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4264717 No.4264717 [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]I don't know if this more of an adv problem but I coming here.

I have very little motivation or drive to do much of anything. I procrastinate and make excuses. Examples include working out, attaining knowledge through reading or videos, becoming better socially. Basically I want to change me but I'm to damn lazy. I have some goals but I don't feel like taking the steps to acheive them.

Are people born inherently lazy, like they lack some chemical that helps motivate them?

Is this a psychological issue?

Or am I just a fucking lazy peice of shit? (Is there anyway to overcome being a lazy peice of shit when you lack the drive to actually change?)</spoiler>

>> No.4264732


>> No.4264743

[spoiler]I remember reading that this had been identified partially as a genetic issue, and that there were genes for 'self-regulation,' giving one a chemical impulse to do various constructive things. Poor explanation, I'm a layman, Google has further solutions in this vein.</spoiler>

>> No.4264754


So you can't change how motivated you are?</spoiler>

>> No.4264781

[spoiler]bump then I be done</spoiler>

>> No.4264800

[spoiler]start running and lifting weights (not roidhead bodybuilder mode.. unless you want to)
you'll find yourself having more energy and focus

cut down on this shitty food too, no more fizzy juice and more fish</spoiler>

>> No.4264801

[spoiler]Bumping because I also need to unlazy my white ass.

NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) might have some practical mental exercises. If you're unfamiliar with it, NLP is kind of like self hypnosis.


This looks like a good place to start, but for now I'm gonna kick back with a beer and some Chales Mingus. Because I'm lazy.</spoiler>

>> No.4264806

partly =/= totally

the human population is partly gay, it doesn't mean the human race is going to die off after this generation dies</spoiler>

>> No.4264827


I've been eating healthy for about 5 months and my roomates getting me started in a week or two in the weight room.

I'm starting running again as well, I used to do cross country and track in high school.

And I eat fish fuck yea.

I know this might seem partly unrelated but has anyone here ever had experience with beta blockers?</spoiler>

>> No.4264851

>beta blockers

oh, you're depressed
lack of motivation comes with depression

you'll want to get that sorted out</spoiler>

>> No.4264852
File: 40 KB, 402x332, 1294114245616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think back to the time you were motivated
>never been motivated

Next up: homeopathy medicine</spoiler>

>> No.4264916

I'm not saying there aren't any hopeless cases, if you've never been motivated to do anything in your life then you're probably going to struggle.

NLP did help with my phobia of wasps and bees though, I used to get nearly hysterical at the sight of a bee, now I can just chill with my yellow and black stripey buddies, so it definitely works on some level. Just trying to help, no need for name calling.

Also, *Charles Mingus. Not "Chales," dammit.</spoiler>

>> No.4264941


Meeehhh. Maybe a little. I feel like admitting I have even slight depression makes me weak. I want to be happy and motivated, and outgoing, but I can never see it through.</spoiler>

>> No.4264943

Not admitting a flaw or fault, confronting it and taking steps to rectify it is weak.</spoiler>

>> No.4264983


>> No.4264994

[spoiler]motivation, just like most (all?) emotions are tied to biological origins. That doesn't mean you can't change how much motivation you have, however. Individual experience promotes neuroplasticity which in simple terms is the rewiring of the brain.</spoiler>