe you've been placed in a special education program and nobody told you about it.</spoiler>

>> No.4268083

[spoiler]>implying doctors don't make mistakes

Sure is autistic up in here</spoiler>

>> No.4268085


and now we know


>> No.4268091
File: 25 KB, 400x352, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]How do you know he didn't see you drawing in the margins of your notebook and call you an artist?</spoiler>

>> No.4268093

[spoiler]Either you're autistic, or you're a ridiculous pedant. Regardless, you are coming off as a huge faggot.
If your professor made a mistake in his lecture, talk to him when he has time and explain your point of view. Don't ambush him right after class when he's probably in a hurry to get somewhere and then threaten to sue him when he insults you. Jesus Christ, if you were actually interested in learning something in school you would open a professor with whom you disagree because it would give you a chance to have your assumptions challenged, rather than switching to another class just because your feelings were hurt. Sometimes shit happens; learn to deal instead of asking the dean to move you to a less mean professor.
What you should have done is gotten both explain your views on what happened before you start threatening to sue or report him to his supervisor. You're what's wrong with the world today, that everyone leaps to try to inflict revenge on someone over the slightest misunderstanding instead of actually trying to reason it out like civilised beings.
Fuck you, OP, you autistic fuck.</spoiler>

>> No.4268105


The only logical solution for this first world problem.
And reported everyone in the thread just in case some of you try to dispute this foolproof logic.</spoiler>

>> No.4268107


Fuck that, revenge stab him OP</spoiler>

>> No.4268109
File: 73 KB, 428x510, 1324942981254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4268122


My sides!</spoiler>