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4261795 No.4261795 [Reply] [Original]

"The best drivers pass their test the second time."

>> No.4261808

Lol fail, I got my license the first time I took the test.

>> No.4261824

Hypothesis: The best drivers are male.

Method of testing: Post the above statement on twitter and see how many women tweet their disgust at said statement using their mobile phones while behind the wheel.

Prediction: Guinness World Record for number of car crashes caused by a single tweet

>> No.4261825

are you a good driver?

>> No.4261826

Sounds about right, passed my first time and I can't even parallel park. I've been lucky not to kill anyone, because I've almost hit some pedestrians and bicyclists. I also haven't been in an accident even though I've gotten close to being in one at least 30 times. I've crashed into 4 snowbanks in the winter. Spun out countless times on the ice...

>> No.4261834

I failed my first time because I made an illegal turn. It was impossible for it to harm anyone, but you know, it was illegal.
felt bad man.

>> No.4261842

Failed first time on an automatic fail

I think I'm a pretty good driver

>> No.4261843
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Reasonably good. I drive a standard, and my friends have said my driving is pretty decent. I've been driving only once every one or two weeks recently though, so I'm slightly rusty these days (I got my license in grade 12, and I'm about to graduate university). My parents trust me enough with the car to let me take it on camping trips to places that are 300-400km away, etc.

>> No.4261845

>I've almost hit some pedestrians and bicyclists
That's not necessarily your fault. When I'm driving through a parking lot of a shopping centre I average around 5 close calls. Bitches don't give a shit, they just walk out 5 feet in front of your moving car, most pushing a stroller in front of them.

>> No.4261848

I failed the first time for no reason. I was making a perfectly legal turn, yielding to traffic, and the instructor yanks the wheel over when I'm going to turn because I didn't wait long enough. I just laughed and aced it the second time.

>> No.4261847 [DELETED] 
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I passed on my 5th try.

The cutoff for the driving test was under 15 points, and on my next-to-last try I scored 86.

>> No.4261851

Yea... next time you go driving, want to send me a text so that I know not to go close to shopping centers? LOL

>> No.4261862

I passed on my second time by one point and I haven't gotten in an accident yet...

>> No.4261865

I failed it about 3 times, had to take the written test again and then passed it. That said, I feel I'm a good driver, I can squeeze the car through tight spots and haven't been in a crash yet (5 years now).

Can't generalize, depends on the driver.

>> No.4261869

>I've almost hit some pedestrians and bicyclists
I think we've all almost hit a pedestrian or bicyclist. Some bicyclists don't give a fuck about traffic laws and will cut you off or run a red light for lulz; as for pedestrians, it's like people suddenly forget what it's like to be driving once they're on foot.

>> No.4261880

if you manage to fail the licence test in australia you shouldn't be driving. ever. it's that fucking easy.

>> No.4261885

What is the logic behind the statement in OP's post? I'm finding it hard to understand where it's even coming from.

>> No.4261889

I'm so goddamn good they just gave me a license, I didn't even have to take the test.

What now bitches?

(This is actually true, well sort of. I went in to renew my permit and they accidentally gave me a license. I never told anyone, but I've never got in an accident so, herp a derp fuck the system.)

>> No.4261891

It's a phrase that's commonly used among people who failed their test the first time, usually accompanied by the name of some racer who passed their second time.

>> No.4261892

In Canada, we have three tests before you get your final license.

First, a written test (40 multiple choice where you can only get 8 wrong maximum).

Second, a in-car test (about 15 minutes with 3-point-turn, parallel parking and regular driving)

Third, you have to do another in-car test, like step two, only this time you go on the highway. (30 min test)

It's quite annoying and takes like 4 years to get it all done. I passed first try on the first two, but second time on the final test. The average fail rate for the second and third test is about 50%.

>> No.4261895

Depends on province, and in Ontario it takes you slightly under 2 years to get through it all if you don't fail, take a driving course, and take the tests as early as possible. Like me! :)

>> No.4261904

Yeah, I'm in Ontario. It took me about 4 years because I didn't go for my G test right away. It only take slightly under 2 years if you take some sort of driving school.

Where did you take your test? I had to go to St. Catharines, which has some of the highest fail rates because it is located right in the city and is quite hectic.

>> No.4261925

Lol, I went to the one at Victoria Park + Lawrence, right in the middle of Toronto (well, technically on the border with Scarborough but w.e, it's pretty busy). For my G test, had to drive on the 401 and DVP bro XD

>> No.4261942

>"The best drivers pass their test the second time."
becoming good at something comes with experience
the test is there only to check that you cover the minimum requirements to be a driver

even a retard can get a drivers license....
fuck op for being an under aged faggot
and being CANCER on /sci/

>> No.4263269

Agree, OP.

>> No.4263471

Passed test second time. Only failed the first time because I had never done a 3-point turn before test day.

5 formal 1 hour lessons + some informal driving with a friend in passenger seat.

Driving is easy, the best drivers know where the limits of the car are and what happens when shit goes wrong because they've deliberately put themselves into a controlled limit pushing situation and are constantly learning. Being able to roll around piss slow without hitting something does not mean you're a good driver. Cautious maybe, not necessarily skilled.

>> No.4263478

the best dont pass first time either.

if you have to define the best drivers it would only be those who drive frequently. its all about familiarising yourself with the task