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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3 KB, 212x139, 1326835746597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4267364 No.4267364 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of making a comic, /sci/, these guys are on some alien planet in the future and for a makeshift light source, two liquids are combined and when they react they give off a sort of blue-ish gas that looks like glowing steam. Is this physically possible or no? Glowing gas.

>> No.4267375


>> No.4267384

The only things that glow do so because they are radioactive or burning.

>> No.4267393

Damn, I thought it would look pretty cool. Thanks for the info!

>> No.4267395 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 302x356, 01290843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neon lights, mutherfucker! how do they FUCKING work??
are they radioactive? no!
are they burning? no!</spoiler>

>> No.4267414

>are they radioactive? no!
>implying they aren't more radioactive than cobalt

>> No.4267428

Maybe you're looking for something like glow sticks.


I can't think of any impressive examples for chemoluminescence in gases right now.

>> No.4267437

Why no sun(s)?

>> No.4267438

Made of ice or lava?

>> No.4267443

<div class="math"> \fbox{>>4267438} </div>

<div class="math"> Mostly~hydrogen...~Mostly...</div>

>> No.4267449 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 239x209, alienguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is that from? the film aliens? I remember that from somewhere...damn this is gonna be so frustrating.</spoiler>

>> No.4267458

>in the sun

That's absurd. The sun doesn't have an atmosphere.

>> No.4267476


Sort of thing?

>> No.4267515
File: 40 KB, 542x416, Latex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


<div class="math"> Hah!~I~don't~remember~either.</div>

On another note, why are so few using LaTeX?
<div class="math"> \fbox{It's very simple, pic related} </div>

Most people just use a workaround for the spoiler?

>> No.4267520 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wondered why i kept seeing so many box posts here today, you guys are using it to beat the blackout?

lol, amateurs...</spoiler>

>> No.4267526


<div class="math"> \fbox{I think I mentioned that I was aware of workarounds in my previous post... It's much easier to just use LaTeX though... You know, since very few people will actually fiddle with more advanced browser settings than "set homepage to".} </div>

>> No.4267529

Biologists can't into latex.

>> No.4267528 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 474x356, 01298436110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying using latex for EVERY SNGLE POST is 'easier' than a 1 time work around that permanently fixes it.</spoiler>

>> No.4267532

<div class="math">\fbox{You are using a picture of EK to expres yourself? Lol amateur.}</div>

<div class="math">\fbox{Anyway let's try a \fbox{box} within a box}</div>

>> No.4267536

<div class="math">\rm{too~bad}</div>

>> No.4267537 [DELETED] 

those arnt pictures of EK, those are pictures of FvR.
I never posted pics of myself, i just have hundreds of reaction faces, and FvR R-faces were always my favourite.</spoiler>

>> No.4267540

please just go away. stop posting here. stop identifying yourself as EK. Just fuck off you crazy bitch.

>> No.4267541
File: 114 KB, 1440x1320, 1287204892074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not EK

>> No.4267547

now I wish she kept the trip and I just put 4chan trip filter on.

>> No.4267550 [DELETED] 
File: 245 KB, 387x436, umad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4267553

<div class="math">\fbox{I don't care who it is, it just needs to stop, it's so ugly it gave Mohammed Ali Parkinsons'}</div>

>> No.4267559 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 229x150, 4732498327942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4267560

>reddit reaction images
>quality posts


>> No.4267561

yeah I'm done. you'll never let this board be without you shitting it up. I really thought that getting rid of the trip would help, but you still post as EK regardless. I'm out /sci/.

>> No.4267565 [DELETED] 

no, i post as anon regardless.</spoiler>

>> No.4267568

You could make a math thread.

>> No.4267574
File: 529 KB, 1196x1280, 1283701037650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who's FvR?

>> No.4267577


The reddit influx is noticeable everywhere.

>> No.4267580


<div class="math"> It's~not~about~IF~it's~easier.~It's~about~writing~so~others~have~an~easier~time~reading~it,~and~
do~the~workaround themselves..~ \fbox{Stupid biologist} </div>

>> No.4267582

<div class="math">\fbox{Now that's a thought}</div>

>> No.4267583

Fidel Valdez Ramos, popularly known as FVR, was the 12th President of the Philippines.

>> No.4267584

No, by posting your distinctive reaction images, you are posting as EK fucktard. Not to mention how you always insult everyone. Just go die already.

