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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 42 KB, 1236x538, omegle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4264892 No.4264892 [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]You: Hey!
Stranger: hey :) 18 male here
You: hello!
You: would you mind taking a little iq test i just came up with?
Stranger: um sure try me
You: you must tell me which ones of the following letters are "i" and which ones are "L"
You: IIlIlIllIl
Stranger: even tho a real iq test can't be done over omegle :P and also takes into account where you live. k that's stupid and has nothing to do with iq
You: i'm still callibrating it
You: that's why i'm here
You: also all iq tests are bullshit anyway
Stranger: haha well it's actually impossible to do over omegle and no they aren't. the ones you do online are yes but go to a real place that tests your real iq and it's not bull shit
Stranger: your talking to a person that is part of mensa (can only join if you have a certain high IQ)
You: so you don't know how to answer?
You: oh
You: so THAT's why you think iq tests are not bullshit
You: i just had a 10 year old girl answer me correctly in a few seconds
Stranger: actually the childs brains works better at that sort of thing because an adult mind over analyzes things.
You: haha oh man a mensa club guy can't answer my question this is hilarious


>> No.4264897

[spoiler]Stranger: and i choose not to answer not because i don't know the answer but because i refuse to answer such a stupid question when you try to pull it off as an IQ test.
You: an adult is more familiar with the computer enviorment and the processes that can lead you to answer it
You: (you just had to copypaste the letters somewhere else with a typography where i and l are different)
Stranger: not true at all in fact. children are more influenced by computers then adults. your arguments are not helping your image of a smuck in my opinion.
You: it's
You: are you familiar with any 10 year olds dude
Stranger: yes
You: you said you're 18 anyway
Stranger: indeed
Stranger: your point being?
You: that you've used computers for pretty much your whole life anyway
You: your point could make sense if you were 40 or something like that
Stranger: not at all, and making that assumption shows that your ignorant and not well educated. I grew up without computers and from birth till the age of 9 i didn't know how to use them, where as children today use them like no one's business. also if i were in a part of the world that would have undermined my chances of having a computer that would have seriously affected my computer knowledge as well
You: wait are we arguing that mine is not a very good iq test or that you're not stupid
You: because i agree with the first point but not the second


conversation still ongoing

btw i am serious about the 10 year old girl thing</spoiler>

>> No.4264911

[spoiler]aw man he disconnected :c</spoiler>

>> No.4264921

[spoiler]Go away.</spoiler>

>> No.4264922


this is so interesting, anon.

please, don't stop.</spoiler>

>> No.4264924

[spoiler]Starting to work with a computer at the age of 9 gives him PLENTY of time to familiarize himself with the concept of ctrl-c, ctrl-v</spoiler>

>> No.4264925
File: 13 KB, 300x300, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]OP actually believes there are 10 year old girls on omegle.</spoiler>

>> No.4264932

well i tried to talk to her and she was utterly boring and stupid

AND she didn't make any kind of sexual advances

so i took her seriously</spoiler>

>> No.4264937

[spoiler]anyway here's the end of the conversation

Stranger: we are actually arguing much more then that. we are also arguing that you are an uneducated loaf. who probably isn't achieving your full potential because of cheer laziness.
Stranger: and lack of wanting to know more
You: okay could you summarize your points on why i'm an uneducated loaf?
Stranger: it would be hard to summarize with all the info your provided me on your views
Stranger: you've
Stranger: *
You: so what you're saying is
You: that you have no point at all?
You: you're just trying to convince yourself that you're not dumber than a 10 year old girl
Stranger: not at all. i know that in many ways a 10 year old girl will always beat me on certain types of questions
You: okay you know what
You: would you like to keep this tab open
You: while i open more conversation and try my question a few times
You: so we can see how it goes
You: hey maybe you're dumber than the entire internet!
Stranger: dumber is such a bad word to use. plus i've already said that the reason i didn't answer wasn't because i dodn't know but because you were trying to pass it of as an IQ test
You: aw jeeez i am sorry about that, i thought nobody took IQ tests seriously anymore
Stranger: on the contrary they are quite serious. just not the stupid ones people like yourself put together
You: also sorry about using the word dumber i'm not a native speaker so i'm not always aware of the connotations of certain words
You: i hope you realize that i never intended to make any kind of serious iq test
You: just
Your conversational partner has disconnected.</spoiler>

>> No.4264958


What do I win</spoiler>

>> No.4264966

slowpoke award for excellent reading comprehension</spoiler>

>> No.4264982

[spoiler]Five L's and five I's</spoiler>

>> No.4264986
File: 9 KB, 177x278, 1322448779494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey 16

Stranger: male

You: Hey

You: 12 f

Stranger: a little to young sorry lol

You: no way

You: ive done heaps of shit with my uncle :)

You: i know things

Stranger: haha thats kinda effed up

You: i guess

You: but boys like me heaps

You: so its ok

Stranger: who does stuff with there uncle

You: ok

You: well

You: can you take a quick IQ test with me?

Stranger: no

You: why?

Stranger: cuz i dont want to

You: why?

Stranger: iq tests are dumb on the interent

You: why?

Stranger: inbread freak

You: why?

I don't know who is more retarded</spoiler>

>> No.4265024

[spoiler]what the fuck

everyone disconnects before answering the question

is the world really that retarded and coward?</spoiler>

>> No.4265039

You're the one wasting time on omegle and shitposting on /sci/</spoiler>