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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 12 KB, 220x220, 220px-Flat_earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4266048 No.4266048 [Reply] [Original]

Are any of them serious do you suppose?
Do you admire their tenacity?</spoiler>

>> No.4266074

Q: "What about satellites? How do they orbit the Earth?"

A: Since sustained spaceflight is not possible, satellites cannot orbit the Earth. The signals we supposedly receive from them are either broadcast from towers or any number of possible pseudolites. However, temporary space-flight is possible.

Oh dear.</spoiler>

>> No.4266081
File: 56 KB, 225x220, 3915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]No, it just makes me sad.</spoiler>

>> No.4266084

holy shit this thread
i can't stop laughing and peeing</spoiler>

>> No.4266086

I s'pose I could. But then again, you would be able to make the same argument to admire a schizophrenics insistence that the ants crawling on his face are real, and even then he still has more a credible argument than the FES.</spoiler>

>> No.4266087

> Topic: What causes the circle of darkness? (Read 217 times)
What indeed...</spoiler>

>> No.4266092

I think it's largely a joke. Like Stephen Colbert.</spoiler>

>> No.4266094



>> No.4266095

[spoiler]It's satire. You guys are stupid</spoiler>

>> No.4266100

>implying this thread is not metaironic satire of the highest order</spoiler>

>> No.4266106

[spoiler]awfully active forum and comprehensive descriptions for a simple satire no one knows about anyways</spoiler>

>> No.4266112

[spoiler]>the earth is NOT 2D; it is in the shape of a cylinder
It's too much to take /sci/, I'm not ready for this.</spoiler>

>> No.4266116

[spoiler]>Thinking that the Earth is an oblate spheroid.
Just when I thought /sci/ couldn't get dumber.</spoiler>

>> No.4266121

If the Earth was round, the fucking water would rip off the bottom. I thought you faggots were suppose to be the smart board.</spoiler>

>> No.4266137

[spoiler]Q: "What about Lunar Eclipses?"

A: A celestial body, known as the antimoon, passes between the sun and moon. This projects a shadow upon the moon.

ha! I knew it!</spoiler>

>> No.4266138

Aaaaaaaand there goes the thread.</spoiler>

>> No.4266139

[spoiler]>When traveling in a straight direction, you will always reach the same point on the globe from where you started. How can this happen if the world is flat?"
>You need to have evidence for this to be true.
>Ranulph Fiennes, Transglobe Expedition, early 80s

>> No.4266140

[spoiler]Reason why earth is flat
« on: November 13, 2011, 06:39:55 PM »
I just realized why the earth is flat when all other celestial bodies are spherical. Could it be possible that only flat planets could support life.</spoiler>

>> No.4266142

[spoiler]All this Dark Matter talk is fucking sweet, even if these guys are coco bananas.</spoiler>

>> No.4266147

[spoiler]>I don't wish to refer to the mechanics, but rather an inconsistency that arises within FET. According to Continental Drift Theory, all modern continents spawned from a single one called Pangea. My question is simple. Assuming a Flat Earth, how would the continents have developed differently in a Round Earth Environment? And as an aside, How did Antarctica become a wall of Ice in a Flat Earth Setting?

>Plate tectonics does not exist.

I fucking knew it.</spoiler>

>> No.4266148

[spoiler]Is this site serious?

I hope it doesnt.</spoiler>

>> No.4266150

[spoiler]>Why has no one taken a photo of the Earth that proves it is flat?
>Only those connected to the Conspiracy have access to heights from which the shape of the Earth can be discerned.
>Homemade Space Camera, LMGTFY</spoiler>

>> No.4266157

[spoiler]Signing up for the Membership certificate. $9.00 is more than worth it.</spoiler>

>> No.4266159

[spoiler]I'm fucking memorizing this FAQ. Just about any argument you make against them, they have an answer for, until all you have is:
>This is just absurd, we just know its round. Why are you fighting so hard to prove it's flat?

And their obvious and irrefutable comeback is:
>You're all trying so much harder to prove that it's round. Just look down. It's flat.</spoiler>

>> No.4266160

[spoiler]Q: "How did NASA create these images with the computer technology available at the time?"

A: NASA did not send rockets into space; instead, they spent a fraction of their funding on developing increasingly advanced computers and imaging software to cover their lies.

PLEASE NOTE: This means that pictures confirming the roundness or flatness of the Earth DO NOT CONSTITUTE VALID PROOF.


>> No.4266162
File: 71 KB, 400x239, blow in from stupid down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]I don't want to live on this planet anymore</spoiler>

>> No.4266173

What do these people have to gain from a flat earth? Do they have Flat-Earther Fund or something?</spoiler>

>> No.4266177

[spoiler]Guys the dark matter is affecting the text on our website, this is proof!</spoiler>

>> No.4266179
File: 13 KB, 264x306, 1295316697555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4266183


>> No.4266192

[spoiler]These are some brilliantly stubborn members of our society huh?

Any other field go to these sorts of lengths? Creationism is chucked about, but it looks small time compared to Flat Earthers.</spoiler>

>> No.4266190
File: 24 KB, 884x594, 5556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4266199

I'd call them about even. At least photos can be doctored, I think carbon dating is pretty straight shooting.</spoiler>

>> No.4266205

The expanding earth guys are pretty good.
I'm sure there's a group that claims Heliocentrism is a government plot.
Yeah, don't know what it is about geology/astronomy that attracts these kinds of people.</spoiler>

>> No.4266220
File: 25 KB, 314x347, hank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]I'm totally joining this site, and I'm not even going to fuck with them. I'm trying to help them close holes in their theory. This is awesome.</spoiler>

>> No.4266226

They don't even claim to have accurate maps, if you want a starting point</spoiler>

>> No.4266230

But I can't fly high enough to make one! It's physically impossible!</spoiler>

>> No.4266233


>> No.4266235

[spoiler]>celestial bodies emit harmful radiation and other effects which can seriously mess you up. The Sun emits hot light, the Moon emits cold light, and the Antimoon emits light beyond the visible spectrum. All of them are transmission vectors for dangerous malaises, and though the Moon is the most immediately dangerous, I wouldn't risk staring too long at the Antimoon either.</spoiler>

>> No.4266245
File: 16 KB, 337x200, flat earth society certificate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I /sci/ enough now?</spoiler>

>> No.4266251

No, why is that image so small?</spoiler>