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4259647 No.4259647 [Reply] [Original]

Quantum physics proves the occult:


>> No.4259655

Sounds like this fag just watched "down the rabbit hole" and thinks he understands QM.

>> No.4259666

That's not "Down the Rabbit Hole", though.

>> No.4259669

No, all he's doing is saying "There are things in quantum physics we can't explain, therefore the occult maybe?" But what he doesn't know about quantum physics could fill a warehouse.

>> No.4259673

Down the rabbit hole is about quantum mysticism, which is what he's peddling.

>> No.4259686

That's not that video, though.

>> No.4259693

What are you on about? I know OP didn't post down the rabbit hole. I said the fag WATCHED dtrh and thinks he knows what's talking about because of a watered down documentary.

>> No.4259702

This thread is stupid, you're all being trolled.

If you watch the video in the OP, it's actually all accurate and the guy says NOT to make the jump to connect QM with mystical things.
The whole video perfectly addresses the exact opposite of what OP is saying.

So in short, OP refuted his own point with that video.. No need to do it again.


>> No.4259706

If he watched all of it, the majority of the video is about his plead to scientists to not rule out new age mythology because in his opinion, scientists are scared of the occult as a possible explanation.

>> No.4259710

Did you only watch the last minute of the video and somehow entirely miss the tone, the fact that this guy doesn't understand QM at all, accuses scientists of being narrowminded for ruling out occultism, patronises them and essentially says that they are scared?

>> No.4259733


>The Occult

The fuck does that mean, THE OCCULT

It could explain things we don't understand I guess, but isn't that the whole point of science?

>> No.4259779 [DELETED] 

wrong. Watch it again. Here is EVERYTHING he says in favor of mystical ideas:
>discusses how occultism, alchemy, etc.. were removed from courts and universities.
>states that quantum physics has reignited peoples mystical imaginations
>states that physicists are concerned that people should not look at QM as evidence of occultism
>states that "quantum physicists themselves don't understand this material"
(this one I would disagree with, although you can't blame him for stating this. There is even a famous quote where a physicist says "I think it's safe to say that nobody understands quantum physics").
>states that people are using QM to say things like "our minds create reality" which is a cherished belief of occultism
is he wrong? He doesn't say that it DOES, he only says that some PEOPLE think that way
>then he says that the above is a "hasty conclusion"

This is important:
>states that QM experiments occur on an atomic scale, and although we are taught that nature's laws are consistent we should NOT take results from there and apply them to macroscopic things in our lives like "what's going to happen to me in a corporate board meeting".
>"I encourage people NOT to make that leap".
>"at the same time I encourage physicists not to disparage the new agers who are intelligently interested in this material, they should be interested, we all should be able to have a conversation without exaggerating what's going on".
Let's analyze these quotes. He tells people NOT to make the leaps from QM supporting occultism. That last quote might be confusing, listen to it carefully, he is NOT telling physicists to consider what occultism says, what he is saying there is for physicists not to disregard the PEOPLE because they are interested in the subject.
He is NOT saying physicists should consider their ideas.

>> No.4259780

wrong. Watch it again. Here are his main points:
>discusses how occultism, alchemy, etc.. were removed from courts and universities.
>states that quantum physics has reignited peoples mystical imaginations
>states that physicists are concerned that people should not look at QM as evidence of occultism
>states that "quantum physicists themselves don't understand this material"
(this one I would disagree with, although you can't blame him for stating this. There is even a famous quote where a physicist says "I think it's safe to say that nobody understands quantum physics").
>states that people are using QM to say things like "our minds create reality" which is a cherished belief of occultism
is he wrong? He doesn't say that it DOES, he only says that some PEOPLE think that way
>then he says that the above is a "hasty conclusion"

This is important:
>states that QM experiments occur on an atomic scale, and although we are taught that nature's laws are consistent we should NOT take results from there and apply them to macroscopic things in our lives like "what's going to happen to me in a corporate board meeting".
>"I encourage people NOT to make that leap".
>"at the same time I encourage physicists not to disparage the new agers who are intelligently interested in this material, they should be interested, we all should be able to have a conversation without exaggerating what's going on".
Let's analyze these quotes. He tells people NOT to make the leaps from QM supporting occultism. That last quote might be confusing, listen to it carefully, he is NOT telling physicists to consider what occultism says, what he is saying there is for physicists not to disregard the PEOPLE because they are interested in the subject.
He is NOT saying physicists should consider their ideas.