>> No.4267587

What other than a brilliant thought do you expect from a genius?

>> No.4267589
File: 14 KB, 268x326, Alexander_Grothendieck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4267596 [DELETED] 

they would, you could just tell them how to do the work around.

used to be one of the presidents in the Philippines.

yeh i might have to cut back on some of my images, they identify me too obviously...but fucktards like you deserve to be insulted, so dont pull that sit. i seriously cat believe someone as retarded as you managed to turn on a fucking computer, let alone navigate their way onto /sci/, you stupid cunt.</spoiler>

>> No.4267597

<div class="math">\fbox{Don't fish for compliments please}</div>

>> No.4267601

I don't fish for compliments, they naturally come to me.

>> No.4267604


<div class="math"> \fbox{You're the one that study babby biology also known as zoology. Besides, the censor stuff is only for a day} </div>

>> No.4267608 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 457x457, 457x457-technologically-impaired-duck-dont-turn-the-monitor-off-i-havent-saved-my-work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever, then shut the fuck up, ad you can keep doing your fucking fbox shit, you just look like a computer illiterate tard. pic related, its you.</spoiler>

>> No.4267612
File: 23 KB, 300x300, Columbonotamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<div class="math">\rm{please~go}</div>

>> No.4267615


<div class="math"> \fbox{It's so sad... You have actually lost your ability to communicate sensibly} </div>

>> No.4267616
File: 11 KB, 257x257, goodbadidea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better idea; instead of two chemicals; a chemical and some very small life forms that glow when consuming that chemical.

maybe they found some weird glowing mist and they concluded it was floating bacteria?

they scoop some up in a jar, and whenever they want it to glow, they drop some flower nectar or some certain liquid they found near the glowing gas

plankton does this all the time, but in water. look up plankton blooms

>> No.4267618 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 248x203, ralph_pls_go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4267620

<div class="math">\fbox{let's see if this bitch works}</div>

>> No.4267624 [DELETED] 

<span class="math"> \fbox{disregard that, i suck cocks}

>> No.4267627

<div class="math"> that didn't work quite right </div>

>> No.4267629

Fucking THIS.
Bioluminescence is awesome.

>> No.4267638


<div class="math"> \fbox{Hit F5 and wait for it to load the script, you DID write it correctly, however, when writing outside fbox you have to use tilde sign to mark spaces} like~this,~not like this.</div>

spaces: "~"

>> No.4267644

What about bioluminecent lifeforms, you nigger?

>> No.4267668
File: 22 KB, 214x170, 1293033510193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an awesome idea, but I don't know how I could incorporate that without flat-out explaining it.

>> No.4267677

why not flat out explain it? or have the characters speculate on it

>wow, it's like a living gas, and it feeds of this weird pink liquid we keep seeing in pools
>wait, like algae blooms?
>yeah, those huge colonies of algae in the ocean that cover like, hundreds of square miles and light up at night, i saw an article about them once
>how do you know this crap?
>RSS feeds, get a jar to scoop it up with

>> No.4267678


<div class="math"> \fbox{considering it was posted 15 min ago... I think you need to do some more thinking before arriving to that conclusion} </div>
<div class="math"> \fbox{If you don't think of something, then <div class="math"> \fbox{think of how you're gonna explain it so it matches the atmosphere and whatnot.} </div>
<div class="math"> \fbox{It could be such a colorful and immersive explanation that you don't realize you just read a whole paragraph about why some gas glows, but are just more sucked in by the atmosphere.}
~~~~You~get~the~point. </div></div>

>> No.4267680


\fbox{If you don't think of something, then think of how you're gonna explain it so it matches the atmosphere and whatnot.}

\fbox{It could be such a colorful and immersive explanation that you don't realize you just read a whole paragraph about why some gas glows, but are just more sucked in by the atmosphere.}

>> No.4267684

<div class="math">
\fbox{If you don't think of something, then think of how you're gonna explain it so it matches the atmosphere and whatnot.} </div>

\fbox{It could be such a colorful and immersive explanation that you don't realize you just read a whole paragraph about why some gas glows, but are just more sucked in by the atmosphere.}

Polite sage for correction

>> No.4267714

I dunno it's just something that'd span for just a few panels to establish a light source. Also I don't know wtf happened in this thread.